Here are some of my tips!



  • Leighsters
    Leighsters Posts: 33 Member
    I completely understand that everyone's body is different but these tips aren't false. They can make a difference and have been proven beneficial to ones HEALTH (not just weight loss) so do not dismiss them as lies.

    I just did
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I am sooo sorry that any of you would be that offended by me trying to post tips that are not harmful at all that could make a difference in someone's health and weight loss goals and then go as far as saying that I was forcing them on anyone when I was just trying to offer TIPS. Seriously, I was just trying to help so I have no idea how it even got to this point.

    I think it started when you said that our metabolism stops when we sleep. Not being snarky or rude. That's where people put their foot down and had to let you know that there were issues with your claims. The meal timing thing has been discussed many many many times over and there is science supporting all sides, so the best course of action is to eat whenever works for you.

    When did I say stops? I said slows down. I know it doesn't just stop. And yes, meal timing has proven effective for me. It might for anyone who is at a plateau, to take them to that next level.

    Right here. Your second post in this thread. I realize that was a long time ago.
    And number two is based on factual evidence. You are not moving while you sleep therefore your body is not burning any calories at all

    Well done bored BB troll. Well done. You've pushed all the buttons.
  • dotcomee
    dotcomee Posts: 36 Member
    I drink green tea mixed with lemon, cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar while snacking on green coffee beans. It's the equivalent of doing hours of cardio.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Questions validity of anecdotal disproof of anecdotal tips based on their anecdotaledness. Classic.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    I hate to break the bad news but everything you said was pretty much bunk. You still burn calories ALL THE TIME regardless of whether you are asleep or not. Meal timing makes no difference whatsoever.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    All this talk is exactly why I always fail at Trying to lose weight.....don't eat after 7, carbs, green tea blah blah blah...I am having a hard enough time just logging my allotted calories a day and sticking to it. I just want to do what MFP tells me and lose weight, is it much more complicated than that?? I really want to stick to it this time and lose my weight...
    It is just that,blah, blah blah, focus on exactly that CICO and enough protein, so you don't lose muscle mass, and everything else is questionable unless you are a hardcore athlete or figure competitor, IMHO
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    All this talk is exactly why I always fail at Trying to lose weight.....don't eat after 7, carbs, green tea blah blah blah...I am having a hard enough time just logging my allotted calories a day and sticking to it. I just want to do what MFP tells me and lose weight, is it much more complicated than that?? I really want to stick to it this time and lose my weight...
    It is not complictaed at all. Eat at the correct calorie deficit and you will lose weight. Thats it! I also spent too many years to count, thinking I had to follow about a million rules. I appreciate that the OP is trying to pass on tips to help others, but as far as weight loss is concerned, its all about the calories.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Thank you for posting this thread, it has provided me with great enjoyment. Especially the wannabe know-it-all college student who ragequit in two pages flat. Good times, good times.
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    in to read when bored tomorrow
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    Here are my "rules":
    1. Do what works for YOU, and don't be pushed or shamed into abandoning what works for
    you because it doesn't conform to what other people think you should do.

    2. Don't give up on yourself-- ever.

    3. Repeat rule #2 frequently.

    In my opinion, there are no magic potions (even from my laboratory), and there are no shortcuts. It's hard work to lose weight, but isn't it worth the effort? If you happen to like magic potions, and feel that they work for you, great! As long as you are happy and healthy, it's your business. Good luck!

    (If I'm wrong, you can cover me with plastic wrap, dunk me in green tea, force-feed me HCA, and stick me in the sauna for a week.)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Then you are wrong & owe OP an apology.

    That shows that timing of meals (earlier rather than later) resulted in better lipid measurements after only two weeks.

    What does this have to do with weight loss?

    Here is another one that shows eating a large dinner & not smaller meals throughout later in the day is bad(Specifically related to carb meals! This isn't keto meals or high protein/high fat/low carb meals, but it DOES still apply.)

    Again - what does this have to do with weight loss. This study does though:

    You do have ONE thing you can cling to though, which is that eating more calories at once does lower total calories consumes(This is due to earlier satiety being met, but it doesn't prove OP wrong actually!)

    I would not use this study to try to prove or disprove anything in this context

    Shows eating low energy density foods(like salad) at the start of the meal decreases overall consumption of calories in the rest of the day, and independent of that larger portions had less of an effect on total consumption than the energy density of the meal.

    Not sure how this is relevant to the claims made.

    Other studies you may want to look at:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    1. A zero calorie drink has zero calories, and thus cannot contribute to weight gain. The fear of salty/sugary foods is unfounded; salt is an important micronutrient and sugar is beneficial in the right circumstances. Both are wrongly attributed with weight gain because of water retention.

    2. When you eat doesn't matter for the vast majority of people; meal timing is irrelevant for overall calorie deficit, and is primarily for optimal sports or exercise performance.

