Embarrassed about people seeing me run



  • SkinnyGirlFatBody
    SkinnyGirlFatBody Posts: 98 Member
    I wouldn't worry to much about what other people are thinking. When you are putting on those shoes in the morning or if you think someone is looking at you and your selfconcious about jiggle, I find it is helpful to make a list of 5 reasons you are doing this and use it as a mantra. "I am doing this to be healthy,.....and so forth"

    Even the fittest people have times where they feel fat, most people will be supportive and if there is someone who dare say something negative, they aren't worth you're time (but you will still show them when your running like the wind and they can barely go around the block)
  • I really wouldn't worry. The only comment I ever gotten was a woman walking her dog who said "well done, you've done a brilliant job" as I finished. Most people are far too busy to be concerned about the size of your bum as you run!
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    I always think of the folks on the TV show the BIggest Loser when I think of running at my higher weight. When I was heavier years ago I didn't run because I thought I had too much weight and jiggle, but I am inspired when I see them on the treadmill, showing their bodies & ending the show with a marathon.

    You can be someone's inspiration without knowing it.
    Most people are nice and will encourage you or say hello. The others aren't worth your time. Find some good music and use the time to clear your head and focus on what matters to you.
    Most importantly, this is your journey & it begins with those first few steps.
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 179 Member
    I work out the university gym where I teach-- plenty of buff college students there, believe me!

    I look terrible when I work out-- I'm 25 lbs overweight; 50 years old; I dress like a Goodwill reject; I sweat like a racehorse; my head, arms and legs turn beet red; my boobs, butt, tummy roll, and bat wings flop and jiggle like day-old Jello; and I sometimes huff and puff and make weird noises (and occasionally unconsciously sing out loud to whatever is on my MP3 player. . . ).

    So how do I feel about the buff college students who see me at the gym? I DON'T!!! That is, I don't FEEL anything about it because I just don't think about it.

    If one of them has a problem with me, then as far as I'm concerned, it's his/her problem--not mine. I'm there to get my sweat on because it's good for ME. . . not to be somebody's gym crush or fantasy or somebody else's diet inspiration or role model or WHATEVER.

    I say, if you wanna run, put on your good shoes and your headphones, watch out for traffic, and don't worry about what others think about you!

    ^^^^^ LOVE THIS!!!
  • yellowrose21
    yellowrose21 Posts: 12 Member
    Whenever I see anyone walking/jogging/cycling, whatever, down the street I think "Good for you!!" Sometimes I'm tempted to shout out the car window "You're awesome! Keep it up!" Haven't yet though :wink: Especially if they are overweight and you can see that they are trying to get their life back!!

    So, take all this lovely advice into account and go Run! Run for YOU! Run for LIFE! And consider, instead of the bozos who have nothing better to do than judge other people, the ones who aren't yelling out their car window--"You're awesome!!"
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    You aren't still really large. You're smaller than I am now, and I run.
    & Vanessa:
    Also, what - you're not large at all!! x
    ... are right... you look gorgeous and I'm sure if college guys saw you out running there'd be plenty of wolf whistles :wink:

    I had the same attitude about getting my kit off to go swimming.. so much so I didn't venture into the pool at all last summer in Turkey. I even didn't start swimming until I'd lost my first couple of stone and used to wonder what folks thought when they saw this blob on a bike, all out of breath!

    Now, I don't care what folks think because I know that whether I'm in my lycra cycling gear or my Speedos at the pool, I'm there for me to get fit and feel fantastic. And the truth is, I'm not the only one! :happy:

    Well done for taking the plunge and getting fit! :flowerforyou:
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I was the same even after i lost weight and was transistioning from running on a treadmill indoors to outside. All I can say is Do it. There is this probably 300lb plus women I see quite often on my runs doing the power walking bit and I think Good for her. On the flip side I have a co-worker who is 300 lb plus and sits on his but, it takes a crane to move him out of his chair and *****es about being overweight. We work maintaince and we can walk around all day long.
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    Youre all absolutely the BEST.. I didn't go running this morning (stayed up too late reading) BUT I've aquired some work out clothes and tomorrow it's on! I'm so excited and I feel so much better and I can't wait until I can run! Thanks so much, I read every reply and I so appreciate them xxxx
  • rlwart
    rlwart Posts: 47 Member
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    I really wouldn't worry, keep reminding yourself that you're doing it for you, not the spectators. Most onlookers don't notice us while we run & those that do usually give a smile or wave when we're out running, which gives a nice push to keep going.

    When I see average or overweight women running while I'm out or about, it actually brings a smile to my face & I think, "You go girl!" And then proceed to feel guilty, if I missed my own run that day. :D

    On a similar note, if you're worried about looking silly, imagine how silly I looked today running in -30 in tights, with frozen eyelashes, a purple sweater & a pink neck warmer pulled all the way up over my nose? OMG, I'm SO happy that I didn't look in the mirror before I left the house, I'm sure I looked a sight! (Especially considering that I did not remove last night's mascara. EEK!) :D
  • Osu2k1
    Osu2k1 Posts: 116 Member
    I am 285 lb and I just started the C25k today. I started on day 1 at the gym on the treadmill. I was wondering if I would get looks, and I did. But all were smiles. I think most people would be "impressed" that I was doing it, getting out there and just doing it (thanks Nike). I am going to sign up for my first 5k in 10 weeks. I know I'll be one of the bigger "runners" but I don't care. I am doing it for me, my kids and family. :smile:
  • I too have experienced this and I can just encourage you to keep going and focus on the end results and that you are doing whats best for you. I gave into the pressure of not feeling comfy in my skin and allowing looks from others drive me away from my fitness goals... Ive paid big time and put on an additional 10 lbs plus the original 15 I wanted to loose. Keep going girl its all about you:)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Stop looking for excuses. Suck it up and get on with it.

    Do you really think that people care about seeing someone running, who isn't already in great shape? If they think anything at all, they're thinking "ugh, I'm so unfit, I should be doing that"

    This time next year, you could well be the one who is answering threads like this by saying "Just do it anyway" - but that's only going to happen if you ignore the embarrassment and do it anyway.

    Your body. Your decision.

    spoken like someone who has never been significantly overweight. . .
  • Tianzi
    Tianzi Posts: 74 Member
    I hope you do decide to run anyway. You can always get someone to run with you and maybe drive somewhere else to run at first, once you get used to it, then you can run anywhere. I love seeing people run no matter size, shape or age. I always feel a little jealous I am not out there and say to myself....good job, they are doing something good for themselves. You have to get started sometime and you don't have to be perfect to start, think of what you will accomplish :)