

  • If mass commuting is an option for you, start taking the bus or train to and from work and walk from the stop to your office....sometimes getting off at a stop before yours to get a little extra push. If that's not an option, start parking at the furthest spot from the door, take the stairs, and move as much as possible.…
  • Thanks Heidi for the clarification!!! I don't know how to lose 40 lbs in 5 weeks--- although sometimes I wish I did! LOL. Glad I posted this was my first challenge. Let's try this again! I'm in--- my first challenge too!!! Wk 1: SW: 219.8 GW: 210.0
  • I'm in--- my first challenge too!!! Wk 1: SW: 219.8 CW: 210.0 GW: 170
  • P.S....I save the Vans for casual wear. Love my Cara Beth's!
  • I too went to the shoe store which recommend the running shoes. I participated in the Komen 3 day walk (60 miles for breast cancer!) and needed good shoes. I bought a pair of $160 shoes. They were great for the walk, but the next 60 mile walk I did, I found I again needed another pair of good shoes for my next journey but…
  • Welcome Kerrie! I'm new to MFP, but not new to weight loss. Here looking for motivation, accountability, and support, so welcome-- you're not alone! :) I previously lost 100 pounds and have gained 40 back. I need to get back to the motivation I had to lose the 100-- this week is a new beginning for me. I look forward to…
  • Try club soda and lime for a little 'fizzle' in your drinks without the calories. If you MUST have the sodas, etc., continue to drink them and alternate with 2 glasses of the club soda. You're not depriving yourself, you're changing behavior.