

  • her comment was not in any way less disrespectful than my own. her attempt to patronize me for being young was just as childish but okay.
  • I was replying to the second comment which they stated: I have a friend that cannot drink Green Tea since she was diagnosed with a blood clot and was on warfarin or something like that. Sounds life dangering to me. [/quote]
  • I don't believe recommending to drink green tea is harmful. if everyone took into account every single disease in the world before posting something, there would be nothing left. people with celiac disease and gluten allergies have such strict diets it's not even funny.
  • just so everyone doesn't jump on me for this, I did not post this. that was another member. I know no drink will give you the equivalent of doing hours of cardio.
  • ?? i'm so over people focusing on my age. so sorry I'm young, sorry you're old. these are just tips that worked for me. I lost 60 lbs and no matter my age that's a pretty big accomplishment.
  • SIGH about three months ago I started bingeing and purging followed by days of starvation and unless I'm in complete denial, those are various EDs. But none of my tips were used at the time I developed this, these are the tips I used when I FIRST began to lose weight, in a healthy manner. I didn't suddenly develop it,…
  • I don't know, I just wanted to lose the weight and was having cycles of bingeing and purging and days of starvation. I was also under a lot of stress at the time from things unrelated. Now I am feeling better and have been going back to my old ways of clean eating and have never stopped exercising. This is why I recently…
  • That is rare I'm assuming and like I stated, if someone sees a tip that they know is going to harmful to them then they would obviously take the precaution in not following it.
  • I just said I probably lied when I made the account just so I could make it. I just wanted to keep track of my calories thought this was a good app to use. I can't remember back to that day though. But I am 19 years old. I'm not even sure you have to be 18 to use the app because I don't remember ever changing the birthday…
  • I might have lied at the time to create my account because I was underage when I created the account but I am 19... I can't remember back to that exact day lol and I just recently developed a disorder because I just want these last stubborn pounds gone but when I first began my weight loss journey, I did purely by…
  • WELL I totally give up lol some have agreed, most have not. I was born 12/01/1994 and have never lied or changed my birthday so I suppose out of everything put on here, that was the most ridiculous. This is just what worked for me and I feel a lot of you are bothered because it's more extreme than just cutting down on…
  • Exercise can definitely contribute to weight loss and health but okay. And as far as the GMO thing, I can't control that but I hope that the organic produce I buy has significantly less chemicals and pesticides than regular produce.
  • I just said I was promoting my tips for both. But not just strictly weight loss. And yes it can, I never said your body couldn't. I just said your body should be trying to focus on resting only at that time. Obviously it is capable of doing both. My tips arent a "if you don't do this you will fail" but a "this might work…
  • I have done that. I did that for years and gained a ton of weight. So yes I am speaking from experience that eating at night does not work for me. I am at a plateau but I believe that's more to do with needing to change my exercise regime vs my diet.
  • And to post yet again and for the last time, I was not trying to promote my tips as weight loss ONLY. I was also trying to promote HEALTH. Eating at night obviously causes your body to work more to process this food when your body should be focusing on sleep only. Yeah yeah yeah you eat tons of ice cream and then pass out…
  • Im happy you all eat processed sugary/salty foods and still manage to lose weight. You all must be so proud. I will stick with my organic non-GMO, unrefined lifestyle and teas as I up my exercise regime and see what happens.
  • Truly was not trying to over complicate anything for anyone. I was trying to offer tips to anyone who is stuck and perhaps trying to take it to the next level. Weight loss has been known to plateau if your body gets used to a certain action.
  • When did I say stops? I said slows down. I know it doesn't just stop. And yes, meal timing has proven effective for me. It might for anyone who is at a plateau, to take them to that next level.
  • I believe only one person has given me one reason as to why I'm "wrong" (a website link) but most have just offered their own personal experiences which is also where I based most of my tips on. TIPS. Not die hard facts, JUST. TIPS.
  • I am sooo sorry that any of you would be that offended by me trying to post tips that are not harmful at all that could make a difference in someone's health and weight loss goals and then go as far as saying that I was forcing them on anyone when I was just trying to offer TIPS. Seriously, I was just trying to help so I…
  • Thats all that counts. I see nothing wrong with sharing what is working. You never know, it might motivate someone to move towards a healthier lifestyle. I didn't read anything in OPs post that was dangerous, just some tips she wanted to share that work for her. Some people on this site can't wait to respond and debunk…
  • You're definitely doing your body a service by using organic or natural ingredients, yes.
  • I've lost over 60 lbs with the tips that I posted so that is why I was trying to give advice. Not just because I randomly felt like it. I also don't believe my age is of any importance. And yes, I'm at a plateau, which is why I've also reached out for help.
  • Yes because I definitely claimed to be qualified or an expert. NO, I just said "this is what I noticed makes a difference" so chill because I never claimed to have credentials.
  • I... never said she was wrong lol I literally just said of course you're going to see those results. But that doesn't mean you're as healthy as you could be. Organic produce vs ice cream? Yeah I'm pretty sure the former is going to be healthier and your doctor will agree but ok
  • I understand but this was more about achieving healthy weight loss and a lifestyle rather than rapid. For me, my tips worked.
  • If you're struggling to do the bare minimum then yes, my tips are not for you. But this about trying to achieve good health and see progress. I'm not forcing anyone to do anything, I literally was just offering my recommendations....
  • Of course it's gone down, any weight loss and especially your incorporation of exercise will do that for you but I'm talking about MAXIMUM OPTIMAL HEALTH.
  • Oh I wasn't attempting to say one should be super strict all the time! I'm not neurotic and I love pizza lol this is a lifestyle I'm promoting which of course should have indulgences! Eat the chocolate, just don't have the whole bar. I'm all about 80% health, 20% indulgence :) or trying to be at least.
  • I understand you have achieved rapid weight loss with this method, but it is not healthy weight loss which is what I was trying to promote.