Here are some of my tips!



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    What is your snack? That's a lot different than a full meal and WHAT the snack is will also make a difference. And like I said from the beginning, I know it's not a cure all miracle drink. But it does up your energy levels, speed up metabolism, and is great for the skin. I'm not exaggerating, these are just facts. I never stated that it would give one insane crazy energy or speed up the metabolism to astronomical levels or clear the skin up to perfection. No. The effects of green tea are mild but they still are there. Plus I drink
    3-4 cups daily so that also makes a big difference and the brand can also make a big difference. My tips are generalized but not false and can be tailored for ones own success. There is no way that a 100 calorie pack of Oreos will be more beneficial to your body than a 200-400 calorie green homemade smoothie (Example: one cup spinach, 1/2 cup kale, one cup almond milk, 1 cup mixed fruit, 1 medium banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds) but that's my go to smoothie, there are tons of smoothie recipes out there.

    Would a smoothie be healthier than oreos..YES But would one lose more weight drinking a smoothie with 100 calories as opposed to eating 100 calsories of oreos..NOPE

    UM 100 calories vs 100 calories?? That's the same amount and the smoothie will be healthier so YES you would see greater weight loss and health benefits with the smoothie.





    You would see greater health benefits if and ONLY IF you hadn't gotten your micros in for the day. If your entire day was filled with nutrient dense food and then you had that Oreo snack, you would be just fine. It isn't specific foods that determine the health of the diet but the foods as a sum total.

    On weight loss, it would be the exact same.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member

    Sorry - I disagree with almost everything you've said. Pre-planning helps me, as does pre-logging. Everything else...nope.

    I'm with this person . I pre plan all my meals/snacks the day or two before and pre log.
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    What is your snack? That's a lot different than a full meal and WHAT the snack is will also make a difference. And like I said from the beginning, I know it's not a cure all miracle drink. But it does up your energy levels, speed up metabolism, and is great for the skin. I'm not exaggerating, these are just facts. I never stated that it would give one insane crazy energy or speed up the metabolism to astronomical levels or clear the skin up to perfection. No. The effects of green tea are mild but they still are there. Plus I drink
    3-4 cups daily so that also makes a big difference and the brand can also make a big difference. My tips are generalized but not false and can be tailored for ones own success. There is no way that a 100 calorie pack of Oreos will be more beneficial to your body than a 200-400 calorie green homemade smoothie (Example: one cup spinach, 1/2 cup kale, one cup almond milk, 1 cup mixed fruit, 1 medium banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds) but that's my go to smoothie, there are tons of smoothie recipes out there.

    Would a smoothie be healthier than oreos..YES But would one lose more weight drinking a smoothie with 100 calories as opposed to eating 100 calsories of oreos..NOPE

    UM 100 calories vs 100 calories?? That's the same amount and the smoothie will be healthier so YES you would see greater weight loss and health benefits with the smoothie.

    No. 100 calories is 100 calories. Calories are simply energy. You gain weight by giving your body more energy than it needs, and you lose weight by giving your body less energy than it uses in a day.

    The smoothie may contain more vitamins/minerals or have a more balanced macro breakdown than the oreos, but the amount of energy you get from each is the same. The smoothie is only a better choice is you haven't met specific macro or micro-nutrient needs that the smoothie will help you fill. If you've already met your nutritional requirements for the day and have 100 calories to spare, why not go for the oreos? You don't get extra credit for eating more "healthy stuff" than your body needs or can actually use.

    The smoothie will always be the better choice. If you've ever followed a healthy lifestyle vs just trying to lose weight then you would know that you do get "extra credit" if by that you mean more benefits to ones overall appearance and energy by eating organic foods vs processed. The weight loss might not come as fast as going to the 100 calories packs but it will come and your skin, hair, and eyes will thank you. Perhaps i should have made it more clear that I didn't mean rapid weight loss, but healthy weight loss.
  • MollySC2
    MollySC2 Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry - I disagree with almost everything you've said. Pre-planning helps me, as does pre-logging. Everything else...nope.

    Then you are wrong & owe OP an apology.

    That shows that timing of meals (earlier rather than later) resulted in better lipid measurements after only two weeks.

    Here is another one that shows eating a large dinner & not smaller meals throughout later in the day is bad(Specifically related to carb meals! This isn't keto meals or high protein/high fat/low carb meals, but it DOES still apply.)

