yallllah Member


  • going to echo everyone here advising weighted bridges + hip thrusts. done properly there is almost no load on the knee (it acts purely as a hinge) and instead the exercise relies completely on your back and glute muscles. those two exercises are the only things i've ever found that really activate my butt, and on top of…
  • ^^^ yes a thousand times. Starting to get rid of guilt surrounding food has already helped me immensely. In a month or so I've gotten much happier by basically practicing & reflecting on intuitive eating* and reminding myself that I can choose to eat whatever I want. Of course, I'm also not in any hurry to lose weight (the…
  • OP, I can say that I lost (and have kept off) 15lbs+ eating intuitively -- but it was an accident. Let me explain. :) For years as a teenager and college student I weighed anywhere from 140lbs to 135lbs. On my 5"4' frame, that was a bit chunky. I was never dismally unhappy with the way I looked, but I was aware of food to…
  • OP, congrats on being happy with the way your body is reacting to your changes! Ignore the people trying to make this about their food choices.
  • Hello! I'm in the same boat re: being a bit dissatisfied with my body despite knowing I'm not overweight/unhealthy. I'm struggling with what to do, as well. I'm 165cm and anywhere from 54 to 54.5kg on a given day. I once was around 51kg and enjoyed the aesthetic of it (despite how unpopular my body type at the time…
  • What's really worked for me is rearranging my eating patterns. It takes about a week (or two, if your body is stubborn), but I've pushed breakfast from 7:30am to 9:30 by just eating 15 minutes to 30 minutes later every day. It means I eat at my desk and that I have to pack both breakfast and lunch, but so far it's been ace…
  • As soon as I start to restrict or monitor my calories, I get food-obsessed. The only time I've lost weight (or maintained effortlessly) was when I only thought about food when I was hungry. After trying to diet for 6 months to get rid of 8lbs, I, too, am tired about breakfast being the first thing I think about in the…
  • Anyone can feel free to add me, but here are my stats: Age: 23 Height: 164 cm / 5'5" CW: 53.2 kg / 117.3 lbs LW: 51.1 kg? / 112.7 lbs GW: 50 ~ 51 kg / 110 ~ 112 lbs UBFG%: 20% <---I really want to lose fat, not muscle! I'm doing bodyweight training to keep the muscle I have. If you're my twin, friend me! =)
  • Homemade edamame-tahini spread sprinkled with black pepper & paprika. Black olives, cucumbers, walnuts, and pita to accompany. 16 grams of protein, 320 kcal.
  • Ohhh, I was just wondering this. Thanks for asking, OP, and thanks to all who replied. I lost a bit too quickly this past week and I know I've got to start with some form of WT soon (and body weight is all that's available to me, sad trombone life in rural Asia)....
