Here are some of my tips!



  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    What is your snack? That's a lot different than a full meal and WHAT the snack is will also make a difference. And like I said from the beginning, I know it's not a cure all miracle drink. But it does up your energy levels, speed up metabolism, and is great for the skin. I'm not exaggerating, these are just facts. I never stated that it would give one insane crazy energy or speed up the metabolism to astronomical levels or clear the skin up to perfection. No. The effects of green tea are mild but they still are there. Plus I drink
    3-4 cups daily so that also makes a big difference and the brand can also make a big difference. My tips are generalized but not false and can be tailored for ones own success. There is no way that a 100 calorie pack of Oreos will be more beneficial to your body than a 200-400 calorie green homemade smoothie (Example: one cup spinach, 1/2 cup kale, one cup almond milk, 1 cup mixed fruit, 1 medium banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds) but that's my go to smoothie, there are tons of smoothie recipes out there.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    It's about to go down up in hurr.

  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    What is your snack? That's a lot different than a full meal and WHAT the snack is will also make a difference. And like I said from the beginning, I know it's not a cure all miracle drink. But it does up your energy levels, speed up metabolism, and is great for the skin. I'm not exaggerating, these are just facts. I never stated that it would give one insane crazy energy or speed up the metabolism to astronomical levels or clear the skin up to perfection. No. The effects of green tea are mild but they still are there. Plus I drink
    3-4 cups daily so that also makes a big difference and the brand can also make a big difference. My tips are generalized but not false and can be tailored for ones own success. There is no way that a 100 calorie pack of Oreos will be more beneficial to your body than a 200-400 calorie green homemade smoothie (Example: one cup spinach, 1/2 cup kale, one cup almond milk, 1 cup mixed fruit, 1 medium banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds) but that's my go to smoothie, there are tons of smoothie recipes out there.

    Would a smoothie be healthier than oreos..YES But would one lose more weight drinking a smoothie with 100 calories as opposed to eating 100 calsories of oreos..NOPE
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    I completely understand that everyone's body is different but these tips aren't false. They can make a difference and have been proven beneficial to ones HEALTH (not just weight loss) so do not dismiss them as lies.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    There are a LOT of questionable statements.

    Eating after a certain hour is not really a thing.

    Teas are good for digestion but not magical.
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    What is your snack? That's a lot different than a full meal and WHAT the snack is will also make a difference. And like I said from the beginning, I know it's not a cure all miracle drink. But it does up your energy levels, speed up metabolism, and is great for the skin. I'm not exaggerating, these are just facts. I never stated that it would give one insane crazy energy or speed up the metabolism to astronomical levels or clear the skin up to perfection. No. The effects of green tea are mild but they still are there. Plus I drink
    3-4 cups daily so that also makes a big difference and the brand can also make a big difference. My tips are generalized but not false and can be tailored for ones own success. There is no way that a 100 calorie pack of Oreos will be more beneficial to your body than a 200-400 calorie green homemade smoothie (Example: one cup spinach, 1/2 cup kale, one cup almond milk, 1 cup mixed fruit, 1 medium banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds) but that's my go to smoothie, there are tons of smoothie recipes out there.

    Would a smoothie be healthier than oreos..YES But would one lose more weight drinking a smoothie with 100 calories as opposed to eating 100 calsories of oreos..NOPE

    UM 100 calories vs 100 calories?? That's the same amount and the smoothie will be healthier so YES you would see greater weight loss and health benefits with the smoothie.
  • laceyjjj
    laceyjjj Posts: 53 Member
    I think the OP was just trying to be helpful with some tips that have worked for her. Obviously what works for one person won't work for everyone. This forum seems like a junior high school sometimes.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Oh and if you do eat at night and/or processed for but do it once or even twice a week then clearly you must realize that that's fine. There's a difference in between the occasional slip up and consistent behavior. You can eat that pie at 930 PM but unless you do it every night you're not going to see any serious weight gain.

    I eat dessert every night at around 10pm. Yes, EVERY night. And it's not "healthy" dessert. Usually it involves chocolate. Tonight it was gelato, but it might also be a brownie, or cake, or cookies, or whatever. I also prefer to skip breakfast, and I typically eat a huge dinner. Losing weight is about being in a calorie deficit. You can create a calorie deficit eating any and all foods at whatever time of day works best for you.

    No food is bad food in the context of a balanced diet. If you're meeting your body's nutritional requirements, there's no reason why you can't eat ice cream every single day.

