

  • Seriously I do every month - just a couple of days then its gone. I just try and avoid the scales on my bloated days and start afresh once its over. Damn being a woman sucks sometimes!!
  • Hey, I have done both WW and SW and tbh- I find they let me eat what I want. That's not good because I found I would have chocolate and then not eat a healthy dinner because I had used all my 'points'. MFP and all the support that I have had from people who eat healthy and workout means I've learnt more about what is good…
  • Okay - thanks everyone. some fab suggestions so I shall give them a try. And what wine isnt a food group? - when did that happen ?!!! Lol
  • Hey guys, Thanks, hadn't thought about introducing nuts into the diet. I do use olive oil especially since I came off WW and SW. You are right about the 800 cals, thats when I think well I can have a glass of wine - must do the healthy fats thing. Ill give it ago and its been years since I did peanut butter so almost a…
  • Yes - 6 egg omelettes are Very boring !!! And thanks for the encouragement :)
  • Hi , thanks for the advice - I shall def do that :) how do I friend request? ? X