

  • Try to keep close to your net calories. I haven't been monitoring mine and after a steady weight loss for weeks I started gaining a few pounds. When I checked the reports today I noticed that the only change in my diet was that the net calories dropped below 1000 calories for a couple of days. I'm already at a 1000 calorie…
  • I usually close after dinner if I'm out of calories. If not I'll pre-log a dessert to see what I can have and then close.
  • It sounds like your husband doesn't want other men looking at you like he does skinny women. He's insecure and is afraid you might leave him for another man who might show interest in you. When my wife gained weight I would tell her she looked fine to me because my connection with her is more than physical, but I would…
  • Weight the fat and look up the calories for lard then subtract it
  • LeahFerri Weight the fat and look up the calories for lard then subtract it
  • If the gravy is made from reducing the stock of the recipe then no further calories should be added. If you use a roux to thicken it then remove the meat and veg then thicken and get the volume of the gravy. You can also use a slurry (cold water and flour) to thicken without adding the extra calories of butter in the roux.
  • I tried a lot of those weight loss gimmicks and the only thing that has worked is MFP. I love that all those pills and shakes say they work when combined with diet and exercise, as if just the diet and exercise won't help you lose weight. Stick with MFP and save your money.
  • I try to stay out of the kitchen as much as possible. I'll also do little projects around the house, you'd be amazed at how many calories are burned painting, cleaning out a closet or repairing something.
  • If you stick to your allowance you will lose weight no matter what, but if you eat all junk food you will be an unhealthy skinny person. The sayings "You are what you eat" and "You get out what you put in" are definitely true.
  • You might have your goals set too high to start if you're getting really hungry. Better to start slow then increase your goal. If your very active later in the day you might be burning more calories than your allowance. Use the exercise journal to track your activity, treadmills are not the only thing that burn calories. I…
  • All the people I know that have had surgery to lose weight have gained it back. After the surgery they tell you you can't eat a lot or certain things. What's the point if you do that anyway you'll lose weight. Just like diet pills that say they work when combined with exercise and diet. No matter what you do to your…
  • An activity monitor would be better like the fitbit or jawbone. I use the lifetrak c410 and it's great. It tracks everything steps,distance,calories,workout,sleep all on it's screen and it doubles as a watch so I don't realize I'm wearing it all the time. No charging, no app needed to see progress, has an app for ipad or…
  • Moderation works the best. When you binge because your thinking of the loved one you lost, think of that person watching you. Would they want you to be healthy, would they be proud of you because you didn't binge on something or would they be disappointed in you if you binged.
  • You can email support in the help page. Click on the email us on the right under post a public question. I emailed them about this but haven't gotten a reply yet. C410 is a great monitor.
  • Good luck to you as you begin your journey into a new chapter of your life. I am a Chef so I have a love for all food, which is why I'm here. I need to lose about 30 pounds and trying to get my butt on the weight machine. Extra muscle would definitely boost the weight loss. Just got a Shiba Inu puppy (Okami) which is…
  • Portion control, denying yourself only leads to binge eating. A little of something is better than nothing. I really don't worry about what I eat until dinner time. I get home and log in what I had for breakfast and lunch then I know if I can eat a whole meal or just part of it. Dinner time is more about replenishing what…
  • Depends on the seafood, but Old Bay or Phillips are a nice all purpose spice. Throw a little white wine in the mix your using that'll really bring it up a notch.
  • I found that when I went too low the diary would show a warning that I was too low and might have difficulty losing weight. Don't forget exercise is not the only activity that burns calories. If you work all day and come home and do 3 hours of work around the house you could fall into a deep deficit. The diary should state…
  • I use the Lifetrak c410 got it from costco for $70. It's a little bit bigger than a watch and it is a watch. So I just swapped my watch for it and don't even notice that I'm wearing it. All the info is on the screen to see so you don't need to start an app every time to see how your doing. It's water resistant so I can…
  • I joined this site over a year ago and wasn't serious about it. I've been back a couple of months now and doing it regularly. I'm definitely getting results. You can add me if you like.
  • Just keep a good journal and stick to your daily allowances. I have two bad knees and a bad back. I am also a task oriented person so if I run it's only to get somewhere quicker or get away from something. If you exercise for cardio health that's great, but if you exercise for weight loss and don't put back in the calorie…
  • I had the same problem when I started the journal. I found out I was eating too little some days and the journal would say I was going into a deep deficit and may have trouble losing weight. I think it's called diet bounce. When you start the journal it will give you a deficit to match your goal and when you add exercise…
  • Sometimes contentment in a relationship can add to weight gain slowly. Fat and happy. I tried a lot of those magic pills and special exercise equipment, none of it works. The only thing that has given me results is keeping this diet journal. I found I would eat too much some days and not enough on other days. I think it's…
  • I'm a returnee also. 100 pounds is a great achievement. That gives me some hope. I didn't stick with it the first time and my second time is going slow. Probably because I'm a Chef and I'm surrounded by food all day long. I would love to join your crusade against the beast.