nt199419 Member


  • Nice one. This is my alltime favorite pre or postworkout milkshake. Pre if i use slow proteins and post if I use fast proteins. 1 frozen banana 150ml skimmed milk 150ml yoghurt 1.5 teaspoon honey 1scoop protein powder = Delicious milkshake
  • Chocolate sprinkles with tosti-cheese on white/brown bread. Sweet heaven.
  • The dude's an retired athlete and is now an personal trainer and a fitness instructor. I dont understand what point you are trying to make.
  • http://puu.sh/8TH8H.png
  • If you want to fix your sugar craving on a hot day make a milkshake, assuming you have a blender. 150ml skimmed milk 150ml skimmed french cottage cheese 1 frozen banana 1,5 teaspoon honey
  • Processed foods are not necessarily bad, studies have shown however that processed fat and sugar [saturated fat&refined sugar) are bad.
  • Foods that contain refined sugars and saturated fats ARE bad foods :") https://archinte.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1819573 http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/magazine/sugar-and-salt/…
  • Should have defined that for you; refined sugars are bad. Honey, fruit etc are not.
  • Can you link me to one bodybuilder/top class sports athlete who doesn't eat clean apart from his cheatmeals/days? Yeah. There you go. Not sure what it is with people from the US but 80% seems to be indoctrinated with the thought that ''bad food doesnt exist, its the quantity!'' Eating satfat+sugar temporarily slows…
  • You must be american.
  • Yeah if you are extremely fat eating clean isn't really necessary and its easy to loose weight while still eating the occasional chocolate. But when you want to get in shape/bodybuild [eg:getting below 12%male/18%female fat while gaining muscle] you need to eat clean, low satfat low sugar high protein. You can't maintain…
  • lol what. I wouldnt advice eating high sugar+high satfat everyday. Set goals. ''After 6 days of eating clean I will have a pepperoni pizza, 1 glass of coke and 150ml ice cream'' after which you continue to eat clean until you reach your next goal.
  • Dont change your diet, change your habits and keep the changes. What I mean by that is: You can crash diet to any given number and go back to your normal eating once you reach your goal, the normal eating will gain all the weight back you just lost. Instead of crashing really fast to your desired weight just change your…
  • Thanks! :) Goodluck, let me know how it goes! :)
  • 2-2500kcal is a decent deficit. I am 85kilo and work out 4 times a week. I lost 3 kilo's in two weeks with eating around around 2350kcal per day. thats about a 350kcal deficit. I do however, not add calories to my daily intake if I have worked out so my deficit may be a little bit higher than 350. The key for me turned out…