

  • I have celiac sprue and if I eat the tiniest bit of gluten, like in chocolate where there is nothing said of gluten in the labels, i throw up and literally pass out and am miserable for hours, my symptoms are very severe :( i do not eat anything with traces of gluten. feel free to add me!
  • I don't compensate naturally. I used to be anorexic and now I sometimes struggle with binge eating periods when I'm stressed. The one thing that really helped me was not counting those days and just try to do better the next days. I also have experienced that a binge day or even two does NOTHING with my weight.
  • Hey, i have exactly the same goals as you. I will add you as a friend. I am also trying to build muscle (bodyrecomp, to be correct), I will also eat 1600 cals :)
  • Nice sheet! Thank you :) I just thought that maybe IIFYM is not accurate for me because when I calculate with " exercise 4 times a week", maybe it means more serious exercise than the workouts I do, you know? because they are not that heavy. they are heavy for me but they are short.
  • Hey, I eat 1450 calories a day and work out 4 times a week (strength training). I do not eat my exercise calories back because I used the IIFYM calculator that already takes your amount of exercise into the calculation. My goal is to lose weight, though it's tough for me I'm at 161cm and 52kgs… Feel free to add me, i'd be…
  • oh it's the same with me, I once did karate 5 times a week, did rowing 3 times a week, and ballet before I became anorexic. I lost my muscles becuase of this but after those two months of training I seriously gained some muscles back already!
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