yellowrose21 Member


  • Thank you :) It's really tough to keep my expectations where they need to be. On the one hand I've got it down, I know I need to rest and can't expect to keep the house as clean as I'd like (with three boys rampaging through it ;) ) and I often don't have the energy to go out and do things I'd like to do. On the other hand…
  • That's why I go to naturopaths whenever I can afford it! I was tired of being ignored, talked down to, offered sleeping pills etc. It was crazy :(
  • Whenever I see anyone walking/jogging/cycling, whatever, down the street I think "Good for you!!" Sometimes I'm tempted to shout out the car window "You're awesome! Keep it up!" Haven't yet though :wink: Especially if they are overweight and you can see that they are trying to get their life back!! So, take all this lovely…
  • Sounds fascinating. Will definitely watch :) Have started shopping a Lot more locally this last year (avoiding wal-mart etc) and really like doing it. We recycle and are always amazed at how quickly our bins fill up. Imagine all that going into a landfill! I'm sure some of it still does. Did you know commercial recycling…
  • I think vit d would be a big help. And probably magnesium, and b and so on. I'll be good about taking my stuff for a while, then I get really sick of swallowing handfuls of pills every day. I have found a powdered multi-vit that I like fairly well, so that works for me for general vitamins. It's the "extra" stuff I have a…
  • snowridesbike: your avatar, are you doing cyclocross? Too fun:) Thanks again everyone for the encouragement! I'm going to keep coming back here and reading these until I feel some spunk starting to hang on :D I do know to be Very careful with my adrenals. I had to quit mountain biking and doing Insanity type workouts with…
  • Thank you all so much! I feel better just reading your encouragements. :smile: I know what I eat is the biggest part of the equation. But I also have in the back of my mind last year if I ate the "right" number of calories to maintain my weight but I didn't work out like crazy I would end up gaining just a little. I've got…
  • Oh, good idea :) I remember doing a yoga class with a sis-in-law after our second babies were born and how Hard it was and how amazing I always felt afterward :)
  • I realize only liquid ounces are volume measurements. I could buy the scoop from true protein, yes. I'm just curious about the different weights of the powders. They're not even close. The nutrition information that shows up on the website when you create a mix always says 30g is a serving size. I'm just curious about one…