

  • juliemouse, I am also doing the couch to 5k! you should friend me so we can do it together! I started a few days ago!
  • I had added it and I wasn't losing any. Now I don't add it and I'm finally losing (I'm eating about 1900 cals tho...) then when I workout I eat my workout cals back and I haven't seen any difference in my milk
  • go ahead and add me
  • This is a cool site: http://www.fourfriends.com/cgi-bin/milk.pl?lbs=16&oz=&feed=6&formula=%22%20newwindow= It's been posted on this forum before, but it helps you see how many ounces of breastmilk your little one is eating, then you multiply that by 25= how many more calories you need to eat. There is a "food" in MFP…
  • Ohhhhhh I want in too! I did it for two days and could not walk afterwards!! I need help and support...and friends!!
  • I had a baby 5 months ago and have also struggled with getting the weight off. If you are nursing, you shouldn't be skipping meals. You need to eat between 2000-2500 just for your milk supply. If you aren't nursing, I wouldn't recommend cutting out meals because your body can tell when you are fasting and will store what…
  • This is the story of my life. They tell you to eat between 2000 and 2500 while nursing and although i eat a ton, i continue to plateau...
  • So I have a question for everyone: as your baby gets heavier and consumes more breast milk, do you increase your breast feeding calories?? My 8 week old was 10 pounds two weeks ago and is now 11, making the amount of milk she consumes higher, according to the milk calculator. Do I change my breastfeeding calories as she…
  • I am in the same boat!! I have at LEAST 50 pounds to lose and am at a stand still with the weight coming off. I was told it would drop off if you were nursing, but the scale just keeps fluctuating between 5 pounds. I don't want to compromise my milk supply but i would LIKE to not feel like I am still 8 months pregnant!…
  • I usually do a betty crocker spice cake mix, and use the recipe as it calls for water, then instead of oil I use applesauce, and either one egg, or 3 egg whites. It's sooo yummy. For a good touch, add in chopped apples. So delish!!