    You do have ONE thing you can cling to though, which is that eating more calories at once does lower total calories consumes(This is due to earlier satiety being met, but it doesn't prove OP wrong actually!)

    Shows eating low energy density foods(like salad) at the start of the meal decreases overall consumption of calories in the rest of the day, and independent of that larger portions had less of an effect on total consumption than the energy density of the meal.
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    LOL, get a life.

  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    1. Yes they have lost weight but this does not mean they are healthy and I'm sure they had to REDUCE the amount of these processed foods SIGNIFICANTLY to achieve this.
    2. It is not irrelevant at all and I am living proof. It is not NECESSARY but helpful.
    3. IVE ALREADY STATED that this has worked for me and might work for others who haven't tried it but are stuck. It is proven that small meals throughout the day is more beneficial to ones metabolism than 3 large meals. It does not make a HUGE difference but it can take someone to that next level.
    5. Green tea helps diffuse bloating around the stomach area. Not kill fat, you're right but reduce bloating and flush out toxins that usually accumulate around that area.

    Name a toxin, any toxin that the green tea will flush from your system.
  • Cracken99
    Cracken99 Posts: 39 Member
    All this talk is exactly why I always fail at Trying to lose weight.....don't eat after 7, carbs, green tea blah blah blah...I am having a hard enough time just logging my allotted calories a day and sticking to it. I just want to do what MFP tells me and lose weight, is it much more complicated than that?? I really want to stick to it this time and lose my weight...
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Yeah, the only thing out of that list that I actually use/do is the planning/pre-logging.

    I eat 1 big meal, late in the evening, and a few snacks, and almost always eat all of my calories after 3pm. I usually eat an icky processed ice cream sandwich within 15 minutes of going to bed. And I eat all the same foods I ate before... Just less of it. It's equaled 30 pounds gone in a little over 2 months.

    OP, I get that this method worked for you... but I would be completely miserable.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    What is your snack? That's a lot different than a full meal and WHAT the snack is will also make a difference. And like I said from the beginning, I know it's not a cure all miracle drink. But it does up your energy levels, speed up metabolism, and is great for the skin. I'm not exaggerating, these are just facts. I never stated that it would give one insane crazy energy or speed up the metabolism to astronomical levels or clear the skin up to perfection. No. The effects of green tea are mild but they still are there. Plus I drink
    3-4 cups daily so that also makes a big difference and the brand can also make a big difference. My tips are generalized but not false and can be tailored for ones own success. There is no way that a 100 calorie pack of Oreos will be more beneficial to your body than a 200-400 calorie green homemade smoothie (Example: one cup spinach, 1/2 cup kale, one cup almond milk, 1 cup mixed fruit, 1 medium banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds) but that's my go to smoothie, there are tons of smoothie recipes out there.

    Would a smoothie be healthier than oreos..YES But would one lose more weight drinking a smoothie with 100 calories as opposed to eating 100 calsories of oreos..NOPE

    UM 100 calories vs 100 calories?? That's the same amount and the smoothie will be healthier so YES you would see greater weight loss and health benefits with the smoothie.

    No. 100 calories is 100 calories. Calories are simply energy. You gain weight by giving your body more energy than it needs, and you lose weight by giving your body less energy than it uses in a day.

    The smoothie may contain more vitamins/minerals or have a more balanced macro breakdown than the oreos, but the amount of energy you get from each is the same. The smoothie is only a better choice is you haven't met specific macro or micro-nutrient needs that the smoothie will help you fill. If you've already met your nutritional requirements for the day and have 100 calories to spare, why not go for the oreos? You don't get extra credit for eating more "healthy stuff" than your body needs or can actually use.

    The smoothie will always be the better choice. If you've ever followed a healthy lifestyle vs just trying to lose weight then you would know that you do get "extra credit" if by that you mean more benefits to ones overall appearance and energy by eating organic foods vs processed. The weight loss might not come as fast as going to the 100 calories packs but it will come and your skin, hair, and eyes will thank you. Perhaps i should have made it more clear that I didn't mean rapid weight loss, but healthy weight loss.

    You do not get extra credit. If you ingest more vitamins and minerals than the body needs, it will simply flush them out. Ingesting too many of certain ones can actually be a detriment to your health.
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    Sorry - I disagree with almost everything you've said. Pre-planning helps me, as does pre-logging. Everything else...nope.

