Reaching calorie target - help!

Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone else struggles to meet their calorie intake for the day. I am on mainly a protein diet tho am trying to hit all the food groups everyday but I just cant seem to reach it. Whats concerning me is Ive hit a plateau and Im sure its because Im only managing max 1000 cals a day.

Ive tried adding more veggies to my plate but I just cant eat them all so seems a bit pointless I am also tracking every tea/ coffee etc. so I dont think Im missing any.

Seriously this is so odd for me because for years on SW and WW I just couldn't keep within my 'points' !!!

Im going to be honest as well and say I have a couple of glasses of wine some evenings but even including that Im struggling.


Leah x


  • julianadelbosque
    What are you eating? If you add in wine calories, you can't be eating more than 700-800 calories a day. Add in healthy fats. Peanut butter on toast, sautee veggies in olive oil, etc.
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    Ok, if you're really struggling, go for some really calorie dense food like a handful of nuts, some peanutbutter (eat it right off the spoon if you have to), start mixing veggie, fruit or protein shakes in throughout the day since it might be easier for you to drink your calories.
  • leah3105
    Hey guys,
    Thanks, hadn't thought about introducing nuts into the diet. I do use olive oil especially since I came off WW and SW. You are right about the 800 cals, thats when I think well I can have a glass of wine - must do the healthy fats thing. Ill give it ago and its been years since I did peanut butter so almost a good a treat as wine! :) xx
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Veggies are so low in calories that they're not going to help you reach your target.

    Nuts, and nut butters
    Milk and dairy - have some cheese and crackers
    Ice cream, glass of milk
    Half an avocado
    Banana or mango with some Greek yoghurt
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    Treat yourself to a cookie or two every once in a while.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Treat yourself to a cookie or two every once in a while.

    Or ice cream. Or fat. You need dietary fat for proper vitamin absorption... 0.3g of fat per lb of bodyweight is usually a good guide to make sure you're eating adequate amounts of it.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    No one got overweight by not eating and wine is not a food group. Quite trying to diet and eat mostly protein. There is no reason to restrict food groups unless you have a medical condition that requires it. Chow down on some full fat dairy, nuts, oils, avocado, eggs, peanut butter, you know, things with actual food value that are calorie dense.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Most people who struggle with this are trying to keep their intake too "clean". Add in some fats. Full fat dairy, red meat, nuts, etc are the common suggestions, but there's nothing wrong with things like ice cream, cookies, etc if you can keep them in check and stay within your calorie and macro goals.
  • leah3105
    Okay - thanks everyone. some fab suggestions so I shall give them a try. And what wine isnt a food group? - when did that happen ?!!! Lol
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    :wink: First relax breath have fun with tracking your food :bigsmile: