SpiritBunny Member


  • Coconut oil and a little sugar.
  • Confession? Well. Sometimes I miss being anorexic. :(
  • Madame Bovary by Flaubert
  • Trying so hard to get through a YA novel I started reading against better judgment (usually I read Dickensian classics). It's called 'Bleeding Violet', and it started off with a bang, so I was thinking I'd fly through it. But now I am about 3 chapters away from the end and it's become a chore. :\
  • I easily put books down if they don't grab me by the second or third chapter. Why waste time dredging through a book you hate, when you can start a new one you might love?!
  • What I really want is to lose weight... but aside from that, I guess my material wish would be a steam vac for my kitchen floor. :D
  • Mine are definitely too high, at 1,250 a day. I cut down to 800-850 a day, which seems too low for most people, but for me, it's perfect and the ONLY way I ever manage to lose/maintain a reasonable healthy weight. I think I have a thyroid problem that has gone un-diagnosed.
  • 1. vegetable broth 2. rice 3. peanut butter
  • Loosing weight takes a lot longer than 3 weeks. Most people loose weight (in approximate order) in there face, arms, breasts, collar bone, legs, love handles and problem areas like tummy are always dead last. There is no such thing as spot reducing (just toning). To loose weight you have to loose it everywhere. Measure…
  • I don't know if you have been sharing your journey if so a real friend would be supportive. I think her attitude sucks for someone that is suppose to be so close to you. That being said there are many who feel keeping it real is more honest regardless if it's hurtful because in her opinion it hasn't made much of a change.…
  • Attack it from the source. excess hair in terms of pcos is due to imbalance of hormones in your body. Something that I've seen a noticable result specific to hair issues is eating vitamin B8 (Myo-inositol ) normally this is manufactured by the body but people with PCOS have issues with this. If you can afford or need a…
  • I'm a long term ED person but would be seen as a obese anorexic. I'm only recently started to eat more than 400 calories a day from a few years back and I'm just been told that my 800-1100 calories I've been eating is not enough (more like 1800-2000) I it's difficult but I for the first time touched on more than 2000…
  • Thanks so much for a clearly written post. I'm sorry I'm coming off a nay sayer when it's comes to peoples advice I have done quite a bit of research myself and want confirmation of what is known. Many thanks to everyone.
  • Thank you for at least in principle understand where I come from. I happen to be a overweight ED with PCOS. As well as a vegan who has limited choices. I've just begun the emotional part of dealing with this I am very afraid of gaining weight but I have a better understanding of why it is and it has to be done.
  • I realize I've painted myself into a corner with my limitations and in my mind I'm trying the best I can with what I have. I appreciate all the input but good and bad and it helps me decide if I really have explored everything. I may choose to reject them but as I said I want to see if there are medical indications that…
  • Thank you I'll definitely keep those in mind. :)
  • Thank you, I eat many of these things.
  • It's hard to include everything and until a question is asked then I can reply. Not at all, my original reason was to find out the process that's ahead of me. gaining fat (which I am really concerned about) but it could be just part of the process. My goal is to loose fat not weight. I was tired and no energy because of…
  • In my first post I did mention that I am trying to eat more so I thought gaining weight group would have the experience that people could relate to. I am trying to loose weight but the simple formula of calories in and out don't work for me because my metabolism is not running as fast as it should. Part of the recovery…
  • Firstly @Dragon Wolf thank you for your reply and I wanted to clarify a little in case anyone is following these threads that Omega-6 balance is important for anyone and most peoples balance is off. I only mention it because I’m just mindful of it but it's not a strict thing I’m avoiding all together. I need calories and…
  • @Kellyemontana, in terms of an overall lifestyle I'm not against hunters or even nature lovers, that eat, prep and make there on kill. I do have issues when it's doesn't involve any skill (like putting a grenade into a lake to 'fish') however that doesn't belong on a weight loss board. You've mentioned things that are…
  • In my opinion there is no need to kill animals. period. I strongly believe that you can get the nutrients you need given today's level of technology for EFA's, it takes the foresight and the will and resources. Granted it's more expensive and not the 'same' in texture and taste but those are not necessary for a healthy…
  • @themisfit123, As a teenager as a kid I discovered my intolerance to dairy years ago, but I still ate cheese because I liked it. Then after I stopped eating cheese, I realized I felt better.
  • I'm new here but why does the # of grams matter over your own body weight? Shouldn't there be a range based on your own height and maybe even your own amount of muscle? I ate 150 grams a day but I only ate 800 calories. It constituted 75% of my entire caloric intake, but if I was a normal functioning person and consuming…
  • @kpedersen3, antihistamine haven't heard of that I'll have to read up on it. @bridgie101 , I eat what I'm told but I get full really easily. I can't seem to digest protein but it could be something else like like lack of vitamins. I'll need to ask about that, but I really hope there is another form of protein that I can…
  • @Dragonwolf, I'm vegan because of a combinatino of moral and digestive reasons. When I consume dairy I get nausea & diarhhea and the moral part is I don't want to use animal products if I have the choice. In terms of psychological aspects, my ED is somewhat in my past and it did 'work' but obviously my body suffered for…
  • Thanks for everyone's input. It's good to hear other peoples viewpoints One thing I should clarify is that I'm a vegan so many of those options are dairy that definitely more calories but they aren't vegan.I don't want to go that route unless I must, Nuts/avacado's are expensive on a limited budget. I also would like to be…
  • I've been told it's very rare to have a metabolic disorder (which I have to assume could be up or down), has your doctor officially gave you a label? I take very careful records of what I do and how I do it but how it's interpreted I can't make a medical conclusion on it. It's guess work but if you are eating badly it's…