Here are some of my tips!



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Yeah, the only thing out of that list that I actually use/do is the planning/pre-logging.

    I eat 1 big meal, late in the evening, and a few snacks, and almost always eat all of my calories after 3pm. I usually eat an icky processed ice cream sandwich within 15 minutes of going to bed. And I eat all the same foods I ate before... Just less of it. It's equaled 30 pounds gone in a little over 2 months.

    OP, I get that this method worked for you... but I would be completely miserable.

    I understand you have achieved rapid weight loss with this method, but it is not healthy weight loss which is what I was trying to promote.

    How can you tell me it's not healthy? I haven't lost "rapidly" I had a big drop the first week, and about 2 pounds each week following. I eat, I exercise, and I'm feeling pretty great. Are you my doctor? Because she seems pretty happy with what I've been doing and the fact that both my blood sugar and blood pressure have gone down.

    Of course it's gone down, any weight loss and especially your incorporation of exercise will do that for you but I'm talking about MAXIMUM OPTIMAL HEALTH.

    Okay, I'll go tell my doctor she's wrong then. :)

    I... never said she was wrong lol I literally just said of course you're going to see those results. But that doesn't mean you're as healthy as you could be. Organic produce vs ice cream? Yeah I'm pretty sure the former is going to be healthier and your doctor will agree but ok

    What if I make my ice cream at home with organic~ ingredients? Am I then achieving optimal health?

    You're definitely doing your body a service by using organic or natural ingredients, yes.

  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I am sooo sorry that any of you would be that offended by me trying to post tips that are not harmful at all that could make a difference in someone's health and weight loss goals and then go as far as saying that I was forcing them on anyone when I was just trying to offer TIPS. Seriously, I was just trying to help so I have no idea how it even got to this point.

    Because even if they are "not harmful," that does not automatically make them helpful. In fact, they can be confusing to the primary goal.

    It's like this. Imagine you have been downhill skiing and you broke your leg. You are lying on the side of the ski hill, in severe pain, and someone comes by to offer assistance.

    "Hello!" They say. "You seem to have quite a problem, there! Perhaps I can offer you a few tips!"

    You say "Please, I need an ambulance. Can you call for help?"

    "Nonsense," the stranger replies, "I've learned quite a bit while learning to ski and I'm certain I can offer some tips that you may find useful!"

    They then go on to offer tips on the different shapes of skis, the importance of getting a good breakfast before heading out on the ski hill, and finding flattering ski pants and matching your accessories.

    While not harmful information, it's also not really helpful while you are lying there with a broken leg, is it?

    Focus on the basics. People with broken legs need an ambulance - people who are trying to lose weight need simple and correct information so they don't get discouraged. And bleed to death on the side of a mountain.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If you are at a plateau like myself or are just now beginning your journey, here is what I have noticed makes all the difference:

    wait, so a 19 year old that is currently in a plateau is giving advice on losing weight (or anything, really)...and people are actually bothering to read enough of it to dispute any of it?

    I've lost over 60 lbs with the tips that I posted so that is why I was trying to give advice. Not just because I randomly felt like it. I also don't believe my age is of any importance. And yes, I'm at a plateau, which is why I've also reached out for help.

    if your age isn't of any importance what about the quality of your advice? because, while i'm sure it was well meaning, it was terrible. and patently false. well, #4, pre plan your meals is a damn good idea, but the rest of it is completely off the rails, and you altho many people have given you reasons as to why, you don't seem to have the ability to process that information. yet, because perhaps when you're a bit older you'll develop the ability to listen to others, merge the new information with what you already thought you knew, and then toss out the bad info.

    example: your 100 cals of X smoothie vs 100 cals of Y processed food somehow changing the quality and manner in which a person loses weight is patently ridiculous

    I believe only one person has given me one reason as to why I'm "wrong" (a website link) but most have just offered their own personal experiences which is also where I based most of my tips on. TIPS. Not die hard facts, JUST. TIPS.

    Did this just happen?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    OP, I understand that you posted this with the best of intentions. There's an old engineering maxim called KISS (keep it simple stupid). Making the process more complex and adding more steps is usually unnecessary and rarely improves the final product. It does however make the product more liable to break down.

    It's human nature to imagine things that seem hard must require complex methods for dealing with them, but the truth is KISS is best for weight loss. Complex plans make the process seem cooler, but rarely do they actually add value.

