Hello and Woe!

Hi, I am Ali and i live in the UK though spend all summer in the USA every year, in beautiful Colorado. I have two little girls who are very supportive and can do better press ups than me! started using the Iphone app recently so am pretty new. I am struggling to lose weight. Over the past three weeks I have been very strict with calories and have done heaps of exercise. My weekly schedule is;
Tennis x 1
Bootcamp x 3
4 mile Run x 1
6 mile walk x 1
Wii Fit Plus x 5 for 30 mins.

So far I have lost 1lb. In 3 weeks! I want to cry..well actually I did cry this morning when I weighed myself. Has anyone else experienced this and come out the other side. I am so tired and feel I have put all this effort in for nothing except aching muscles and neglected kids! I guess it must be food related and I get very confused about carbs, my bootcamp trainer says very few carbs yet on here it suggests more. Any help appreciated.

Ali x


  • clairebear82
    Given that amount of exercise, you may not be eating enough calories to prevent your body from going into starvation. Log all of your exercises onto MFP and let it calculate what you are burning. The idea is to eat some or all of your exercise calories to keep you going otherwise your body starts holding on to them and storing them. That sounds to me why you have only lost 1lb in 3 weeks.

    Hope this helps a little :-) x
  • crispy1990
    Hi Ali
    I can only echo what Clairebear says, I found that I wasn't losing any weight when I first came on here, but I wasn't eating any of my exercise cals. When I started eating them I began to lose.
    Hang in there and make sure you are eating enough - I'd collapse if I did that amount of exercise LOL :laugh:

  • crispy1990
    Me again
    i forgot to add my tracker ! I am hopeless :laugh:

    I'll get the hang of this message posting oneday.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • tmlane810
    tmlane810 Posts: 87 Member
    I too have a tough time losing weight. I would either eat to much and not exercise enough or not eat enough. I agree with the other members , balancing your exercise and food intake is imperative to weight loss. I wish you the best of luck!!
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    Thank you girls! :)
    It helps enormously having this forum. I just can't get my head around the fact that if I walk for 6 miles I lose 500 calories which I then have to eat! I could drink it in wine but I guess that defeats the object! I also am addicted to The Biggest Loser (USA and Australia) which doesn't help as they all lose huge amounts of weight each week which is rather disheartening!!

    Ali x:smile:
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I am new and have a long way to go. However, I know that when I eat all my calories including excercise calories I lose weight faster and it stays off. When I am under my calories I go into stand still. Also when you do all that excercise you need carbs at least some to keep your energy up. Trust me I speak from experience follow MFP eat the calories it tells you too and don't worry about carbs and fat so much just make sure you do not go over and you will do great!!!
  • clairebear82
    You have to think of your body like an engine, you're using up all your fuel exerting yourself, it therefore takes everything you eat and goes yum yum, I think I'll store that for later in case my fuel gets low again.

    Gently increase your eating of your calories, you might only need to use some, but then you might need all of them, it will be trial and error, the carbs are good for calories, but balance it with other food types or else you may bulk up and still weigh the same.

    Keep us posted! x
  • clairebear82
    Now for me to take my own advice as well!!
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks Claire. I guess it seems weird that if I just eat the 1200 calories and do no exercise then I will lose more weight than if I eat 1200 calories and do exercise!! Do you think it's best to have a weekly goal or a monthly goal? I was aiming for 2lbs a week but to achieve that now I would have to have a limb surgically removed :ohwell:
  • Wholehearted
    Whenever you start to exercise your flab turns to muscle which weighs more, but it also burns fat faster. So although you are not losing weight at the rate you want, you are setting up the foundation to do great things. I think you are doing amazing.
  • clairebear82
    I'd say see how you go for the next few week, get everything moving and then think about an overall goal. Like wholehearted said, you've started off great so just up those calories and I bet you'll start zooming off!