Here are some of my tips!



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    1. ***WHAT*** you eat (a 200 calorie homemade smoothie with good antioxidant/fiber filled fruits and green veggies is way better than a zero calorie coke zero) and avoid refined, processed, sugar/salty foods. If you want to take it to the next level, avoid the center aisles in the grocery store altogether except for wheat bread, quinoa, organic peanut butter (if you're like me and will love PB till the end of time) and white tuna in water!

    2. WHEN you eat (try to avoid eating past 7 PM as food digest slower while you sleep)
    3. HOW OFTEN you eat (5-6 small meals/snacks a day has proven to be more effective than 3 normal meals)
    4. PRE-PLAN your meals. This is an option but has proven to be extremely effective! Fail to prepare, prepare to fail type attitude. Cooking your meals for the next day each night has helped many stay on track and buying a small cooler will insure that you follow your guidelines because now your food is traveling with you :)
    5. GREEN TEA AND GINGER TEA are so extremely beneficial for people trying to lose weight especially around the tummy area! Not a cure or easy way out but green tea provides energy and speeds up metabolism. I buy 5 oz of tea leaves from my local tea store but organic bagged green tea is just as good :) ginger tea is good for after meals because it promotes digestion. Green tea can also be a replacement for people who are trying to not drink coffee as much.

    1. False. Look around this site. Plenty of folks have had substantial and amazing success while still eating those nasty, processed foods. I know, that's so cray, right?!
    2. False. Meal timing is totally irrelevant.
    3. False. Frequency of meals has no bearing on weight loss.
    4. That actually makes sense. Nice job with having something helpful there. Too bad it's buried under all of that misinformation.
    5. False. There is no way to spot reduce... either through exercise or choking down green tea. Stop watching Dr. Oz, mmmkay?

    1. Yes they have lost weight but this does not mean they are healthy and I'm sure they had to REDUCE the amount of these processed foods SIGNIFICANTLY to achieve this.
    2. It is not irrelevant at all and I am living proof. It is not NECESSARY but helpful.
    3. IVE ALREADY STATED that this has worked for me and might work for others who haven't tried it but are stuck. It is proven that small meals throughout the day is more beneficial to ones metabolism than 3 large meals. It does not make a HUGE difference but it can take someone to that next level.
    5. Green tea helps diffuse bloating around the stomach area. Not kill fat, you're right but reduce bloating and flush out toxins that usually accumulate around that area.

    People once thought that finding mice in a pile of rags in the corner was proof of spontaneous generation.

    What you see is proof of your weight loss success is from eating at a deficit, not the unsubstantiated tips.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    *yawn* I'm too sleepy to read. Someone has said, "just the tips" already...right?
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Go ahead and see about the sample sizes of said studies and whether those results have been replicated.

    >sample sizes
    You need to apologize to all of us for presenting 3 studies that didn't deal with weight loss, only other factors and the fourth that only talked about the effects of satiety and how the timing 'can' affect it. Plus the third one was only an abstract without even a conclusions section.

    >Doesn't even understand how lipids work
    >One is an abstract so you automatically dismiss the other three

    Holy crap. These forums are living in ignorance & do not want to learn & will dismiss anything that proves them wrong. I feel so sorry for all of you. I'm done with these pathetic message boards.
    oh look. its another one of those people who took one university course and thinks they know it all, posting a study and a short "summary" hoping no-one actually takes the time to go into the link and read it to interpret themselves


    the fact of the matter is, these tips may help someone lose weight by making it easier to stay in a deficit, but they are absolutely not necessary to do so. OP meant well, but these types of posts always backfire
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I drink green tea mixed with lemon, cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar while snacking on green coffee beans. It's the equivalent of doing hours of cardio.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    2. False. Meal timing is totally irrelevant.

    Prove it with a peer-reviewed study off the NCBI then, otherwise save your annecdotal logical fallacy for another site. People are here to learn. Now, until you get that link from a peer-reviewed study, I'm going to stick to what I learned in my metabolic class in University.

    To be fair to you, I really think this is something most people don't even understand let alone incorporate, If you want the absolute most optimum weight loss, you should avoid eating carbs later in the day(3/4PM) if you aren't going to be doing hard physical exercise in the evening, and if you are, you should still cut them ~2 hours before you exercise(barring marathon/some crazy long session)

    A few things can happen to carbs

    1. Oxidation(You use them as fuel through glycolysis, anaerobisis, citric cycle, etc)
    2. Converstion to glycogen/fats for storage
    3. Conversion to essential carb molecules to be used in proteins(glycosaminoglycans/glycosaminoglycans/etc)

    If you aren't going to use carbs same day you've ate them in exercise, there is no reason at all eat large amounts as they will be turned into fat storage of some kind. Eating 100g+ carbs will have a huge amount turned into fat for storage, while eating 50g wouldn't have this same effect. This goes for any fuel/nutrient molecule.

