

  • Welcome, i havent introduced myself in the Message boards yet but i have been here for a month, and its such a big help. I find myself on here before and after i even think of eating something, checking to see the impact it makes on my goals. I love this place.
  • Whenever you start to exercise your flab turns to muscle which weighs more, but it also burns fat faster. So although you are not losing weight at the rate you want, you are setting up the foundation to do great things. I think you are doing amazing.
  • P90x is totally fun, not as hard as you would think from seeing it on tv. I think that you would really enjoy it.
  • LMAO, i googled it, i guess it does have calories, and quite alot of them.... but its lowfat :) Wallpaper or Paper Maché Paste - 278132 - Recipezaar 1 post - Last post: Jan 11, 2008 Try Recipe Wallpaper or Paper Maché Paste - 278132 from Recipezaar.com. ... Premium Members can have more than one cookbook in this list. ...…
  • http://www3.weightmirror.com/weightmirror/index.php?id= But a better one seems to be http://www.modiface.com/