Is this a healthy dinner idea to maintain weight?

I had like more or less a 200 calorie sandwich,comprising of 2 wholemeal toasts for breakfast today.Oh well I woke up late so obviously that was my BRUNCH.Anyway,I'm 18,110lbs and 5"6.I'm trying to maintain my weight now and I'm gradually increasing my calorie intake.I'm not a big eater so I can't really eat much :/ Anyways for dinner,this is what I had:
1/2 or a bit more of low fat (1%) cottage cheese with a handful of raspberries and blueberries. (Let's say that's like around 200cal?)
I was still VERY hungry so I had a mini 100% wholemeal bun ( the size of 2 macarons) and 3 crackers while dipping in some eggplant dip.I don't know how much of eggplant dip I've consumed but I assume it's definitely less than 50cal.
So is this okay?


  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Just eat normal meals. You won't be able to maintain on so little and it's just not sustainable.

    Each meal have protein, carbs, and fats. You will feel full for longer and you will have a better chance of being successful long term.

    I mean what you described is next to nothing...that is not good.

    Good luck.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Really? You're maintaining? I hope if all your meals are 200 cals, you're having at least 9 of them.

    Your diary's closed so not much help to offer - if dinner is lunch (?) and you're planning some snacks and a big meal later then it sounds okay. Just eat in a way that suits you, hit your calories and hit your macros ( your calories won't be set as something ridiculous, like 1200, if you're 5'6 and have MFP set to maintain your weight).
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Your breakfast seems rather carb heavy and might spike your blood sugar. I would say that you should try a steel cut oatmeal with your fruit and maybe just a dash of half and half for flavour and a little fat. That might fill you better .

    I find that once I start eating in the morning, I tend to be hungry ALL day, and so (Shock, horror!!!!!) I dont eat breakfast. I tend to go for some fruit around 11 and then a wholemeal sandwich with lots of salad vegetables. That does me until dinner and then I have what I consider a "normal" dinner, although it tends to be protein heavy and topped with lots of "greenage". I lose weight on this regime and because you are maintaining, then perhaps you would eat a lot more than me.

    However, having said that, I presume you exercise. Your pic certainly shows a tight body, so I wouldnt worry too much about your breakfast if this is the case. You seem to be burning off very well.

    Good luck, and a happy journey.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    5' 6" and 110 lbs - you need to eat WAAAYYYY more - you're under weight already (according to BMI calculations) and that's not enough to live on!

    Your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is 1358.60 (per day) which puts your calorie goal around 2717.2 (per day if you're not working out)

    BMR Calculation: 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
    Multiply your BMR by 1.2 to determine your daily caloric needs in a sedentary lifestyle.

    So to answer your question... No.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    its healthy but your really not eating enough for your age and stuff, eat more <3
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Nothing wrong with the meals themselves, but the quantity of which you're eating, and the calories you're consuming (if that's your whole day's food) are far below what you should be at, even if you were losing. That itself is not healthy. To maintain, well, you won't, you'll lose.

    I know you said you're not a big eater, but what's your reasoning for that. You also said you were very hungry.. is it physical (ie: you're just not hungry most of the time) or mental? If it's the first, I suggest you try eating more calorie dense foods that will give you what you need, and won't fill you up anymore. They'll have micronutrients too if you want to keep it "healthy" (although healthy should really refer to a diet as a whole) If it's the second, and you have issues surrounding eating more, gaining weight or straying from a limited range of foods that you see as healthy, I suggest that you talk to someone and get help for that because that's not going to be good for you in the long run. If you're genuinely hungry, that's a sign that you need to eat more.

    The recommended calorie intake for a woman is 2000 calories a day. You're quite lean, and if you don't exercise that much you may not need it that high, but I can't imagine you needing any less than 1600 as a minimum to maintain. More if you're physically active.
  • gcdn
    gcdn Posts: 42
    I've been working hard for months to achieve this weight.And honestly AT MOST I'll only allow myself to gain another 3-4 pounds so basically I'm really trying hard to maintain this weight.
  • gcdn
    gcdn Posts: 42
    Oh no no.Thats just for today cause I was craving for some toast,and I need to finish them before they turn mouldy XD Actually for breakfast is usually watery oatmeal or some greek yogurt with fruits
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Eating too little, exercising so hard, you are losing bone and muscle. You may not mind or notice it now but 20 years from now you'll be breaking bones just from running or falling down. Plus, do you ever plan to have kids? Such a low body fat and low calorie diet can lead to infertility. You also slow the metabolism down, making it harder to maintain or lose weight after awhile.
    Have you considered that you may have an eating disorder? How did you lose your weight?
    Don't be afraid of food with fat. We need a pretty good amount of fat, not just for fuel but for brain,hormones, nerve and fat soluble vitamins.
    Lift weights to get a lean,strong body with strong bones. Eat normal or more than normal depending on how much you work out.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Oh no no.Thats just for today cause I was craving for some toast,and I need to finish them before they turn mouldy XD Actually for breakfast is usually watery oatmeal or some greek yogurt with fruits

    Watery oatmeal... Yum...
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    What you are eating is a snack and not a 'dinner' I would say. To maintain your weight you can see eat A LOT more then that.

    Watery oatmeal? Puke! each their own!
  • gcdn
    gcdn Posts: 42
    Eating too little, exercising so hard, you are losing bone and muscle. You may not mind or notice it now but 20 years from now you'll be breaking bones just from running or falling down. Plus, do you ever plan to have kids? Such a low body fat and low calorie diet can lead to infertility. You also slow the metabolism down, making it harder to maintain or lose weight after awhile.
    Have you considered that you may have an eating disorder? How did you lose your weight?
    Don't be afraid of food with fat. We need a pretty good amount of fat, not just for fuel but for brain,hormones, nerve and fat soluble vitamins.
    Lift weights to get a lean,strong body with strong bones. Eat normal or more than normal depending on how much you work out.