    We encounter all sorts of new "tips" on here all the time. What many of the regular posters object to are not your intentions, but the fact that your tips may cause another individual to over complicate their weight loss plan and increase the likelihood of a future breakdown.

  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    I am sooo sorry that any of you would be that offended by me trying to post tips that are not harmful at all that could make a difference in someone's health and weight loss goals and then go as far as saying that I was forcing them on anyone when I was just trying to offer TIPS. Seriously, I was just trying to help so I have no idea how it even got to this point.

    I think it started when you said that our metabolism stops when we sleep. Not being snarky or rude. That's where people put their foot down and had to let you know that there were issues with your claims. The meal timing thing has been discussed many many many times over and there is science supporting all sides, so the best course of action is to eat whenever works for you.

    When did I say stops? I said slows down. I know it doesn't just stop. And yes, meal timing has proven effective for me. It might for anyone who is at a plateau, to take them to that next level.
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    OP, I understand that you posted this with the best of intentions. There's an old engineering maxim called KISS (keep it simple stupid). Making the process more complex and adding more steps is usually unnecessary and rarely improves the final product. It does however make the product more liable to break down.

    It's human nature to imagine things that seem hard must require complex methods for dealing with them, but the truth is KISS is best for weight loss. Complex plans make the process seem cooler, but rarely do they actually add value.

    We encounter all sorts of new "tips" on here all the time. What many of the regular posters object to are not your intentions, but the fact that your tips may cause another individual to over complicate their weight loss plan and increase the likelihood of a future breakdown.

  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    OP, I understand that you posted this with the best of intentions. There's an old engineering maxim called KISS (keep it simple stupid). Making the process more complex and adding more steps is usually unnecessary and rarely improves the final product. It does however make the product more liable to break down.

    It's human nature to imagine things that seem hard must require complex methods for dealing with them, but the truth is KISS is best for weight loss. Complex plans make the process seem cooler, but rarely do they actually add value.

    We encounter all sorts of new "tips" on here all the time. What many of the regular posters object to are not your intentions, but the fact that your tips may cause another individual to over complicate their weight loss plan and increase the likelihood of a future breakdown.


    From you, I consider this the very highest of praise. :happy:
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    OP, I understand that you posted this with the best of intentions. There's an old engineering maxim called KISS (keep it simple stupid). Making the process more complex and adding more steps is usually unnecessary and rarely improves the final product. It does however make the product more liable to break down.

    It's human nature to imagine things that seem hard must require complex methods for dealing with them, but the truth is KISS is best for weight loss. Complex plans make the process seem cooler, but rarely do they actually add value.

    We encounter all sorts of new "tips" on here all the time. What many of the regular posters object to are not your intentions, but the fact that your tips may cause another individual to over complicate their weight loss plan and increase the likelihood of a future breakdown.

    ^^ This. The problem with "tips" that complicate the matter or add rules which aren't helpful is that it might make someone think they're doing the wrong thing, or make them overwhelmed and they give up.

    Telling people they shouldn't eat processed food might make someone who doesn't have much of a choice that day think "well I've failed" when really, they only need to make a choice that fits their calorie and macro goals.

    Telling someone they shouldn't eat after a certain time might make someone under-eat by going to bed hungry because they think if they eat, they won't burn off the fat. They may late binge, or "give up" because it's all too hard.

    It's like a basic recipe. Pretty much anyone can follow a basic recipe and get a decent outcome. But if you tell them that to make it work, they need to use exotic ingredients, only make it at a certain time of day, and have to hop on one leg while doing it, most people won't bother trying the recipe.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    OP, I understand that you posted this with the best of intentions. There's an old engineering maxim called KISS (keep it simple stupid). Making the process more complex and adding more steps is usually unnecessary and rarely improves the final product. It does however make the product more liable to break down.

    It's human nature to imagine things that seem hard must require complex methods for dealing with them, but the truth is KISS is best for weight loss. Complex plans make the process seem cooler, but rarely do they actually add value.

    We encounter all sorts of new "tips" on here all the time. What many of the regular posters object to are not your intentions, but the fact that your tips may cause another individual to over complicate their weight loss plan and increase the likelihood of a future breakdown.

    +2 (except in MK they say Keep It Simple Sweetie...because.)
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    OP, I understand that you posted this with the best of intentions. There's an old engineering maxim called KISS (keep it simple stupid). Making the process more complex and adding more steps is usually unnecessary and rarely improves the final product. It does however make the product more liable to break down.

