Here are some of my tips!



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Good sugesstions.
    #2 for me eating pass seven is a must since I go to bed pretty late. I was told eat three hours before bedtime.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Here are my tips.

    1. Eat real food. The food you intend to eat for the rest of your life. Not a "diet." There are no magic supplements. There are no magic combinations. There are no taboo foods (unless you have allergies). You'll learn to put more vegetables on your plate and limit your portions of calorie dense foods just to meet your calorie goals, which is what you need to do to lose weight and sustain it over the long haul.

    2. Exercise. You'll be able to eat more at a minimum. There are lots of other reasons to exercise. What exercise? Whatever. Just do it. Do it now. Get off the couch.

    3. Drink lots of stuff without alcohol in it. Water is great. So are other things. Just dump the liquid into your body in great quantities on a regular basis. Most of us walk around half dehydrated most of the time. You feel better when you're not dehydrated. Oh, and a big glass of some liquid is filling in its own way and takes the edge off of hunger or, more commonly, just the nearly insatiable desire to snack.

    Bottom line: eat less and exercise and drink more.

    Well said
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    no, a plateau = eating at maintenance...exercise is for health anyway not weight loss...that is what a deficit is for.

    I agree. I've read posts from people who talk about 6-10 months-long plateaus :noway:
    This totally implies maintenance to me when it's going on for that long.
  • jobean12
    jobean12 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks for sharing! Appreciate the support and info!! Agree with your post.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    This is what has worked for me personally over the course of losing 60 lbs. It is not a lie or myth that you do not burn as many calories while sleeping as opposed to being awake. I have no idea how any of you actually don't believe that putting organic produce in your body isn't better than refined processed food and e.) sugar. The amount of times I eat a day has proven effective in my case but everyone is different. 5-6 small meals a day keeps my metabolism high as opposed to 3 large meals. The benefits of green tea are not minimal because it does give one energy, speed up the metabolism, and is great for the skin. Ginger tea helps digestion. But that was just a tip, I personally love tea so that was my suggestion. These were TIPS, like for someone who has hit a wall and wants to experiment with other methods. Also, this doesn't have to be directed for strictly weight loss, this is about health. If you want to see a change in your skin, hair, and overall energy, YES cutting out refined processed food and white bread/pasta will do this for you. (Example: eating fresh fruit as opposed to a slice of pie or using stevia or honey instead of sugars. Or even using fresh organic spinach instead of iceberg lettuce. It does make a difference No, I am not an expert, I was simply trying to offer different methods to achieve your goals.
    Myth I used to think this was true but it is not.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Pro-tip: There are people who live clean and HEALTHY their entire lives and still die at 30. There are people who do things UNHEALTHY and live over 100. The health argument is tired and old
  • smetka01
    smetka01 Posts: 99 Member
    Here are my tips.

    1. Eat real food. The food you intend to eat for the rest of your life. Not a "diet." There are no magic supplements. There are no magic combinations. There are no taboo foods (unless you have allergies). You'll learn to put more vegetables on your plate and limit your portions of calorie dense foods just to meet your calorie goals, which is what you need to do to lose weight and sustain it over the long haul.

    2. Exercise. You'll be able to eat more at a minimum. There are lots of other reasons to exercise. What exercise? Whatever. Just do it. Do it now. Get off the couch.

    3. Drink lots of stuff without alcohol in it. Water is great. So are other things. Just dump the liquid into your body in great quantities on a regular basis. Most of us walk around half dehydrated most of the time. You feel better when you're not dehydrated. Oh, and a big glass of some liquid is filling in its own way and takes the edge off of hunger or, more commonly, just the nearly insatiable desire to snack.

    Bottom line: eat less and exercise and drink more.

    I tried to eat only healthy food but got nowhere. As said, it is to hard to eat vegetables when there is a cake on a birthday party. Because of those parties and/or visits I started eating as I was before I started with diet.
    Now I eat what ever I want as long as I am in my calorie limit.

    And exercise is the best. That's how I get to eat more :) I don't binge anymore, I eat more fruits and vegetables but I still eat ice cream, chocolate and cookies if I am under calorie limit.