    Anyway. I disagree with literally everything in your OP, except for the tip about meal planning. It's not necessary to plan meals, but it often makes it easier to stick to a calorie deficit long-term and is therefor beneficial for a lot of people.

    Also, I'm going to leave this here. Lots of valuable information. Don't complicate it.
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    What is your snack? That's a lot different than a full meal and WHAT the snack is will also make a difference. And like I said from the beginning, I know it's not a cure all miracle drink. But it does up your energy levels, speed up metabolism, and is great for the skin. I'm not exaggerating, these are just facts. I never stated that it would give one insane crazy energy or speed up the metabolism to astronomical levels or clear the skin up to perfection. No. The effects of green tea are mild but they still are there. Plus I drink
    3-4 cups daily so that also makes a big difference and the brand can also make a big difference. My tips are generalized but not false and can be tailored for ones own success. There is no way that a 100 calorie pack of Oreos will be more beneficial to your body than a 200-400 calorie green homemade smoothie (Example: one cup spinach, 1/2 cup kale, one cup almond milk, 1 cup mixed fruit, 1 medium banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds) but that's my go to smoothie, there are tons of smoothie recipes out there.

    Would a smoothie be healthier than oreos..YES But would one lose more weight drinking a smoothie with 100 calories as opposed to eating 100 calsories of oreos..NOPE

    UM 100 calories vs 100 calories?? That's the same amount and the smoothie will be healthier so YES you would see greater weight loss and health benefits with the smoothie.
    Health benefits yes but more weight loss is a no. Most everyone here is going to argue that a calorie is a calorie no matter where it comes from. Then they will refer you to the guy who did the twinkie diet. CICO is based on the fact that it doesn't matter if you eat 100 calories of junk or 100 calories of vegetables you will lose the same amount of weight. It IS NOT healthier but again, you will lose the same amount of weight regardless
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    There are a LOT of questionable statements.

    Eating after a certain hour is not really a thing.

    Teas are good for digestion but not magical.

    It was for me and *****might**** make a difference for others and I've already stated that I never said teas were magical or solutions over and over and over again. I stated that they were BENEFICIAL.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    1. ***WHAT*** you eat (a 200 calorie homemade smoothie with good antioxidant/fiber filled fruits and green veggies is way better than a zero calorie coke zero) and avoid refined, processed, sugar/salty foods. If you want to take it to the next level, avoid the center aisles in the grocery store altogether except for wheat bread, quinoa, organic peanut butter (if you're like me and will love PB till the end of time) and white tuna in water!

    2. WHEN you eat (try to avoid eating past 7 PM as food digest slower while you sleep)
    3. HOW OFTEN you eat (5-6 small meals/snacks a day has proven to be more effective than 3 normal meals)
    4. PRE-PLAN your meals. This is an option but has proven to be extremely effective! Fail to prepare, prepare to fail type attitude. Cooking your meals for the next day each night has helped many stay on track and buying a small cooler will insure that you follow your guidelines because now your food is traveling with you :)
    5. GREEN TEA AND GINGER TEA are so extremely beneficial for people trying to lose weight especially around the tummy area! Not a cure or easy way out but green tea provides energy and speeds up metabolism. I buy 5 oz of tea leaves from my local tea store but organic bagged green tea is just as good :) ginger tea is good for after meals because it promotes digestion. Green tea can also be a replacement for people who are trying to not drink coffee as much.

    1. False. Look around this site. Plenty of folks have had substantial and amazing success while still eating those nasty, processed foods. I know, that's so cray, right?!
    2. False. Meal timing is totally irrelevant.
    3. False. Frequency of meals has no bearing on weight loss.
    4. That actually makes sense. Nice job with having something helpful there. Too bad it's buried under all of that misinformation.
    5. False. There is no way to spot reduce... either through exercise or choking down green tea. Stop watching Dr. Oz, mmmkay?
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    What is your snack? That's a lot different than a full meal and WHAT the snack is will also make a difference. And like I said from the beginning, I know it's not a cure all miracle drink. But it does up your energy levels, speed up metabolism, and is great for the skin. I'm not exaggerating, these are just facts. I never stated that it would give one insane crazy energy or speed up the metabolism to astronomical levels or clear the skin up to perfection. No. The effects of green tea are mild but they still are there. Plus I drink
    3-4 cups daily so that also makes a big difference and the brand can also make a big difference. My tips are generalized but not false and can be tailored for ones own success. There is no way that a 100 calorie pack of Oreos will be more beneficial to your body than a 200-400 calorie green homemade smoothie (Example: one cup spinach, 1/2 cup kale, one cup almond milk, 1 cup mixed fruit, 1 medium banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds) but that's my go to smoothie, there are tons of smoothie recipes out there.