    Carbohydrates are converted to AcetylCoA, which is a precursor for fat synthesis. Essentially, if you have, say, just 50 grams of carbohydrate, most is going to go to fuel, and much smaller amonuts to fat storage, whereas if you take in, say, 500g, much more is going to be converted to fat.

    I'm not wrong on this & you're not going to convince me otherwise unless you get a peer-reviewed study proving what we already know wrong. I can get peer-reviewed links off if you are adamant about me being wrong. It won't be the first time I've done it on this forum.

    Posted this already...but as it relates directly to this delightful post, which I had not noticed earlier. .

    I think you are missing the context of what happens throughout the whole day/week (nice write up from your text book though). Also, why cut carbs at least 2 hours before exercise?

    Also, I would look up the definition of logical fallacy.

    How about a peer reviewed study 'proving what you already know' from you?
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    For a 19 yo who is on a plateau telling everyone else how not to plateau


    College students who don't actually understand the relevance of studies they quote.
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    Im happy you all eat processed sugary/salty foods and still manage to lose weight. You all must be so proud. I will stick with my organic non-GMO, unrefined lifestyle and teas as I up my exercise regime and see what happens.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Im happy you all eat processed sugary/salty foods and still manage to lose weight. You all must be so proud. I will stick with my organic non-GMO, unrefined lifestyle and teas as I up my exercise regime and see what happens.
    do what you gotta do. just realize that there are easier ways to do it
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Im happy you all eat processed sugary/salty foods and still manage to lose weight. You all must be so proud. I will stick with my organic non-GMO, unrefined lifestyle and teas as I up my exercise regime and see what happens.

    I am happy that you are happy for us, however, something tells me that you are not being sincere.
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    And to post yet again and for the last time, I was not trying to promote my tips as weight loss ONLY. I was also trying to promote HEALTH. Eating at night obviously causes your body to work more to process this food when your body should be focusing on sleep only. Yeah yeah yeah you eat tons of ice cream and then pass out and lose weight, this will never and has never worked for me. Since pursuing my tips, not only have I lost 60 lbs but my skin, hair, nails, teeth, and energy levels have never been better. This is what works for me and might work for you if you've NEVER tried it. How would you know?? How would you know if your body reacts to this method better if you've ALWAYS eaten at night? You don't even know the difference.
  • pennymh
    pennymh Posts: 1
    Everyone can go back and forth on this till the cows come home. But there is only one way, and one way only to loose weight. You must BURN MORE CALORIES THAN YOU CONSUME. Anything you do, outside of this equation, is a personal choice. And those choices may have other consequences or benefits... depending on what they are.
  • marilandica
    marilandica Posts: 88 Member
    Here are my tips.

    1. Eat real food. The food you intend to eat for the rest of your life. Not a "diet." There are no magic supplements. There are no magic combinations. There are no taboo foods (unless you have allergies). You'll learn to put more vegetables on your plate and limit your portions of calorie dense foods just to meet your calorie goals, which is what you need to do to lose weight and sustain it over the long haul.

    2. Exercise. You'll be able to eat more at a minimum. There are lots of other reasons to exercise. What exercise? Whatever. Just do it. Do it now. Get off the couch.

    3. Drink lots of stuff without alcohol in it. Water is great. So are other things. Just dump the liquid into your body in great quantities on a regular basis. Most of us walk around half dehydrated most of the time. You feel better when you're not dehydrated. Oh, and a big glass of some liquid is filling in its own way and takes the edge off of hunger or, more commonly, just the nearly insatiable desire to snack.

    Bottom line: eat less and exercise and drink more.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    And to post yet again and for the last time, I was not trying to promote my tips as weight loss ONLY. I was also trying to promote HEALTH. Eating at night obviously causes your body to work more to process this food when your body should be focusing on sleep only. Yeah yeah yeah you eat tons of ice cream and then pass out and lose weight, this will never and has never worked for me. Since pursuing my tips, not only have I lost 60 lbs but my skin, hair, nails, teeth, and energy levels have never been better. This is what works for me and might work for you if you've NEVER tried it. How would you know?? How would you know if your body reacts to this method better if you've ALWAYS eaten at night? You don't even know the difference.

    You posted antidotal evidence of what worked for you as fact. Your better skin, hair etc could all be caused by the weight loss.

    How do you know that eating at night wouldn't improve your health? Maybe ice cream before bed is just what you need to lose the last 10lbs.

    I suggest you try to learn from the very very smart people on these boards instead of insisting that you must be right. You're in a plateau. So clearly your tips are not working for you now. Doesn't that say something?

