Gift from the Gods: Protein Snacks in Asia(n Markets)

yallllah Posts: 35 Member
Ahhhh I've just solved a problem I've been having for weeks, so forgive my enthusiasm. I've been trying to figure out how to get more protein snacks into my diet when chicken bores me to tears and pork/beef are super expensive where I live. However, I've just figured out where to get the best low-calorie, protein-rich snacks here in Japan or your local Asian market: THE BEER AISLE.

Hear me out. :o)

Like many other East Asian countries, Japan has a drinking culture. This drinking culture encourages, nay, requires snacking. One of the most popular snacks, or otsumami, for drinking is dried fish and dried Japanese beef. I know it sounds obvious, but holy crap -- dried meat sure does have a lot of protein per calorie!


L --> R
55g Gokuatsu Beef Jerky: 162 kcal / 30 g protein
30g Dried Squid Legs: 93 kcal / 18 g protein
50g Boiled Meat: 215 kcal / 32 g protein
51g Almonds & Fish: 266 kcal / 17 g protein
42gTrue Dried Squid: 133 kcal / 26 g protein
23g Dried Squid: 70 kcal / 15 g protein [not pictured]

I never gave these snacks a second-glance before today, assuming they were like the rest of the more modern otsumami (ie: calorie & fat bombs) but these more classic ones are great. The only downside is a few are rather high in sodium, as one might expect from preserved foods.

Anyway! Next time you're at a Japanese/Asian market, try picking up dried fish. It'll take you a good fifteen minutes to eat even the smallest bag of it, as it's chewy and meant to be savored.


  • Oh I love otsumami but I always avoid them because I figured they were all very high calorie - I don't need any more calories with my beer! Nomihodai is dangerous! I'll definitely be getting some of these to snack on when I get the munchies. The dried squid strips are my favourite, chewy with a slight sweetness to them! Yum! Thanks for the info.
  • yallllah
    yallllah Posts: 35 Member
    Yes!! I used to snack on nuts (and by snack I mean eat a 600 calorie bag) when I was drinking, but these are right next to those in the conbini. It'll be so easy to grab these instead ♪ If you find any absolutely awesome ones, let me know.
  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
    I remember doing a happy dance in a local mall here in India when i discovered these Roasted Soya nuts on the counter in the snack section. All my protein dreams came true when i realized they provided 76g of Protein per pack for a price of Rs 35(60 yen for you).
  • yallllah
    yallllah Posts: 35 Member
    76 g a pack?? You're making me jealous :)

    I've read roasted soy beans are a great protein source, but I haven't found a grab-bag I find acceptable yet. It's strange, as there's so many soy products here...Unfortunately lots of them are fried instead of roasted and the nutritional content is relatively crap because of said frying.

    I will bravely continue the search.