

  • Have to give my apologies. Friday and Saturday was my Girlfriend's "Re-Bachelorette" party...and I missed my first weigh in. I did not gain or lose...exactly the same, so it would not have swayed the results in any particular direction...but still... Back on the Horse today! I am looking to log a few miles on the…
  • I hear you! I get up at 4:30 every morning and make mine his lunch for work. I SHOULD try and make the gym first thing in the AM but you're lucky if I get 15min in on my own elliptical! Almost weigh in time...and I worry that I won't contribute much to the number this week....good thing that the weigh in is the night…
  • Welcome to Team Green's Pow-Pow room! I am in the "I HATE running" camp. I do it because I know that it's good for me. You LIKING to run is half the battle. Start slow. I did a "Run 30s, Walk 4min 30sec" plan where I worked up to running for 45min non stop. Just go slow and steady. C25K programs are GREAT too!
  • GREAT JOB TEAM GREEN! Even though we did not win...we still were one of the TOP THREE teams!!! Slow and steady wins the race! We did, however, loose a member. We are down to 8. I ran the Warrior Dash NY on Saturday. Was such a blast! One of the most fun Mud Runs. I did all 12 obstacles and ran most* of the 3.2mi...there…
  • Checking in for a team member on vacation Aprilstar480: 159.8lbs
  • SamSal05. 139.9
  • Not a problem. I can post the weight for you if you are not available. Charli...def. a scary thing! Both you and Rezekiel need to take it easy and rest up!
  • CONGRATULATIONS guys! We were one of the top teams with an overall loss of .8%! That is GREAT! We collectively lost 13.8lbs this week! Isn't that amazing?! I am starting my 2-a-Days this week, and taking Friday off for my race on Saturday. Not sure how well I will do. I did a run on Friday in my gym's Cardio Theater. They…
  • Congrats EVERYONE on a GREAT week!
  • If you have a smart phone, you can go to your phone's browser and to to the myfitnesspal's web page and do it that way. I hear you on the toast issue. Why do they tell you to eat toast?! Might as well try swallowing sandpaper! Monica: This month has been a killer for my scale number as well...hoping to break this plateau…
  • Everyone: Remember to weigh in!!!! Hope everyone is doing well on their Mini Challenge! I do "BodyPump" so I counted that. It's 60 min of pure torture! Squats, lunges, dead lifts....but it works! Food is a struggle...but I am doing better...a lot of All Bran Buds to counter the high protein bars...I tend to eat the same…
  • SAMSAL02: 141.0
  • Oh no! I hope you find your cat!
  • Great gob to everyone who weighed in. @Rezekiel...Travel is understandable. Just make sure that you weigh in to the new thread on Friday (or before 11:59 EST Saturday). If you miss two total, then they boot you out. OK...for for the first mini Challenge: How about we all make sure to get in 60 min. of body weight…
  • I hope that everyone is entering their weights today! It starts NOW! I am up a bit from my MFP weight last recorded...stress/anxiety eating...add in eating out and skipping the gym for a few days (want to spend as much time with my son before shipping him off to CA for the summer) and I have taken two steps back.... Sunday…
  • SamSal02 144.6lbs
  • Yes. We must input the weight every Friday to the designated thread. Anyone who doesn't get their weight in by 11:59am on Saturday will count as a missed weigh in. 2 missed weigh in's will mean that you are out. MFP has been great for me to get my Macros adjusted. Charli (LOVE the name!): Good luck on the tonsillectomy!…
  • A little intro...I am a 30yr old mum to one. My son is 12 and in the 8th grade. I have never been overweight, but always been at the "high end" of normal, and have been battling high cholesterol for about 8 years....THIS is the year I am determined to have a "normal" reading! I am too young to worry about having a major…
  • I have a whole circuit that I so. I have a bad knee (broke my tibia at the plateau and tore my medial meniscus playing football). The most important thing EVER is PROPER FORM. Without that, You will not get the results you are looking for and could very well cause yourself injury. When squatting: CHEST up and shoulders…
  • Please add me!
  • HI everyone. I was looking for a group to join. I am currently in a MFP challenge group. It started off strong, but it seems to be fizzling out. Think they made it too complicated . Anywho...I am looking to lose an unspecified amount of weight. I am more interested in lowering my Body Fat %. I currently work out 5-7 days a…
    in Work outs Comment by SamSal02 June 2014
  • I eat PureProtein bars since I cannot drink's a texture thing. The ones I get are 20g protein and 170-200cal. and only 5g Fat (3g Saturated). Another quality bar are Quest Bars...a little more pricey, but taste great as well. Also, Make chili in the crock pot. I use chicken breast, beans and quinoa. It is a…
  • Switch to Brown Rice! Small changes. There is no reason to cut rice out completely! Barley is great... And you can make a Paleo Cauliflower "Rice" Good Luck!