    Then you are wrong & owe OP an apology.

    That shows that timing of meals (earlier rather than later) resulted in better lipid measurements after only two weeks.

    Here is another one that shows eating a large dinner & not smaller meals throughout later in the day is bad(Specifically related to carb meals! This isn't keto meals or high protein/high fat/low carb meals, but it DOES still apply.)

    You do have ONE thing you can cling to though, which is that eating more calories at once does lower total calories consumes(This is due to earlier satiety being met, but it doesn't prove OP wrong actually!)

    Shows eating low energy density foods(like salad) at the start of the meal decreases overall consumption of calories in the rest of the day, and independent of that larger portions had less of an effect on total consumption than the energy density of the meal.

  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    What is your snack? That's a lot different than a full meal and WHAT the snack is will also make a difference. And like I said from the beginning, I know it's not a cure all miracle drink. But it does up your energy levels, speed up metabolism, and is great for the skin. I'm not exaggerating, these are just facts. I never stated that it would give one insane crazy energy or speed up the metabolism to astronomical levels or clear the skin up to perfection. No. The effects of green tea are mild but they still are there. Plus I drink
    3-4 cups daily so that also makes a big difference and the brand can also make a big difference. My tips are generalized but not false and can be tailored for ones own success. There is no way that a 100 calorie pack of Oreos will be more beneficial to your body than a 200-400 calorie green homemade smoothie (Example: one cup spinach, 1/2 cup kale, one cup almond milk, 1 cup mixed fruit, 1 medium banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds) but that's my go to smoothie, there are tons of smoothie recipes out there.

    Would a smoothie be healthier than oreos..YES But would one lose more weight drinking a smoothie with 100 calories as opposed to eating 100 calsories of oreos..NOPE

    UM 100 calories vs 100 calories?? That's the same amount and the smoothie will be healthier so YES you would see greater weight loss and health benefits with the smoothie.

    No. 100 calories is 100 calories. Calories are simply energy. You gain weight by giving your body more energy than it needs, and you lose weight by giving your body less energy than it uses in a day.

    The smoothie may contain more vitamins/minerals or have a more balanced macro breakdown than the oreos, but the amount of energy you get from each is the same. The smoothie is only a better choice is you haven't met specific macro or micro-nutrient needs that the smoothie will help you fill. If you've already met your nutritional requirements for the day and have 100 calories to spare, why not go for the oreos? You don't get extra credit for eating more "healthy stuff" than your body needs or can actually use.

    The smoothie will always be the better choice. If you've ever followed a healthy lifestyle vs just trying to lose weight then you would know that you do get "extra credit" if by that you mean more benefits to ones overall appearance and energy by eating organic foods vs processed. The weight loss might not come as fast as going to the 100 calories packs but it will come and your skin, hair, and eyes will thank you. Perhaps i should have made it more clear that I didn't mean rapid weight loss, but healthy weight loss.

    You do not get extra credit. If you ingest more vitamins and minerals than the body needs, it will simply flush them out. Ingesting too many of certain ones can actually be a detriment to your health.

    I assumed you meant more benefits in general over the calorie pack, not as far as overdoing it.
  • motal003
    motal003 Posts: 28
    I love your post. You give good advice.

    In terms of junk food, why not just give yourself a little treat a ch day? Like today, I was cravinf some chips, so I just had 13 pieces and that cost me 140 calories.
    I crave chocolate, I'll just eat a little piece and calculate the calories.

    What I am trying to say is don't rob yourself of your favorite things. Just calorie count.

    But I know it's probably easier said then done.
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    Yeah, the only thing out of that list that I actually use/do is the planning/pre-logging.

    I eat 1 big meal, late in the evening, and a few snacks, and almost always eat all of my calories after 3pm. I usually eat an icky processed ice cream sandwich within 15 minutes of going to bed. And I eat all the same foods I ate before... Just less of it. It's equaled 30 pounds gone in a little over 2 months.

    OP, I get that this method worked for you... but I would be completely miserable.

    I understand you have achieved rapid weight loss with this method, but it is not healthy weight loss which is what I was trying to promote.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    All this talk is exactly why I always fail at Trying to lose weight.....don't eat after 7, carbs, green tea blah blah blah...I am having a hard enough time just logging my allotted calories a day and sticking to it. I just want to do what MFP tells me and lose weight, is it much more complicated than that?? I really want to stick to it this time and lose my weight...