    I definitely agree with healthy foods being better for your body, don't get me wrong :). I do normally eat healthy because I find "real" foods to be more filling and satisfying, and better for my health. But just last week I had spring rolls and beer and a martini late at night. It was especially more common at the beginning of my diet. I'd eat pizza, subs, pie, even eggs bennedict and sausage and home fries a few times and I've lost 50+ pounds.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I think the OP was just trying to be helpful with some tips that have worked for her. Obviously what works for one person won't work for everyone. This forum seems like a junior high school sometimes.

    Herro, knight of white. How art thou?
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    What is your snack? That's a lot different than a full meal and WHAT the snack is will also make a difference. And like I said from the beginning, I know it's not a cure all miracle drink. But it does up your energy levels, speed up metabolism, and is great for the skin. I'm not exaggerating, these are just facts. I never stated that it would give one insane crazy energy or speed up the metabolism to astronomical levels or clear the skin up to perfection. No. The effects of green tea are mild but they still are there. Plus I drink
    3-4 cups daily so that also makes a big difference and the brand can also make a big difference. My tips are generalized but not false and can be tailored for ones own success. There is no way that a 100 calorie pack of Oreos will be more beneficial to your body than a 200-400 calorie green homemade smoothie (Example: one cup spinach, 1/2 cup kale, one cup almond milk, 1 cup mixed fruit, 1 medium banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds) but that's my go to smoothie, there are tons of smoothie recipes out there.

    Would a smoothie be healthier than oreos..YES But would one lose more weight drinking a smoothie with 100 calories as opposed to eating 100 calsories of oreos..NOPE

    UM 100 calories vs 100 calories?? That's the same amount and the smoothie will be healthier so YES you would see greater weight loss and health benefits with the smoothie.

    No. 100 calories is 100 calories. Calories are simply energy. You gain weight by giving your body more energy than it needs, and you lose weight by giving your body less energy than it uses in a day.

    The smoothie may contain more vitamins/minerals or have a more balanced macro breakdown than the oreos, but the amount of energy you get from each is the same. The smoothie is only a better choice is you haven't met specific macro or micro-nutrient needs that the smoothie will help you fill. If you've already met your nutritional requirements for the day and have 100 calories to spare, why not go for the oreos? You don't get extra credit for eating more "healthy stuff" than your body needs or can actually use.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    There are a LOT of questionable statements.

    Eating after a certain hour is not really a thing.

    Teas are good for digestion but not magical.

    It was for me and *****might**** make a difference for others and I've already stated that I never said teas were magical or solutions over and over and over again. I stated that they were BENEFICIAL.
    Well, yes I understand that but their benefits have their limits.

    When you list a whole list of tips that have not really had back up a person might overcomplicate their weight loss with all these tips in an effort to change their wieght loss while some obvious places to check like accurate weighing and accurate exercise logging might get lost in the shuffle. I think that would be a shame. Do you?
  • MollySC2
    MollySC2 Posts: 31 Member
    2. False. Meal timing is totally irrelevant.

    Prove it with a peer-reviewed study off the NCBI then, otherwise save your annecdotal logical fallacy for another site. People are here to learn. Now, until you get that link from a peer-reviewed study, I'm going to stick to what I learned in my metabolic class in University.

    To be fair to you, I really think this is something most people don't even understand let alone incorporate, If you want the absolute most optimum weight loss, you should avoid eating carbs later in the day(3/4PM) if you aren't going to be doing hard physical exercise in the evening, and if you are, you should still cut them ~2 hours before you exercise(barring marathon/some crazy long session)

    A few things can happen to carbs

    1. Oxidation(You use them as fuel through glycolysis, anaerobisis, citric cycle, etc)
    2. Converstion to glycogen/fats for storage
    3. Conversion to essential carb molecules to be used in proteins(glycosaminoglycans/glycosaminoglycans/etc)

    If you aren't going to use carbs same day you've ate them in exercise, there is no reason at all eat large amounts as they will be turned into fat storage of some kind. Eating 100g+ carbs will have a huge amount turned into fat for storage, while eating 50g wouldn't have this same effect. This goes for any fuel/nutrient molecule.

    Carbohydrates are converted to AcetylCoA, which is a precursor for fat synthesis. Essentially, if you have, say, just 50 grams of carbohydrate, most is going to go to fuel, and much smaller amonuts to fat storage, whereas if you take in, say, 500g, much more is going to be converted to fat.