    One tip from me: put planed exercise in MFP in the morning with all the rest. I usually eat calories from exercise till evening so I am forced to exercise even on lazy days if I don't want to see red numbers ;)
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Truly was not trying to over complicate anything for anyone. I was trying to offer tips to anyone who is stuck and perhaps trying to take it to the next level. Weight loss has been known to plateau if your body gets used to a certain action.
    I wasn't going to say anything but I think you found my last nerve. I haven't lost any weight for a couple of weeks...and I know some of my friends think I eat too much "junk" like Ghiardelli or Godiva dark chocolate (which is actually very nutritious and good for you).

    OK, my scale weight has not gone down (so freaking WHAT), but my body fat % has, and so have my inches...and I might have even gained some newbie lifting muscle. There is not a darn thing wrong with what I am doing, I meet my macros and then if I want what you consider "junk" food, I eat it. I look in the mirror and see the fat and the muscle and where I am gaining and losing very realistically, but that is me. I really do love and accept myself the way I am, and I really want a healthy body, where I see fat, there REALLY is fat, but that is not true for many on here who look in the mirror and see fat where there is none, and I am not sure posts like yours are serving them.

    There are more people with eating disorders on this site than I have ever seen in my life anywhere else. There are so many people thinking if they eat 1201 calories in a day they will not lose weight, who are starving themselves while they lose muscle and some are even courting organ damage. I am glad what works for you worked for you, I drink green and ginger teas sometimes too, but if there is something I really want, I let myself have it if it fits my macros. Yesterday I even had a "cheat" day, although I didn't even eat (what I think is) my maintenance, I had about 2000 calories.

    You know, this whole idea that you have to do this or do that instead of finding what works for a SUSTAINABLE weight loss for you as an individual is just wrong, what worked for you worked for you, does not mean it is best for anybody else. CICO applies to all of us, but after that, we figure out how we can make this trip and not get off the train.

    I am getting really ticked off at these people who act like scale weight is god. Lift some weights and get some tone to your body. If you want to make something a "God", make it being "toned" truly toned, with lots of muscle. Skinny fat is not "healthy" you know.

    I am thanking God I got out of the scale weight and low calorie mindset, and am doing the things that will actually help me achieve my goals and keep them in the long run.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    And I also meant to say, a plateau is not a plateau if you are progressing. I have less body fat, and I have lost inches, therefore I have progressed, regardless of what the scale says...I am also one heck of a lot stronger and I don't just mean physically but in every way, since I started this journey.

    I really have to thank MFP for that.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member

    I get that your tips worked for you - we all have our individual tips that work for us.

    Where you went wrong I think is when you worded your tips 'You have to do this or that' which then came across as requirements for everybody.

    I must say I have followed none of your tips - I never drink smoothies, I drink diet soda, I don't preplan meal,I eat at all times, including right before bed time, I never drink green tea or ginger tea.

    Amazingly I have lost weight ( aprox rate of 1 kg per month, far from rapidly) .

    Perhaps I will post some of my tips.

    Nibble on dried apricots whilst posting on iPad late at night
    Feed the dog just before eating your own dinner
    Hang your clothes on the clothesline before going to work
    Sleep with 2 pillows.

    Now, whilst it is true I did all of these whilst losing weight, they may or may not have any correlation to my weight loss.
    Bit like drinking ginger tea - sure, you did it whilst losing weight - but that doesn't directly make it a weight loss tip for you, let alone for everyone else.

    Quoting this because I think it got lost in the shuffle. This is absolutely the point.

    Correlation =/= Causation

    Just because you were doing certain things while you were losing weight doesn't mean that those things are what caused you to lose the weight. A caloric deficit is what caused you to lose the weight.

    Everything else is just noise and confuses people.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Im happy you all eat processed sugary/salty foods and still manage to lose weight. You all must be so proud. I will stick with my organic non-GMO, unrefined lifestyle and teas as I up my exercise regime and see what happens.

    If you're at a deficit you'll lose.