    It is not. And that is why these folks argue so vehemently against posts like this, because they do confuse people like you and me. I have been ignoring all of these "rules" that people like to throw out and have just stayed focused on eating less than I burn. Could I be losing faster? Maybe, maybe not. But this is a way of life that I can actually sustain. If someone's suggestion sounds like it might work for me, I might try it. But if it makes me cringe, then why bother?
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    I love your post. You give good advice.

    In terms of junk food, why not just give yourself a little treat a ch day? Like today, I was cravinf some chips, so I just had 13 pieces and that cost me 140 calories.
    I crave chocolate, I'll just eat a little piece and calculate the calories.

    What I am trying to say is don't rob yourself of your favorite things. Just calorie count.

    But I know it's probably easier said then done.

    Oh I wasn't attempting to say one should be super strict all the time! I'm not neurotic and I love pizza lol this is a lifestyle I'm promoting which of course should have indulgences! Eat the chocolate, just don't have the whole bar. I'm all about 80% health, 20% indulgence :) or trying to be at least.
  • MollySC2
    MollySC2 Posts: 31 Member

    1. Yes they have lost weight but this does not mean they are healthy and I'm sure they had to REDUCE the amount of these processed foods SIGNIFICANTLY to achieve this.
    2. It is not irrelevant at all and I am living proof. It is not NECESSARY but helpful.
    3. IVE ALREADY STATED that this has worked for me and might work for others who haven't tried it but are stuck. It is proven that small meals throughout the day is more beneficial to ones metabolism than 3 large meals. It does not make a HUGE difference but it can take someone to that next level.
    5. Green tea helps diffuse bloating around the stomach area. Not kill fat, you're right but reduce bloating and flush out toxins that usually accumulate around that area.

    Name a toxin, any toxin that the green tea will flush from your system.

    I think you may not realize that you're asking an incredibly complicated question that at this very moment is being investigated by some of the best oncology & drug designers in the world.

    It's first prudent to ask IF catechins and (polyphenols in general) actually have an effect in humans -- such as boosting immunity. One of the big issues with green tea derived compounds like catechins is that they aren't that bio-available, which basically means they aren't taken into our body well. Catechins could be the be-all end-all cure to cancer, but currently we wouldn't know what to do with it since we don't even fully understand how catechins are synthesized by our body!

    As for the "what do they actually do?" question and how that can help relieve our body of toxins, the mechanism of action is unclear and very likely to be hugely complex. The reason for this is that the molecular targets (what catechins bind to to have effect) are very diverse and there are LOTS of them. Most of this stuff has been figured out in test tubes, so often we can't be so sure if it will be the same in humans. Also, since these kinds of compounds do a lot of different things (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, immune system modulation, allergy, etc.) it is likely benefits are not do to any one process or one specific toxin like you are asking.

    This article touches on what I mean by that. It's about EGCG, a major catechin compound of interest in a lot of biological research. It's kind of technical if you don't have a degree on metabolics/oncology, but the basic topics are approachable at least.

    Some of the suggested broad-level mechanisms of action are removing reactive oxygen species (the so called antioxidant effect), hypolipidemic effects (lower blood fat levels), helping to prevent DNA damage, immune cell activation ( , and altering the level of important proteins known to help in the prevention of cancer.

    And then some mechanisms of action can get really specific, like this study ( ) looking into catechin compound EGCG effects on the release of effector molecules by immune cells (this is just one example of thousands of equally specific mechanisms for different things).

    TL;DR - Catechin compounds(a compound found in Green Tea) are reported to do a lot of different things to a lot of targets, but it is unclear if their effects are truly significant for therapy at this point.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Yeah, the only thing out of that list that I actually use/do is the planning/pre-logging.

    I eat 1 big meal, late in the evening, and a few snacks, and almost always eat all of my calories after 3pm. I usually eat an icky processed ice cream sandwich within 15 minutes of going to bed. And I eat all the same foods I ate before... Just less of it. It's equaled 30 pounds gone in a little over 2 months.

    OP, I get that this method worked for you... but I would be completely miserable.

    I understand you have achieved rapid weight loss with this method, but it is not healthy weight loss which is what I was trying to promote.

