

  • Without having to take all day to type out a regimen and how to do every single exercise, your best bet would be to youtube what you are looking for. They have tons of demonstrational videos that are pretty good! Few quick exercises for thighs, squats and lunges are pretty common fairly quick and easy exercises that you…
  • Listen to songbyrdsweet. Your body doesn't pick and choose where it burns fat.
  • hey guys, my name is travis. if anybody wants to help hold each other accountable, i will be more than willing to jump in and give advice and motivation. i am trying to lose some weight as well. I am a personal trainer believe it or not, yes, even we struggle at times. So if anybody has any questions or wants to help each…
  • I'd really like to know how landing on your toes compared to your heels works your glutes more? With landing on your toes, you interrupt the natural foot gate which can inhibit natural motion which in turn injuries can occur. There is no extra hp extension (glute contraction) when you land on your toes. just plantar…
  • I fully encourage enthusiasm, but enthusiasm without consistent discipline doesn't go very far. What this world is missing is consistent discipline. my advice is to find some sort of set way to allocate time each day to working out (a set time), and just go! Don't think about it! Just do it! Both enthusiasm and discpline…