  • My Flex tracks my 5ks quite nicely! It also seems to realize that I'm expending more energy vs if I were simply walking, and the caloric adjustments are a lot more modest (and imo realistic) than MFP's exercise database. ie for me: MFP database: 30 min jog @ 7m/m pace = ~275 kcal Fitbit tracking: 30 min jog @ 7/m/m pace =…
  • I've only had mine for a week but I can tell that the fitbit is what's going to trim the final 8 lbs from my body. **Especially** if you're a numbers person, the fitbit is just....fun! As long as you've accurately inputted all your info, you'll get tons of data to play with. The only downside is that MFP / Fitbit…
  • Honey-Sriracha Salmon with Olive & Cucumber topped Salad Used the extra honey/sriracha/lemon juice dressing as the salad dressing, too. Best idea ♬
  • Fortunately, the reason that your legs are wobbly is a quick fix. Unfortunately, the fix is ending this (in my opinion, ill-advised) challenge. I hope I don't come across too harshly, but it's that's simple. I've been surrounded by Boston Marathon Talk for the past six-months and every single person training around me…
  • You'll get it, don't worry :) If you have a HRM (and assuming it's configured correctly), you can track your actual workouts and calories burned -- certainly much more accurately than an online equation can. TDEE is useful for people who //don't// have gadgets and gizmos because it gives them an average # of kcal to eat,…
  • I wear the Flex and would love to do battle ;) https://www.fitbit.com/user/2GW9XM
  • I'm looking for active & talkative friends on MFP, too! Anyone is welcome, but if you're around my stats or age, especially so. (23 years old; CW: 54kg, CBF%: 25; → GW: 51 kg, GBF%: 22) I use fitbit, log everyday, weigh my food, etc. However, I'm going on a vacation starting in a week and I'm going to need everyone around…
  • I would take the adult's menu (http://www.edojapan.com/edo-nutrition-facts.pdf) and choose the item that sounds the closest. Then I'd think about the portion size and multiply the calorie count from the adult menu by whatever I thought most closely resembled the portion size of a kids' meal at the restaurant. ie: ate a…
  • I do this for 2 ~ 4 days in advance. For the very first time I've set actual macro goals, and this really helps with seeing how to meet those goals within my calorie budget. Since I prelog/preweigh as much as possible, if I get the munchies at night I just dip into breakfast for tomorrow. (IE: have a bite of my pre-made…
  • I have the (rare?) experience of having experienced both of these phenomenons. After college I moved home because I had no job -- I graduated a semester early accidentally and had nothing lined up (long story). I got small jobs as an editor, did work around the city, and did an internship...but all of it was self-directed.…
  • Thank you for your answers! I'm on a generic brand that's the second-lowest you can go (Junel had no generic when I got my prescription). Unfortunately I now live in Japan, where hormonal BC simply isn't that popular. There are very few options, especially where I live in rural Japan. However, I'll be back in a country…
  • Mine is open! I'm meticulously tracking (weighing everything, and I rarely eat out). Feel free to send me a request/message. =)
  • Just popping in to throw in an "alleluia!" CICO is true....ish. You can't put on weight if you don't eat, just like you can't lose weight if you stuff your face. BUT over time I've realized I simply have to ignore every calculator and instead track my progress using exact measurements of food, workouts, & macros. At the…
  • Deep fried mac and cheese balls? Let's get married. ... Yesterday: cumin & chili powder sprinkled chicken over spinach & tomatoes tossed with handmade apple vinegar + olive oil dressing Today: homemade avocado hummus on toasted pizza topped with light scrambled eggs & spinach Recipe for above: 45g pita (cut in half) 35g…
  • 76 g a pack?? You're making me jealous :) I've read roasted soy beans are a great protein source, but I haven't found a grab-bag I find acceptable yet. It's strange, as there's so many soy products here...Unfortunately lots of them are fried instead of roasted and the nutritional content is relatively crap because of said…
  • Yes!! I used to snack on nuts (and by snack I mean eat a 600 calorie bag) when I was drinking, but these are right next to those in the conbini. It'll be so easy to grab these instead ♪ If you find any absolutely awesome ones, let me know.
  • Anybody out there looking to lose fat & around my height/weight? F, 164 cm (5'4.5") CW: 54.1 kg (119 lbs) GW: 50 ~ 52.5 kg (110 ~ 115 lbs) GBF%: ~22
  • Second lunch! (I feel like a hobbit?) 60 kcal - 50g chicken thigh 37 kcal - 60g greek yogurt 62 kcal - 150g raw carrot 12 kcal - 2g Evoo Olive Oil spray171 kcal, 13 g protein (recipe just in case: toss chicken with minced garlic and dried mint. toss carrots in olive oil spray and add dashes of salt + dried thyme. roast…
  • We're basically twins! F, 164 cm (5'4.5") CW: 54.1 kg (119 lbs) GW: 50 ~ 52.5 kg (110 ~ 115 lbs) GBF%: ~22 I LOVE drinking too...great beers are my downfall.