    3. No it hasn't. Metabolism doesn't noticably change for up to 72 hours between meals.

    4. Pre-planning is great.

    5. Caffeine is a stimulant, but beyond that there is no property to tea that significantly impacts metabolism.

    Anecdotally, I drink energy drinks most days, do not eat until 4pm most days and do have a protein shake immediately before bed, and have not had issues with losing weight.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am sooo sorry that any of you would be that offended by me trying to post tips that are not harmful at all that could make a difference in someone's health and weight loss goals and then go as far as saying that I was forcing them on anyone when I was just trying to offer TIPS. Seriously, I was just trying to help so I have no idea how it even got to this point.

    I think it started when you said that our metabolism stops when we sleep. Not being snarky or rude. That's where people put their foot down and had to let you know that there were issues with your claims. The meal timing thing has been discussed many many many times over and there is science supporting all sides, so the best course of action is to eat whenever works for you.

    When did I say stops? I said slows down. I know it doesn't just stop. And yes, meal timing has proven effective for me. It might for anyone who is at a plateau, to take them to that next level.

    Actually, your BMR increases while sleeping.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member

    Then you are wrong & owe OP an apology.

    That shows that timing of meals (earlier rather than later) resulted in better lipid measurements after only two weeks.

    What does this have to do with weight loss?

    Here is another one that shows eating a large dinner & not smaller meals throughout later in the day is bad(Specifically related to carb meals! This isn't keto meals or high protein/high fat/low carb meals, but it DOES still apply.)

    Again - what does this have to do with weight loss. This study does though:

    You do have ONE thing you can cling to though, which is that eating more calories at once does lower total calories consumes(This is due to earlier satiety being met, but it doesn't prove OP wrong actually!)

    I would not use this study to try to prove or disprove anything in this context

    Shows eating low energy density foods(like salad) at the start of the meal decreases overall consumption of calories in the rest of the day, and independent of that larger portions had less of an effect on total consumption than the energy density of the meal.

    Not sure how this is relevant to the claims made.

    Other studies you may want to look at:

    Quoting for truth.

    Of particular notice is Sara's link (in bold)

    "Several epidemiological studies have observed an inverse relationship between people's habitual frequency of eating and body weight, leading to the suggestion that a 'nibbling' meal pattern may help in the avoidance of obesity. A review of all pertinent studies shows that, although many fail to find any significant relationship, the relationship is consistently inverse in those that do observe a relationship. However, this finding is highly vulnerable to the probable confounding effects of post hoc changes in dietary patterns as a consequence of weight gain and to dietary under-reporting which undoubtedly invalidates some of the studies. We conclude that the epidemiological evidence is at best very weak, and almost certainly represents an artefact. A detailed review of the possible mechanistic explanations for a metabolic advantage of nibbling meal patterns failed to reveal significant benefits in respect of energy expenditure. Although some short-term studies suggest that the thermic effect of feeding is higher when an isoenergetic test load is divided into multiple small meals, other studies refute this, and most are neutral. More importantly, studies using whole-body calorimetry and doubly-labelled water to assess total 24 h energy expenditure find no difference between nibbling and gorging. Finally, with the exception of a single study, there is no evidence that weight loss on hypoenergetic regimens is altered by meal frequency. We conclude that any effects of meal pattern on the regulation of body weight are likely to be mediated through effects on the food intake side of the energy balance equation."

    Focus on the major - calories, macros, tracking, exercise for health. And anything that helps you stay persistent.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    I have a liver in my body that does a great job of "eliminating toxins"- I don't need special tea to do it for me.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    Then you are wrong & owe OP an apology.

    That shows that timing of meals (earlier rather than later) resulted in better lipid measurements after only two weeks.

    What does this have to do with weight loss?

    Here is another one that shows eating a large dinner & not smaller meals throughout later in the day is bad(Specifically related to carb meals! This isn't keto meals or high protein/high fat/low carb meals, but it DOES still apply.)

    Again - what does this have to do with weight loss. This study does though:

    You do have ONE thing you can cling to though, which is that eating more calories at once does lower total calories consumes(This is due to earlier satiety being met, but it doesn't prove OP wrong actually!)

    I would not use this study to try to prove or disprove anything in this context

    Shows eating low energy density foods(like salad) at the start of the meal decreases overall consumption of calories in the rest of the day, and independent of that larger portions had less of an effect on total consumption than the energy density of the meal.

    Not sure how this is relevant to the claims made.

    Other studies you may want to look at:

    Quoting for truth.

