Sebismom Member


  • Vinegar works, but you also may have detergent build-up on your clothes. Try soaking in a vinegar/water mix and rewash, this time with no detergent. Hang the clothes in the sun. You may need to set this set of workout clothes aside for a while to let the smell go away. Also, don't store your wet dirty clothes in plastic…
  • That's great, congratulations!
  • I totally understand this. Sorry you feel so out of control. Is this a long term or short term thing? Not sure if you're looking for advice or commiseration. I work from home and kept finding myself in the kitchen, eating tons of fattening stuff. I decided to start following Michael Pollan's (journalist who tracks food…
  • Hi, I added you as a friend, as we're in similar circumstances.
  • Go ahead and drink coffee if you like and want the caffeine. I'd skip the diet soda if I were you. It's just so full of chemicals/artificial sweeteners. You're better off drinking regular cola over the diet stuff in that regard. If the caffeine doesn't give you the jitters or make your blood sugar drop/make you eat more,…
  • If by "starve" you mean feeling the sensation of hunger, then yes most likely you will feel hungry as you lose weight. It sounds as if you have been overweight for a while now. Your body has a set point determined by your lifestyle (and genes, but that's a topic for another day). Why not keep a food diary to determine how…
  • Your topic title made me laugh! Love the before and after shots. You look absolutely amazing in the after pic, like a saucy librarian, and your beauty really shines through, you look so happy and healthy! We're the same height and I have a similar goal, thanks for the inspiration.
  • You look great in those recent pics, way to go! I have to commend you for losing weight while breast feeding. I remember feeling this all-consuming hunger while nursing. You have lost a lot of weight, and though you probably want to see that scale go down fast, your body is adjusting to the loss. Keep up the healthy habits…
  • I'm 43 and just joined MFP about a month ago. My goal is to lose about 30 pounds. The realization hit me back in February when I realized my 30 pound toddler weighs as much as my rolls of fat! If you want to be fitness pals let me know.
  • I'm fairly new to MFP. I have about 30 pounds to lose, but more importantly I feel like I need to become more fit. I have a two year old who is very active and I want to be able to keep up with him. Would love to provide/receive support.
  • It's tough trying to change your diet when there are other people in the house who are happy with things as they are. You mention that your family eats lots of greasy food. Is it homemade or is it processed food? Though calories are calories, if your family makes food from scratch then it means that you know your way…
  • I just bought a scale last year and have switched from weekly to daily weigh ins in the last two months. (After reading a NYTimes article citing a study about the effectiveness of daily weigh ins.) When I was a thin runner (oh so many years ago) I used to use a measuring tape to keep tabs on my size because I didn't want…