76claire Member


  • I'm on week 3 of FB Booty but completed the 8 week programme a few weeks ago. I loved it apart from the second 1000 calorie challenge which nearly killed me.
  • I wouldn't recommend doing this as a diet and definitely not to prepare for a physical assessment . I did it for ten days every January for four years as a new year 'cleanse'. The weight dropped off but I had no energy - exercise was out of the question. Any weight I did lose came back on as soon as I started eating again.
  • I generally have to wait 1 or two hours between eating and exercising, depending on the size of the meal/snack. If I don't I always feel queasy and get a stitch.
  • I would definitely give level 3 a try. I found it hard because there are a lot of upper body exercises and my upper body strength is practically non-existent! I had to do the modified exercises a lot of the time but at least it's still a work out.
  • Level 2 of the 30DS gave me a lot of knee pain as well. I think the lunges were the culprit so I just did arm exercises during that section. My knees got a lot better when I moved onto level 3.
  • The V Fly Squats are evil, but I hate the squat thrusts more than anything. On day 1 on level 2 I couldn't get through the full 30 seconds of squat thrusts but I can now, (day 8), it is so encouraging to see yourself improving. This level is tough on the knees though.
  • Atkins - I didn't do it properly and just stayed in the induction phase, hardly eating any carbs. I did lose weight but I had no energy and felt unhealthy because I was eating no fruit and very little veg. As soon as I stopped Atkins and just tried to eat healthy I regained all the weight I had lost. Slimming World - this…
  • I use 3lb cos my upper body strength is pretty poor. I'd recommend having a variety of weights though, some of the exercises are a killer with 3lb and others are much easier.
  • I'm on level 1 day 3 and I'm really feeling it in my thighs and shoulders.
  • My DVD came in the post this morning so I'll start tonight... I'm expecting pain!
  • Thanks for all the lovely replies. @WalkerPop... accountability is definitely what I need.