    If at a surplus you'll gain.

    If at what it takes to maintain you'll do neither.

    Mystery solved
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    I have done that. I did that for years and gained a ton of weight. So yes I am speaking from experience that eating at night does not work for me. I am at a plateau but I believe that's more to do with needing to change my exercise regime vs my diet.

    No, it you're at a "plateau", you're eating too much and/or not burning enough. Try swapping out that 200-400 calorie shake for a 100 snack pack of Oreos and your plateau will be over!
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    And to post yet again and for the last time, I was not trying to promote my tips as weight loss ONLY. I was also trying to promote HEALTH. Eating at night obviously causes your body to work more to process this food when your body should be focusing on sleep only. Yeah yeah yeah you eat tons of ice cream and then pass out and lose weight, this will never and has never worked for me. Since pursuing my tips, not only have I lost 60 lbs but my skin, hair, nails, teeth, and energy levels have never been better. This is what works for me and might work for you if you've NEVER tried it. How would you know?? How would you know if your body reacts to this method better if you've ALWAYS eaten at night? You don't even know the difference.

    You posted antidotal evidence of what worked for you as fact. Your better skin, hair etc could all be caused by the weight loss.

    How do you know that eating at night wouldn't improve your health? Maybe ice cream before bed is just what you need to lose the last 10lbs.

    I suggest you try to learn from the very very smart people on these boards instead of insisting that you must be right. Your in a plateau. So clearly your tips are not working for you now. Doesn't that say something?

    I have done that. I did that for years and gained a ton of weight. So yes I am speaking from experience that eating at night does not work for me. I am at a plateau but I believe that's more to do with needing to change my exercise regime vs my diet.

    Don't take this the wrong way but you said these tips are what have worked for you but if you are in a plateau obviously they are not working...

    A plateau simply means you are no longer eating in a deficit. Maybe you need to recalculate your deficit, maybe you have not been logging correctly, maybe you are not burning as many calories as you think during exercise, I don't know. You have to figure that out. But the reason you are at a plateau is simply because you are eating at maintenance. If these "tips" work for you then great, carry on. But none of them must be done in order to lose weight. The only thing "absolutely" required for weight loss to occur is a calorie deficit.

    As far as health is concerned there are a million differing opinions about what is healthy. But again none of these things will matter for weight loss if a calorie deficit is not present.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I have done that. I did that for years and gained a ton of weight. So yes I am speaking from experience that eating at night does not work for me. I am at a plateau but I believe that's more to do with needing to change my exercise regime vs my diet.

    No, it you're at a "plateau", you're eating too much and/or not burning enough. Try swapping out that 200-400 calorie shake for a 100 snack pack of Oreos and your plateau will be over!

    but what about her HEALTH?
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    Truly was not trying to over complicate anything for anyone. I was trying to offer tips to anyone who is stuck and perhaps trying to take it to the next level. Weight loss has been known to plateau if your body gets used to a certain action.
    I wasn't going to say anything but I think you found my last nerve. I haven't lost any weight for a couple of weeks...and I know some of my friends think I eat too much "junk" like Ghiardelli or Godiva dark chocolate (which is actually very nutritious and good for you).

    OK, my scale weight has not gone down (so freaking WHAT), but my body fat % has, and so have my inches...and I might have even gained some newbie lifting muscle. There is not a darn thing wrong with what I am doing, I meet my macros and then if I want what you consider "junk" food, I eat it. I look in the mirror and see the fat and the muscle and where I am gaining and losing very realistically, but that is me. I really do love and accept myself the way I am, and I really want a healthy body, where I see fat, there REALLY is fat, but that is not true for many on here who look in the mirror and see fat where there is none, and I am not sure posts like yours are serving them.

    There are more people with eating disorders on this site than I have ever seen in my life anywhere else. There are so many people thinking if they eat 1201 calories in a day they will not lose weight, who are starving themselves while they lose muscle and some are even courting organ damage. I am glad what works for you worked for you, I drink green and ginger teas sometimes too, but if there is something I really want, I let myself have it if it fits my macros. Yesterday I even had a "cheat" day, although I didn't even eat (what I think is) my maintenance, I had about 2000 calories.