    I'm not wrong on this & you're not going to convince me otherwise unless you get a peer-reviewed study proving what we already know wrong. I can get peer-reviewed links off if you are adamant about me being wrong. It won't be the first time I've done it on this forum.
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    In - because this is about to get real good.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Okay so about the eating late at night thing.

    Assuming a person is counting a certain day's worth of calories...and accepting that they probably do burn less cals at rest during sleep than during a busy day...isn't it possible that whatever leftover cals were not burned will still be there in the morning and then that day as long as they were under their cal goal it will get burned then?

    So if I have 1600 calories every day...if I eat everyday 8oo cals before 7pm and then the last 800 cals at 11pm when I get out of my late shift from work if I'm a worker who gets out late, it shouldnt' matter. Does that make sense? My body will be able to use them in the morning if they are left from the "inactive" night before. No? isn't that how it works?

    Assuming one's night is actually "inactive" of course.:wink:
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    1. ***WHAT*** you eat (a 200 calorie homemade smoothie with good antioxidant/fiber filled fruits and green veggies is way better than a zero calorie coke zero) and avoid refined, processed, sugar/salty foods. If you want to take it to the next level, avoid the center aisles in the grocery store altogether except for wheat bread, quinoa, organic peanut butter (if you're like me and will love PB till the end of time) and white tuna in water!

    2. WHEN you eat (try to avoid eating past 7 PM as food digest slower while you sleep)
    3. HOW OFTEN you eat (5-6 small meals/snacks a day has proven to be more effective than 3 normal meals)
    4. PRE-PLAN your meals. This is an option but has proven to be extremely effective! Fail to prepare, prepare to fail type attitude. Cooking your meals for the next day each night has helped many stay on track and buying a small cooler will insure that you follow your guidelines because now your food is traveling with you :)
    5. GREEN TEA AND GINGER TEA are so extremely beneficial for people trying to lose weight especially around the tummy area! Not a cure or easy way out but green tea provides energy and speeds up metabolism. I buy 5 oz of tea leaves from my local tea store but organic bagged green tea is just as good :) ginger tea is good for after meals because it promotes digestion. Green tea can also be a replacement for people who are trying to not drink coffee as much.

    1. False. Look around this site. Plenty of folks have had substantial and amazing success while still eating those nasty, processed foods. I know, that's so cray, right?!
    2. False. Meal timing is totally irrelevant.
    3. False. Frequency of meals has no bearing on weight loss.
    4. That actually makes sense. Nice job with having something helpful there. Too bad it's buried under all of that misinformation.
    5. False. There is no way to spot reduce... either through exercise or choking down green tea. Stop watching Dr. Oz, mmmkay?

    1. Yes they have lost weight but this does not mean they are healthy and I'm sure they had to REDUCE the amount of these processed foods SIGNIFICANTLY to achieve this.
    2. It is not irrelevant at all and I am living proof. It is not NECESSARY but helpful.
    3. IVE ALREADY STATED that this has worked for me and might work for others who haven't tried it but are stuck. It is proven that small meals throughout the day is more beneficial to ones metabolism than 3 large meals. It does not make a HUGE difference but it can take someone to that next level.
    5. Green tea helps diffuse bloating around the stomach area. Not kill fat, you're right but reduce bloating and flush out toxins that usually accumulate around that area.
  • MollySC2
    MollySC2 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm going to nip this in the bud with a peer-reviewed study:

    Basically what it says is that Insulin release is maximized when the diet as a higher carbohydrate intake than it can expend while also having a low fat, protein, and fiber intake. This occurs because the insulin release depends on gastric emptying(which is, surprise, slowed by protein/fat/fiber) and because the insulin release is -directly- triggered by sugar molecules that is in the breakdown of carbohydrates. Insulin resistance is a real phenomena, and the composition of protein, fat, carbs, and fiber in the diet can impact insulin resistance, and appetite, independently of the total number of calories.
    2. It is not irrelevant at all and I am living proof. It is not NECESSARY but helpful
    3. IVE ALREADY STATED that this has worked for me and might work for others who haven't tried it but are stuck. It is proven that small meals throughout the day is more beneficial to ones metabolism than 3 large meals. It does not make a HUGE difference but it can take someone to that next level.

    While I'm on your side, don't ever say "this has worked for me" to defend an argument. This is an anecdotal logical fallacy I see thrown around quite a bit these days.
This discussion has been closed.