

  • I totally understand. Even though I've lost 30 pounds thus far, I run when I see a camera come out because I still have the fat imagine in my mind---that I don't want to face. Not logical, especially when you hear from others that they see a major difference. So this has inspired me to have my picture taken and get a new,…
  • BruteForceGlory makes a good point. Think of all the stats that speak to those who lose lots of weight only to put some or all of it back on. Perhaps your new goal should be to sustain your goal weight for 6 months and celebrate that accomplishment! Then set a new target of a year and so on. I have a friend who put back on…
  • I am NOT going to stay fat.
  • Our church just hosted a visiting choir. With all their kids and ours as well as the many parents and choir directors----no one would have noticed if anyone was eating something that was not being served. Besides, you'll be among people that are typically kind and tolerant. Take your sandwich and enjoy the adventure.
  • Watch out for skim milk when it comes to sugar content. I was shocked to learn that most brands have 12g to 14g of sugar per cup. So if you have a tall glass of skim milk, you come very close to your sugar quota for the day.
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