Closing your diary for the day



  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    I am just curious as to when most people close their food diary for the day. I usually close my at night before I go to bed. Do you pre-log and close early? Do you wait until the next morning? Or, like me, before you go to bed?

    I close mine every night, it tells me what I ate that day with that days DATE on it. good or bad I know what I've done, I close it down and start fresh the next day doing things the same way if it's working, or try to fix a problem... simply moving forward.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I usually wait until bedtime, if only because I want my fitbit activity to feed in as much as possible!
  • RoastyToasty
    RoastyToasty Posts: 17 Member
    I close it out when I'm done eating for the night. It's a silly thing, but it helps me resist nighttime snacking. I know you can keep adding more, but the finality of that little button helps me resist the siren song of the potato chips and wine :)
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    I LIKE Logging FOODS AND Activity Because It Teaches Me To CHOOSE THE Fed Item With The Least CARE Carbs AND salt. I've been fabulous at eliminating added sugarSssss. I believe the feedback to closing my day estimates the number of pounds iii iii planned on losing weekly. I don't Se how a computational response to my my my my input could be considered a mind game.
  • jbwent
    jbwent Posts: 27
    I usually close after dinner if I'm out of calories. If not I'll pre-log a dessert to see what I can have and then close.
  • jackieg218
    jackieg218 Posts: 95 Member
    I close mine when I know I won't eat anything else for that day ( usually after my evening fiber snack) I actually like the whole... If every day were like today in 5 weeks you would weigh ( fill in the blank ) it makes me giggle because it's usually wrong, but then I go back into my diary and put that number in the food notes area. For some reason I just like to see that... Weird I know, because it's not usually correct lol
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    I'm always pre- logging for the day, so I can see if my calorie goal will be matched, but I want to be able to still change things. I normally close it after dinner, when I'm not eating anything anymore. That works for me most of the time :)
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I am just curious as to when most people close their food diary for the day. I usually close my at night before I go to bed. Do you pre-log and close early? Do you wait until the next morning? Or, like me, before you go to bed?

    I close before bed so the last of my steps for the day are counted.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    I usually close mine after dinner. That way, if I binge later, it doesn't count. :blushing:

  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I prelog everything the night before. I usually close my diary after I've worked out (because of my schedule I do that in the late afternoon/evening) and drink all the water I've "assigned" myself for the day. So, I usually close it out pretty close to bedtime.
  • SluggishSwimmer
    SluggishSwimmer Posts: 17 Member
    I'm only on day six of logging, but I've been closing at bedtime. I'm a snacker, and have been having some fruit between dinner and bed, so I want to make sure I log it.
  • losingw8now
    losingw8now Posts: 105 Member
    Like many people, I do it in the evening after I've eaten my last snack. If I have closed it and then eat something, you can still go back and add it - it just doesn't show up as the adjusted amount (say if you go over cals) on your feed.

    Regarding changing it later - I have often forgotten to log something or it got late and I didn't close it before bed. Even days later - you can go back to that date and change/add something (at least on the computer - I don't use a smart phone app). It won't show up on your feed if it is past the day - but it will be there for you to look at and compare. Closing it only affects whether or not it is posted to your feed that day. Otherwise it is always "open" for you to change. (Like the other day at work I picked the best choice off the list to match what I ate because I didn't have the packaging with me - forgot to look that night when I got home - the next day went to have that item and remembered to look at the packaging - I had chosen something 60 cals more! I was able to go back into that day and change it on my diary so that I could see the accurate cals I ate that day)
  • katiemegcz
    katiemegcz Posts: 49 Member
    I have been pre-logging as a way to plan how I am going to stay at or under my calories especially on days when there will be temptation (weekends). It helps me figure out how to exercise to allow for extra treats. But as for as closing out, I guess it really doesn't matter. I close it out at night before I go to bed, but really as long as you have been logging, closing doesn't matter.
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    I don't have a specific time to complete it because things like to pop up in my life that keep me from my computer. For the most part, I complete after dinner and if I snack later, I just track it the next day. Have to allow yourself some wiggle room. :o)
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,182 Member
    Lately, I have been pre-logging my food and it has been very helpful. However; I do not close out my log until right before I go to bed (and sometimes, I don't close it out at all) just in case I have midnight snacks or something stupid and unplanned. Also, sometimes I may even pre-log more calories just cause I'm in a hurry and don't do the right quantity until later or exactly the correct food. Sometimes I just need kind of an idea of what food I am going to eat. Or just want to make changes thruout the day. It is not set in stone, but the pre-logging has been helping me immensely, lately.

    This may sound bad & I might lose some friends over what I'm going to write next but, here goes: I don't close out the day if I am over in calories for the day. I do go ahead and log everything, but I do not actually close it due to comments about my food and/or exercise since it will post to my wall. At this stage, I know what I am doing wrong and don't really care for criticisms even if they are true and correct. I do keep my food diary open to the public as I think it can be helpful to others to see and learn what others are doing and to get ideas. (I used to always close the daily dairy, but it was due to the comments that I stopped when I did not have a good day).

    On the other hand, I do like the support when I do well. I believe everyone here really means to be helpful and encouraging. That is what I need, right now, at the stage I am in. Lots of kudos.

    This website is a tool to help you. Use it the way it works for you. I try to be supportive of others and enjoy the on-line social community.

    (BTW, I do not mean that no one should try to help others by critiquing their food and exercise diaries. Please do not get me wrong. It is just the stage that I am at right now of what is helpful to me. Also, if someone is asking for help, please help them by evaluating and critiquing.)

    Also, I apologize if I got waay too off topic. :flowerforyou:

  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I usually close mine after dinner and the last workout. I take a look at my calories then, and maybe pre-log a snack for later in the evening. If I consume more than that I will go back in and enter it, calculations will still take place.
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    When I remember to close mine, it's usually shortly after dinner. I know how many cals I have left, and can usually tell how hungry I'll be for a snack later. I'll decide what I want to snack on (if at all) log it and then close. I like the little "in 5 weeks" bit, too- it's kind of a nice way to keep on track :)
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    Um, never lol.
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    I close mine when I know the eating activity is done for the day and the only thing left is my night cap known as "papa juice" , also known as "daddy medicine" in my house. When I'm mixing that up I log it and close down for the day. Usually about 10pm most nights.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I don't close mine out anymore. I was getting too many comments (mostly complimentary, but still...) I know what needs to be done so I do it. I don't need the affirmation. My diary is open to the public & I don't mind questions & comments, but it seemed like people felt like they HAD to say something every day and it was getting to be too much. I like comments on my weight loss & my exercise posts.