    Actually all I wanted was to reduce my weight,and then maintain it,that's all.Now that I've reached my desired goal,I've switched to low impact exercises like the elliptical and I have reduced the intensity of my workout to every other day.I walk to school everyday as well.Anyway all that I wanted to know was whether I ate too much for dinner.
  • gcdn
    gcdn Posts: 42
    What you are eating is a snack and not a 'dinner' I would say. To maintain your weight you can see eat A LOT more then that.

    Watery oatmeal? Puke! each their own!

    Haha!I prefer "drinking" my oatmeal rather than eating them,maybe I'm brought up that way.And I don't add any other stuff other than hot water to my oats HAHA!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I've been working hard for months to achieve this weight.And honestly AT MOST I'll only allow myself to gain another 3-4 pounds so basically I'm really trying hard to maintain this weight.

    To me, it sounds like you have an eating disorder. I think it'd be in your best interest to seek professional help from a psychiatrist who specializes in disordered eating.

    At 5'6" and 110 lbs, you are already underweight.

    You need to be eating a helluva lot more than you are to maintain your current weight. You say you'll allow yourself to gain another 3-4 lbs at most however, you don't eat enough to even maintain your weight so you certainly won't be putting any weight on.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Anyway all that I wanted to know was whether I ate too much for dinner.

    You ate around 200 cals for brunch, then a further estimated 250 and you're wondering if that's 'too much'?
  • Janlo26
    Janlo26 Posts: 30 Member
    I had like more or less a 200 calorie sandwich,comprising of 2 wholemeal toasts for breakfast today.Oh well I woke up late so obviously that was my BRUNCH.Anyway,I'm 18,110lbs and 5"6.I'm trying to maintain my weight now and I'm gradually increasing my calorie intake.I'm not a big eater so I can't really eat much :/ Anyways for dinner,this is what I had:
    1/2 or a bit more of low fat (1%) cottage cheese with a handful of raspberries and blueberries. (Let's say that's like around 200cal?)
    I was still VERY hungry so I had a mini 100% wholemeal bun ( the size of 2 macarons) and 3 crackers while dipping in some eggplant dip.I don't know how much of eggplant dip I've consumed but I assume it's definitely less than 50cal.
    So is this okay?

    Sounds like you're guessing on your portion sizes and calorie values. You could use the food diary to firm that up so you know what your calorie intake really is. When you say "1/2 or a bit more of low fat cottage cheese" do you mean 1/2 cup, 1/2 container or...?
    In answer to your question, no your dinner was not too much, it was too little. I'm 5"4 and 130 lbs, I do weight training 3 days a week and some cardio most days and I eat at least 2000 calories per day to maintain. With the muscle I've worked hard to build over the last year, I consider myself pretty fit. You could talk to a personal trainer if you have the resources - face to face time with a professional really does make things clearer.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Food scale is your friend.

    Your description makes it sound like you are not eating enough. It's possible your body is in starvation mode, so you may have brief weight gain as you adjust to a normal diet.
  • gcdn
    gcdn Posts: 42

    Sounds like you're guessing on your portion sizes and calorie values. You could use the food diary to firm that up so you know what your calorie intake really is. When you say "1/2 or a bit more of low fat cottage cheese" do you mean 1/2 cup, 1/2 container or...?
    In answer to your question, no your dinner was not too much, it was too little.

    Umm,honestly I don't really know.Yknow the spoon in which Chinese people use to drink soup?The one with a thick handle.A medium sized one.I had exactly 4 1/2 spoonfuls of cottage cheese.So I'm not sure how many cups or grams is that.I usually measure my yogurt that way too.Like I usually don't exceed 6 spoonfuls.As for the eggplant dip,I was just dipping my crackers and bread in the container itself.But I could say it did not exceed 2 spoonfuls.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member

    Sounds like you're guessing on your portion sizes and calorie values. You could use the food diary to firm that up so you know what your calorie intake really is. When you say "1/2 or a bit more of low fat cottage cheese" do you mean 1/2 cup, 1/2 container or...?
    In answer to your question, no your dinner was not too much, it was too little.

    Umm,honestly I don't really know.Yknow the spoon in which Chinese people use to drink soup?The one with a thick handle.A medium sized one.I had exactly 4 1/2 spoonfuls of cottage cheese.So I'm not sure how many cups or grams is that.I usually measure my yogurt that way too.Like I usually don't exceed 6 spoonfuls.As for the eggplant dip,I was just dipping my crackers and bread in the container itself.But I could say it did not exceed 2 spoonfuls.
    Instead of all that guessing and calculating and having to ask random people on the internets for help, why don't you just weigh what you eat? And your "dinner" is no better than your eating plan you asked about earlier today. Unfortunately there are no prizes for starving yourself. You should just stop that. Now.
  • gcdn
    gcdn Posts: 42

    Instead of all that guessing and calculating and having to ask random people on the internets for help, why don't you just weigh what you eat? And your "dinner" is no better than your eating plan you asked about earlier today. Unfortunately there are no prizes for starving yourself. You should just stop that. Now.

    That's because I'm staying at a hostel and I don't have a weighing scale for food,nor do I have a place to keep one.So I usually just roughly guess using my spoon.Sigh.Wait,so how much of cottage cheese did I actually consume?