    You know, this whole idea that you have to do this or do that instead of finding what works for a SUSTAINABLE weight loss for you as an individual is just wrong, what worked for you worked for you, does not mean it is best for anybody else. CICO applies to all of us, but after that, we figure out how we can make this trip and not get off the train.

    I am getting really ticked off at these people who act like scale weight is god. Lift some weights and get some tone to your body. If you want to make something a "God", make it being "toned" truly toned, with lots of muscle. Skinny fat is not "healthy" you know.

    I am thanking God I got out of the scale weight and low calorie mindset, and am doing the things that will actually help me achieve my goals and keep them in the long run.

    Honestly, just to point out, the OP does have an eating disorder and really shouldn't be giving advice/ tips to anyone until she gets the help that she needs.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I drink green tea mixed with lemon, cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar while snacking on green coffee beans. It's the equivalent of doing hours of cardio.

  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    Yeah, the only thing out of that list that I actually use/do is the planning/pre-logging.

    I eat 1 big meal, late in the evening, and a few snacks, and almost always eat all of my calories after 3pm. I usually eat an icky processed ice cream sandwich within 15 minutes of going to bed. And I eat all the same foods I ate before... Just less of it. It's equaled 30 pounds gone in a little over 2 months.

    OP, I get that this method worked for you... but I would be completely miserable.

    I understand you have achieved rapid weight loss with this method, but it is not healthy weight loss which is what I was trying to promote.

    How can you tell me it's not healthy? I haven't lost "rapidly" I had a big drop the first week, and about 2 pounds each week following. I eat, I exercise, and I'm feeling pretty great. Are you my doctor? Because she seems pretty happy with what I've been doing and the fact that both my blood sugar and blood pressure have gone down.

    To play Devil's Advocate (since I certainly ate "junk" while losing, and don't agree with the OP's list):

    If someone's 300 pounds (to use a nice round number), you can lose weight while eating a lot of unhealthy food. You already were eating a ton of it, just to maintain your previous weight.

    So, if you go from eating two pints of ice cream a night, down to only one, your doc will be singing your praises. Why? Because you're doing better. You do realize this isn't the same as necessarily doing good, right?

    Oh, and yes, I eat ice cream, pizza, oreos, and a whole host of other "junk," but let's get off the "my blood work is great, so I'm healthy" train.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    1. Yes they have lost weight but this does not mean they are healthy and I'm sure they had to REDUCE the amount of these processed foods SIGNIFICANTLY to achieve this.
    2. It is not irrelevant at all and I am living proof. It is not NECESSARY but helpful.
    3. IVE ALREADY STATED that this has worked for me and might work for others who haven't tried it but are stuck. It is proven that small meals throughout the day is more beneficial to ones metabolism than 3 large meals. It does not make a HUGE difference but it can take someone to that next level.
    5. Green tea helps diffuse bloating around the stomach area. Not kill fat, you're right but reduce bloating and flush out toxins that usually accumulate around that area.

    Name a toxin, any toxin that the green tea will flush from your system.

    Okay, *now* I'm in... see if this has been responded to yet.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    let's get off the "my blood work is great, so I'm healthy" train.

    So, how are we defining health then?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    1. Yes they have lost weight but this does not mean they are healthy and I'm sure they had to REDUCE the amount of these processed foods SIGNIFICANTLY to achieve this.
    2. It is not irrelevant at all and I am living proof. It is not NECESSARY but helpful.
    3. IVE ALREADY STATED that this has worked for me and might work for others who haven't tried it but are stuck. It is proven that small meals throughout the day is more beneficial to ones metabolism than 3 large meals. It does not make a HUGE difference but it can take someone to that next level.
    5. Green tea helps diffuse bloating around the stomach area. Not kill fat, you're right but reduce bloating and flush out toxins that usually accumulate around that area.

    Name a toxin, any toxin that the green tea will flush from your system.

    Okay, *now* I'm in... see if this has been responded to yet.

    Have a guess.....
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