    How can you tell me it's not healthy? I haven't lost "rapidly" I had a big drop the first week, and about 2 pounds each week following. I eat, I exercise, and I'm feeling pretty great. Are you my doctor? Because she seems pretty happy with what I've been doing and the fact that both my blood sugar and blood pressure have gone down.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Sorry - I disagree with almost everything you've said. Pre-planning helps me, as does pre-logging. Everything else...nope.

    Then you are wrong & owe OP an apology.

    That shows that timing of meals (earlier rather than later) resulted in better lipid measurements after only two weeks.

    Here is another one that shows eating a large dinner & not smaller meals throughout later in the day is bad(Specifically related to carb meals! This isn't keto meals or high protein/high fat/low carb meals, but it DOES still apply.)

    You do have ONE thing you can cling to though, which is that eating more calories at once does lower total calories consumes(This is due to earlier satiety being met, but it doesn't prove OP wrong actually!)

    Shows eating low energy density foods(like salad) at the start of the meal decreases overall consumption of calories in the rest of the day, and independent of that larger portions had less of an effect on total consumption than the energy density of the meal.

    You need to apologize to all of us for presenting 3 studies that didn't deal with weight loss, only other factors and the fourth that only talked about the effects of satiety and how the timing 'can' affect it. Plus the third one was only an abstract without even a conclusions section.
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member

    1. Yes they have lost weight but this does not mean they are healthy and I'm sure they had to REDUCE the amount of these processed foods SIGNIFICANTLY to achieve this.
    2. It is not irrelevant at all and I am living proof. It is not NECESSARY but helpful.
    3. IVE ALREADY STATED that this has worked for me and might work for others who haven't tried it but are stuck. It is proven that small meals throughout the day is more beneficial to ones metabolism than 3 large meals. It does not make a HUGE difference but it can take someone to that next level.
    5. Green tea helps diffuse bloating around the stomach area. Not kill fat, you're right but reduce bloating and flush out toxins that usually accumulate around that area.

    Name a toxin, any toxin that the green tea will flush from your system.

    I think you may not realize that you're asking an incredibly complicated question that at this very moment is being investigated by some of the best oncology & drug designers in the world.

    It's first prudent to ask IF catechins and (polyphenols in general) actually have an effect in humans -- such as boosting immunity. One of the big issues with green tea derived compounds like catechins is that they aren't that bio-available, which basically means they aren't taken into our body well. Catechins could be the be-all end-all cure to cancer, but currently we wouldn't know what to do with it since we don't even fully understand how catechins are synthesized by our body!

    As for the "what do they actually do?" question and how that can help relieve our body of toxins, the mechanism of action is unclear and very likely to be hugely complex. The reason for this is that the molecular targets (what catechins bind to to have effect) are very diverse and there are LOTS of them. Most of this stuff has been figured out in test tubes, so often we can't be so sure if it will be the same in humans. Also, since these kinds of compounds do a lot of different things (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, immune system modulation, allergy, etc.) it is likely benefits are not do to any one process or one specific toxin like you are asking.

    This article touches on what I mean by that. It's about EGCG, a major catechin compound of interest in a lot of biological research. It's kind of technical if you don't have a degree on metabolics/oncology, but the basic topics are approachable at least.

    Some of the suggested broad-level mechanisms of action are removing reactive oxygen species (the so called antioxidant effect), hypolipidemic effects (lower blood fat levels), helping to prevent DNA damage, immune cell activation ( , and altering the level of important proteins known to help in the prevention of cancer.

    And then some mechanisms of action can get really specific, like this study ( ) looking into catechin compound EGCG effects on the release of effector molecules by immune cells (this is just one example of thousands of equally specific mechanisms for different things).

    Don't even begin to suggest that green tea is going to help cancer. I'm sure if there were ANY benefit to drinking this my oncologists and nutritionists from northwestern and cancer treatment center would have told me :yawn:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    All this talk is exactly why I always fail at Trying to lose weight.....don't eat after 7, carbs, green tea blah blah blah...I am having a hard enough time just logging my allotted calories a day and sticking to it. I just want to do what MFP tells me and lose weight, is it much more complicated than that?? I really want to stick to it this time and lose my weight...

    No it's not much more complicated than that.

    Which was my point. That someone like you and me who are struggling to do the bare minimum not have to be forced to incorporate a bunch of new tips instead of just focusing on the CI/CO that might just need to be reexamined or further scrutinized if success begins to elude us at some point.
This discussion has been closed.