

  • Your advice and also the one below yours is truly a mood lifter!:) I went to see my family nutritionist this morning,he wasn't really stressing on anything particular in my diet,except for the fact that I eat oatmeal twice a day for breakfast and dinner.He said to cut down on oatmeal and have it only for breakfast,apart…
  • By the way,do you think it's a good idea to exercise while upping my calorie intake?Because when I gain weight,I wanna look more toned at the same time and not be fat and flabby and having a tough time pushing through my workouts because I feel heavier.
  • Oh yes I do know that.I actually depended on energy bars at the first stage of my diet but then slowly I found out how unhealthy these bars were,I stopped them and switched to a whole foods diet and couldn't stop losing weight until like now...
  • Umm honestly to me,I cut off bread,cookies,crackers,biscuits,noodles and those that fall into the refined carbs category.I do eat crackers sometimes while studying but I stay to about 2-3 only.
  • No no I rarely binge.Like it prolly happens once in a blue moon when I feel like it.And I usually don't feel guilty after the binge tho.I just happen to binge yesterday because I wanted to see if I would gain weight but apparently I didn't so yeah
  • Wow you're actually the ONLY ONE on myfitnesspal not reprimanding me and giving advices in a subtle way.Anyway,I'll be moving back to my parents' place in less than two months after I'm done with my a levels,and that leaves me 3 months with them before I start uni which also means 3 months not counting calories and lesser…
  • Okay okay guys take a chill pill.I am RECOVERING from an eating disorder SLOWLY by increasing my calorie intake SLOWLY because I don't want to shock my body with a huge amount of food at a time.Basically I'm at 800 cal per day now and I'm increasing it to 900-1000 in the next two weeks or so.Please don't look at the older…
  • I just bought it so I would have more variety for breakfast.And,I could also alternate between oatmeal or bread for breakfast
  • That's the thing.But I guess by a slightly higher calorie content,the body would be able to absorb all the nutrients and therefore there'll be lesser excess to be stored as fat?Compared to other breads where the chemicals and additives would stay in the body and stored as fat?
  • Because there's so many different information for the same type of potato.Like this japanese yam I had,some is like 120cal for 100g,80cal for 100g etc.So I'm just wondering maybe some of you might have eaten it before so you could tell me how much you logged it as.Also,is 280g too much for one day?I only have it like once…
  • No I wasn't hungry and I wasn't craving for any food.I just felt like eating while I was studying.It happens to everyone right?
  • I think I'll most prolly go back to eating around 700cal tmr since I'm going back to college tomorrow for about a week or so.
  • Yes it is.Yeah I know,which is why I decided on this cheat midnight snack.And honestly,I kinda feel nauseous now,not because I'm overly stuffed,but maybe because I ate too much of nuts.Its prolly also a bad timing considering I have to sleep now and I can't :(
  • Ohh absolutely no.I don't eat out :P Apparently my cheat "meal" were like the healthier alternative snack but I gobbled them down like they were chips.Still,I'm pretty sure I've gotten some nutrients there and not empty calories like burgers,fries etc
  • I don't exactly know the ingredients and how much she used since I wasn't in the kitchen.But I know that my mom does light cooking,so there's minimum oil.
  • Thing is,I don't really eat calorie-dense food because my meals mainly consist of fruits,veggies,tofu & beans mainly because I don't like eating meat.And I do have a problem in having 300 calorie meals because I need to eat those stuff in LARGE quantities since they're so low in calories.I usually get full even before…
  • That's cause you used the full recipe.The full recipe gives you a slice which is as thick as one cheesecake.Mine was much lighter & you don't feel stuffed after one piece.But sure,here's the recipe : 1 1/2 eggs (1 1/2 egg yolk and all the whites) 1/2 cup low fat milk 1/4 cup caster sugar or brown sugar 46g of all purpose…
  • Actually for today I'm not really sure.I ate one whole fish which my mom steamed for dinner.But I guess that's okay.Not like I eat it everyday.I'm trying to increase my metabolism by eating every 2-3 hours tho.I can't really stomach anything filling in one meal as I get full really fast.
  • Hmm,actually no.But I have been practicing portion control to maintain my weight.And I should have just stopped at one,since it was quite a big piece for one serving.
  • Of course I enjoyed it.It's filled with berries with only an inch of batter below it.yumz
  • I don't know what else I can do,really.I love beans so I incorporate them in every meal.And each meal makes me very full.It's so hard to meet my calorie goal
  • Alright guys I actually made my diary public,and I hope what I had today is an improvement,at least,to what I've posted yesterday.Basically I skipped breakfast again since I woke up late and only had my brunch at 3pm :(
  • The dip is not more than 2 tablespoons though,based on what is left in the container.Anyway the dip is only like 15cal per 10g which is around a tablespoon.
  • That's because I'm staying at a hostel and I don't have a weighing scale for food,nor do I have a place to keep one.So I usually just roughly guess using my spoon.Sigh.Wait,so how much of cottage cheese did I actually consume?
  • Umm,honestly I don't really know.Yknow the spoon in which Chinese people use to drink soup?The one with a thick handle.A medium sized one.I had exactly 4 1/2 spoonfuls of cottage cheese.So I'm not sure how many cups or grams is that.I usually measure my yogurt that way too.Like I usually don't exceed 6 spoonfuls.As for the…
  • Haha!I prefer "drinking" my oatmeal rather than eating them,maybe I'm brought up that way.And I don't add any other stuff other than hot water to my oats HAHA!
  • Actually all I wanted was to reduce my weight,and then maintain it,that's all.Now that I've reached my desired goal,I've switched to low impact exercises like the elliptical and I have reduced the intensity of my workout to every other day.I walk to school everyday as well.Anyway all that I wanted to know was whether I ate…
  • Oh no no.Thats just for today cause I was craving for some toast,and I need to finish them before they turn mouldy XD Actually for breakfast is usually watery oatmeal or some greek yogurt with fruits
  • I've been working hard for months to achieve this weight.And honestly AT MOST I'll only allow myself to gain another 3-4 pounds so basically I'm really trying hard to maintain this weight.