    It's human nature to imagine things that seem hard must require complex methods for dealing with them, but the truth is KISS is best for weight loss. Complex plans make the process seem cooler, but rarely do they actually add value.

    We encounter all sorts of new "tips" on here all the time. What many of the regular posters object to are not your intentions, but the fact that your tips may cause another individual to over complicate their weight loss plan and increase the likelihood of a future breakdown.

    Truly was not trying to over complicate anything for anyone. I was trying to offer tips to anyone who is stuck and perhaps trying to take it to the next level. Weight loss has been known to plateau if your body gets used to a certain action.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    OP, I understand that you posted this with the best of intentions. There's an old engineering maxim called KISS (keep it simple stupid). Making the process more complex and adding more steps is usually unnecessary and rarely improves the final product. It does however make the product more liable to break down.

    It's human nature to imagine things that seem hard must require complex methods for dealing with them, but the truth is KISS is best for weight loss. Complex plans make the process seem cooler, but rarely do they actually add value.

    We encounter all sorts of new "tips" on here all the time. What many of the regular posters object to are not your intentions, but the fact that your tips may cause another individual to over complicate their weight loss plan and increase the likelihood of a future breakdown.

    well, some of the JUST TIPS are flat out wrong.

    and the infatuation on "losing weight healthily" actually shows an unhealthy relationship to food. there's been no offer of what that even means. person A loses 5 pounds and person B loses 5 pounds, but one of them is healthier because....smoothies, even tho all of their health markers are identical. this type thinking leads down a bad road
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    I believe only one person has given me one reason as to why I'm "wrong" (a website link) but most have just offered their own personal experiences which is also where I based most of my tips on. TIPS. Not die hard facts, JUST. TIPS.

    many a painful and unfortunate experience has come from offering someone just the tip

    If it's painful, you're doing it wrong.

    really some people consider the whole thing lucky.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I am sooo sorry that any of you would be that offended by me trying to post tips that are not harmful at all that could make a difference in someone's health and weight loss goals and then go as far as saying that I was forcing them on anyone when I was just trying to offer TIPS. Seriously, I was just trying to help so I have no idea how it even got to this point.

    I think it started when you said that our metabolism stops when we sleep. Not being snarky or rude. That's where people put their foot down and had to let you know that there were issues with your claims. The meal timing thing has been discussed many many many times over and there is science supporting all sides, so the best course of action is to eat whenever works for you.

    When did I say stops? I said slows down. I know it doesn't just stop. And yes, meal timing has proven effective for me. It might for anyone who is at a plateau, to take them to that next level.

    Except that you are at a plateau, so it isn't working for you. That's because your body is going to burn X number of calories in a 24 hour period based on your BMR, daily activity and exercise. You don't burn X+more by eating at specific times.

    If you want real help breaking your plateau you should change to lose half a pound a week, back off on the cardio and increase resistance training. We've discussed your low lean mass and how it's hindering your weight loss.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    OP, I understand that you posted this with the best of intentions. There's an old engineering maxim called KISS (keep it simple stupid). Making the process more complex and adding more steps is usually unnecessary and rarely improves the final product. It does however make the product more liable to break down.

    It's human nature to imagine things that seem hard must require complex methods for dealing with them, but the truth is KISS is best for weight loss. Complex plans make the process seem cooler, but rarely do they actually add value.

    We encounter all sorts of new "tips" on here all the time. What many of the regular posters object to are not your intentions, but the fact that your tips may cause another individual to over complicate their weight loss plan and increase the likelihood of a future breakdown.


    From you, I consider this the very highest of praise. :happy:

    Dawww! :blushing: I'm just a normal woman.

    You give out some great advice and I appreciate that you were patient with person who started this thread! :drinker:
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Truly was not trying to over complicate anything for anyone. I was trying to offer tips to anyone who is stuck and perhaps trying to take it to the next level. Weight loss has been known to plateau if your body gets used to a certain action.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    OP, I understand that you posted this with the best of intentions. There's an old engineering maxim called KISS (keep it simple stupid). Making the process more complex and adding more steps is usually unnecessary and rarely improves the final product. It does however make the product more liable to break down.

    It's human nature to imagine things that seem hard must require complex methods for dealing with them, but the truth is KISS is best for weight loss. Complex plans make the process seem cooler, but rarely do they actually add value.

    We encounter all sorts of new "tips" on here all the time. What many of the regular posters object to are not your intentions, but the fact that your tips may cause another individual to over complicate their weight loss plan and increase the likelihood of a future breakdown.

