being stuffed but eating only 800 calories



  • SpiritBunny
    SpiritBunny Posts: 39 Member
    Here is a list of brands that make vegan alternatives for dairy and other products (SOME ON THIS LIST ARE JUST VEGETARIAN, copy and pasting from comments others left me when asking about vegan/vegetarian options for dairy and stuff!)


    Thank you I'll definitely keep those in mind. :)
  • SpiritBunny
    SpiritBunny Posts: 39 Member
    There is a medication to help with PCOS, but so does a low carb diet. I am a little baffled by this whole post. You have medical conditions which respond to specific diets in order to create/maintain optimum health, and you've made a lifestyle choice that undermines that very thing. I get the moral implications, but at some point you have to put your health above your convictions if you can't do both (and it is clear it would be very difficult under regular circumstances, but it seems impossible with your current financial situation).

    I realize I've painted myself into a corner with my limitations and in my mind I'm trying the best I can with what I have. I appreciate all the input but good and bad and it helps me decide if I really have explored everything. I may choose to reject them but as I said I want to see if there are medical indications that you indeed have to eat meat some need it some don't. I dread the day that I'm told this but that is something I can't address until I get medically checked which is again a limitation.
  • SpiritBunny
    SpiritBunny Posts: 39 Member

    Overweight people can have EDs

    Thank you for at least in principle understand where I come from. I happen to be a overweight ED with PCOS. As well as a vegan who has limited choices. I've just begun the emotional part of dealing with this I am very afraid of gaining weight but I have a better understanding of why it is and it has to be done.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    upping it a little at a time helped me. i haven't read the other replies so idk if anyone said that, but i started adding about 50-100 extra cals every week or two until i got to a maintenance amount that i needed. also calorie dense foods are good. instead of filling up on mass veggies to get all the cals in, full fat options of foods, avocados, nuts/nut butters, dairy etc are good to add in. that way it is more calories, but without feeling too full as something like nuts has a lot of calories for a small amount. that's what worked for me in recovery anyway
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    and the bloating goes away, i promise :]
    my doctor too was talking to me about how many people feel bloated after eating as well. but definitely since you have been used to the 800s, doubling that is a lot physically and mentally.
    you got this though, hang in there and just remember one day at a time!
    eating disorders anonymous has really good meetings online, phone and in person that offer great support if you ever need it
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    op i didn't realize you were vegan.

    some other high calorie foods:
    oreos (lol sorry they're vegan but that will def get those cals up!)

    cook with olive oil or add olive oil seeds and nuts to salads, that will definitely get you up a few hundred very easily without feeling any extra full
  • SpiritBunny
    SpiritBunny Posts: 39 Member
    YMMV, but I hope this helps.

    Thanks so much for a clearly written post. I'm sorry I'm coming off a nay sayer when it's comes to peoples advice I have done quite a bit of research myself and want confirmation of what is known. Many thanks to everyone.