    Of particular notice is Sara's link (in bold)

    "Several epidemiological studies have observed an inverse relationship between people's habitual frequency of eating and body weight, leading to the suggestion that a 'nibbling' meal pattern may help in the avoidance of obesity. A review of all pertinent studies shows that, although many fail to find any significant relationship, the relationship is consistently inverse in those that do observe a relationship. However, this finding is highly vulnerable to the probable confounding effects of post hoc changes in dietary patterns as a consequence of weight gain and to dietary under-reporting which undoubtedly invalidates some of the studies. We conclude that the epidemiological evidence is at best very weak, and almost certainly represents an artefact. A detailed review of the possible mechanistic explanations for a metabolic advantage of nibbling meal patterns failed to reveal significant benefits in respect of energy expenditure. Although some short-term studies suggest that the thermic effect of feeding is higher when an isoenergetic test load is divided into multiple small meals, other studies refute this, and most are neutral. More importantly, studies using whole-body calorimetry and doubly-labelled water to assess total 24 h energy expenditure find no difference between nibbling and gorging. Finally, with the exception of a single study, there is no evidence that weight loss on hypoenergetic regimens is altered by meal frequency. We conclude that any effects of meal pattern on the regulation of body weight are likely to be mediated through effects on the food intake side of the energy balance equation."

    Focus on the major - calories, macros, tracking, exercise for health. And anything that helps you stay persistent.

  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    1. ***WHAT*** you eat (a 200 calorie homemade smoothie with good antioxidant/fiber filled fruits and green veggies is way better than a zero calorie coke zero) and avoid refined, processed, sugar/salty foods. If you want to take it to the next level, avoid the center aisles in the grocery store altogether except for wheat bread, quinoa, organic peanut butter (if you're like me and will love PB till the end of time) and white tuna in water!

    2. WHEN you eat (try to avoid eating past 7 PM as food digest slower while you sleep)
    3. HOW OFTEN you eat (5-6 small meals/snacks a day has proven to be more effective than 3 normal meals)
    4. PRE-PLAN your meals. This is an option but has proven to be extremely effective! Fail to prepare, prepare to fail type attitude. Cooking your meals for the next day each night has helped many stay on track and buying a small cooler will insure that you follow your guidelines because now your food is traveling with you :)
    5. GREEN TEA AND GINGER TEA are so extremely beneficial for people trying to lose weight especially around the tummy area! Not a cure or easy way out but green tea provides energy and speeds up metabolism. I buy 5 oz of tea leaves from my local tea store but organic bagged green tea is just as good :) ginger tea is good for after meals because it promotes digestion. Green tea can also be a replacement for people who are trying to not drink coffee as much.

    1. False. Look around this site. Plenty of folks have had substantial and amazing success while still eating those nasty, processed foods. I know, that's so cray, right?!
    2. False. Meal timing is totally irrelevant.
    3. False. Frequency of meals has no bearing on weight loss.
    4. That actually makes sense. Nice job with having something helpful there. Too bad it's buried under all of that misinformation.
    5. False. There is no way to spot reduce... either through exercise or choking down green tea. Stop watching Dr. Oz, mmmkay?

    1. Yes they have lost weight but this does not mean they are healthy and I'm sure they had to REDUCE the amount of these processed foods SIGNIFICANTLY to achieve this.
    2. It is not irrelevant at all and I am living proof. It is not NECESSARY but helpful.
    3. IVE ALREADY STATED that this has worked for me and might work for others who haven't tried it but are stuck. It is proven that small meals throughout the day is more beneficial to ones metabolism than 3 large meals. It does not make a HUGE difference but it can take someone to that next level.
    5. Green tea helps diffuse bloating around the stomach area. Not kill fat, you're right but reduce bloating and flush out toxins that usually accumulate around that area.

    People once thought that finding mice in a pile of rags in the corner was proof of spontaneous generation.

    What you see is proof of your weight loss success is from eating at a deficit, not the unsubstantiated tips.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    *yawn* I'm too sleepy to read. Someone has said, "just the tips" already...right?
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Go ahead and see about the sample sizes of said studies and whether those results have been replicated.

    >sample sizes
    You need to apologize to all of us for presenting 3 studies that didn't deal with weight loss, only other factors and the fourth that only talked about the effects of satiety and how the timing 'can' affect it. Plus the third one was only an abstract without even a conclusions section.

    >Doesn't even understand how lipids work
    >One is an abstract so you automatically dismiss the other three

    Holy crap. These forums are living in ignorance & do not want to learn & will dismiss anything that proves them wrong. I feel so sorry for all of you. I'm done with these pathetic message boards.
    oh look. its another one of those people who took one university course and thinks they know it all, posting a study and a short "summary" hoping no-one actually takes the time to go into the link and read it to interpret themselves


    the fact of the matter is, these tips may help someone lose weight by making it easier to stay in a deficit, but they are absolutely not necessary to do so. OP meant well, but these types of posts always backfire
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I drink green tea mixed with lemon, cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar while snacking on green coffee beans. It's the equivalent of doing hours of cardio.

This discussion has been closed.