    Truly was not trying to over complicate anything for anyone. I was trying to offer tips to anyone who is stuck and perhaps trying to take it to the next level. Weight loss has been known to plateau if your body gets used to a certain action.

    Okay, I get that. Really I do. It's just that your tips rely on a logic where you have been doing "enough" for awhile and then when you stall you need to do MOAR. Which is not always the case. Can you imagine that perhaps a person who has plateaued might simply need to re-examine their cal goal? Double check their scale? Re-commit to accurate measuring. Fine tune their workout cal burns perhaps by buying an HRM? Re calculate their TDEE vis a vis weight loss or a change in activity levels?

    Those are things that would be more helpful to look at first rather than ramping up their weight loss plan with complicated rules that could overtake their entire lives.

    Does that make sense? Honestly now that I have learned that YOU are in plateau this thread has become more about helping you uncomplicate things and find the true cause of your plateau and solving it...or at least I think that would be a good use of time right now.
  • Bayluvr
    Bayluvr Posts: 115 Member
    I am reading this while eating my dinner on my normal EVERY night schedule of between midnight and 2 a.m. I have always eaten my evening meals late at night, and when I decided to change my diet for the better last year, I changed everything...except the time.

    I'm eating barbecued chicken breast and cooked kale. It's almost 12:30 a.m., and I'm just getting started on my meal. I will watch late night tv as always, while lying in my bed, and drift off to sleep around 3 a.m. as usual. I lost 78 lbs from Feb to Dec 2013, using proper diet and only recumbent bike riding due to a back fracture. I'm at my first goal of 160 lbs, and have maintained that for 7 months, still eating late night dinner.

    I always take issue with being told that I have to stop eating at a set time to lose weight. Not true, at least for me. But YMMV.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    OP, I understand that you posted this with the best of intentions. There's an old engineering maxim called KISS (keep it simple stupid). Making the process more complex and adding more steps is usually unnecessary and rarely improves the final product. It does however make the product more liable to break down.

    It's human nature to imagine things that seem hard must require complex methods for dealing with them, but the truth is KISS is best for weight loss. Complex plans make the process seem cooler, but rarely do they actually add value.

    We encounter all sorts of new "tips" on here all the time. What many of the regular posters object to are not your intentions, but the fact that your tips may cause another individual to over complicate their weight loss plan and increase the likelihood of a future breakdown.


    From you, I consider this the very highest of praise. :happy:

    Dawww! :blushing: I'm just a normal woman.

    You give out some great advice and I appreciate that you were patient with person who started this thread! :drinker:

    Patience isn't always my strong point but I like to think I can usually tell when it's necessary....usually. :drinker:
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    Just break up!

    Oh its not that type of thread...
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,088 Member
    I know that you meant to help with your post and that you probably feel a bit attacked. Unfortunately there just isn't the science to back up what you posted. Many of us follow those same types of tips when we started and then learned more about what science really says. Many of us who have had success do not follow the tips you listed (I just ate a bowl of ice cream and I'm headed to bed).

    The most important factor to fat loss is simply dietary adherance.

    I believe we had a discussion yesterday about some private issues that you had while losing most of your weight. Those issues are pretty apparent in your weight loss tips (they are very typical beginner tips for eating disorders). I know you are trying to get better, but as I said you should think about maintaining for a while and work on strength training.

    I understand but this was more about achieving healthy weight loss and a lifestyle rather than rapid. For me, my tips worked.

    I get that your tips worked for you - we all have our individual tips that work for us.

    Where you went wrong I think is when you worded your tips 'You have to do this or that' which then came across as requirements for everybody.

    I must say I have followed none of your tips - I never drink smoothies, I drink diet soda, I don't preplan meal,I eat at all times, including right before bed time, I never drink green tea or ginger tea.

    Amazingly I have lost weight ( aprox rate of 1 kg per month, far from rapidly) .

    Perhaps I will post some of my tips.

    Nibble on dried apricots whilst posting on iPad late at night
    Feed the dog just before eating your own dinner
    Hang your clothes on the clothesline before going to work
    Sleep with 2 pillows.

    Now, whilst it is true I did all of these whilst losing weight, they may or may not have any correlation to my weight loss.
    Bit like drinking ginger tea - sure, you did it whilst losing weight - but that doesn't directly make it a weight loss tip for you, let alone for everyone else.
This discussion has been closed.