New guy, looking for support

OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
I lost 100 pounds once, but managed to put it all back on. I'm here to lose it again, and keep it off. Looking for any support and advice along the way.


  • JamisGEM333
    Exercise, hydration and good diet, and try not to eat anything after 5:30 is the best trick of all, hard but it works! Good luck!
  • nt199419
    nt199419 Posts: 15 Member
    Dont change your diet, change your habits and keep the changes.

    What I mean by that is: You can crash diet to any given number and go back to your normal eating once you reach your goal, the normal eating will gain all the weight back you just lost.

    Instead of crashing really fast to your desired weight just change your habits, instead of drinking juice or soda drink water/tea. Instead of bread with peanutbutter and chocolate sprinkles have breakfast with some fruit, yoghurt and oats.

    Just with making these 2 changes you go from:

    [Breakfast]: 3x2 sandwiches with PB&Chocolate = 700kcal to 300ml yoghurt,


    70gram berries and 30gram oats 330kcal. with no fat and almost no sugars.

    [Drinks] 3x juice and 2x soda + 5x coffee= 2x200ml cola=170kcal with 44g sugar + 5x150ml coffee = 200kcal +200ml juice= 200kcal with some sugar..


    5x water + 5x coffee is 200kcal with no sugar.

    If you can only change those two things in your daily diet you have a huge loss of calorie and bad calorie [sugar and saturated fat] intake.