    Oh and corrolation =/= causation.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Im happy you all eat processed sugary/salty foods and still manage to lose weight. You all must be so proud. I will stick with my organic non-GMO, unrefined lifestyle and teas as I up my exercise regime and see what happens.

    And here is the post that proves once and for all that the OP was just trolling us all along
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    And to post yet again and for the last time, I was not trying to promote my tips as weight loss ONLY. I was also trying to promote HEALTH. Eating at night obviously causes your body to work more to process this food when your body should be focusing on sleep only. Yeah yeah yeah you eat tons of ice cream and then pass out and lose weight, this will never and has never worked for me. Since pursuing my tips, not only have I lost 60 lbs but my skin, hair, nails, teeth, and energy levels have never been better. This is what works for me and might work for you if you've NEVER tried it. How would you know?? How would you know if your body reacts to this method better if you've ALWAYS eaten at night? You don't even know the difference.

    Your body can sleep and process food. I am not seeing how that is unhealthy.

    Changed your tune now however - before you were touting these 'tips' as fact for weight loss.

    There is nothing wrong with making a post on what works/ed for you. What you will be pulled up on is making incorrect statements about 'facts'. Weight loss can be hard for many people - do not make it harder by making it more complicated than it needs to be.
  • paulaaah
    paulaaah Posts: 60
    And to post yet again and for the last time, I was not trying to promote my tips as weight loss ONLY. I was also trying to promote HEALTH. Eating at night obviously causes your body to work more to process this food when your body should be focusing on sleep only. Yeah yeah yeah you eat tons of ice cream and then pass out and lose weight, this will never and has never worked for me. Since pursuing my tips, not only have I lost 60 lbs but my skin, hair, nails, teeth, and energy levels have never been better. This is what works for me and might work for you if you've NEVER tried it. How would you know?? How would you know if your body reacts to this method better if you've ALWAYS eaten at night? You don't even know the difference.

    You posted antidotal evidence of what worked for you as fact. Your better skin, hair etc could all be caused by the weight loss.

    How do you know that eating at night wouldn't improve your health? Maybe ice cream before bed is just what you need to lose the last 10lbs.

    I suggest you try to learn from the very very smart people on these boards instead of insisting that you must be right. Your in a plateau. So clearly your tips are not working for you now. Doesn't that say something?

    I have done that. I did that for years and gained a ton of weight. So yes I am speaking from experience that eating at night does not work for me. I am at a plateau but I believe that's more to do with needing to change my exercise regime vs my diet.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    And to post yet again and for the last time, I was not trying to promote my tips as weight loss ONLY. I was also trying to promote HEALTH. Eating at night obviously causes your body to work more to process this food when your body should be focusing on sleep only. Yeah yeah yeah you eat tons of ice cream and then pass out and lose weight, this will never and has never worked for me. Since pursuing my tips, not only have I lost 60 lbs but my skin, hair, nails, teeth, and energy levels have never been better. This is what works for me and might work for you if you've NEVER tried it. How would you know?? How would you know if your body reacts to this method better if you've ALWAYS eaten at night? You don't even know the difference.
    thats all well and good, but you posted alot of misinformation. they may or may not help with weight loss or health, but we like to get the facts straight here.

    except for drinking green tea and eating relatively "healthy" foods, ive done none of your tips and ive lost 70 lbs, and i've never felt better. dont know about my hair and nails, guys dont pay attention to that crap, but i went to the dentist last week, no cavities!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    And to post yet again and for the last time, I was not trying to promote my tips as weight loss ONLY. I was also trying to promote HEALTH. Eating at night obviously causes your body to work more to process this food when your body should be focusing on sleep only. Yeah yeah yeah you eat tons of ice cream and then pass out and lose weight, this will never and has never worked for me. Since pursuing my tips, not only have I lost 60 lbs but my skin, hair, nails, teeth, and energy levels have never been better. This is what works for me and might work for you if you've NEVER tried it. How would you know?? How would you know if your body reacts to this method better if you've ALWAYS eaten at night? You don't even know the difference.

    You posted antidotal evidence of what worked for you as fact. Your better skin, hair etc could all be caused by the weight loss.

    How do you know that eating at night wouldn't improve your health? Maybe ice cream before bed is just what you need to lose the last 10lbs.

    I suggest you try to learn from the very very smart people on these boards instead of insisting that you must be right. Your in a plateau. So clearly your tips are not working for you now. Doesn't that say something?

    I have done that. I did that for years and gained a ton of weight. So yes I am speaking from experience that eating at night does not work for me. I am at a plateau but I believe that's more to do with needing to change my exercise regime vs my diet.

    No, you gained weight because you ate more calories than you burned.

    Not eating at night might help you stick to your calories goal but it did not cause you to lose weight.
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