I didnt read through all the responses so if someone said this sorry for the repeat... but when they are that ripe peel them and freeze them then you can make banana soft serve! YOu just put the frozen bananas in a food processor with any other add ins you want (berries, PB, cinnamon) and process it until its an ice cream…
I honestly use to criticize the all the beach body stuff too but after doing a little research and because the area i live in does not have a gym i went ahead and orded the 21 day fix. Yeah it was a little expensive but from what i understand about the same as a 3 month gym membership and i have it for life. I've really…
I dont think you should have to feel bad or not say that you are vegetarian or vegan. You don't have to throw it out there but honestly on a site like this where people talk a lot about diet and exercise and preach to you about protein it comes up. Just take what others say with a grain of salt and dont indulge in the…
Hi! I've been meat free for 12 years and completely vegan for the last 4. i've also played around with raw veganism some too. Feel free to add me.
you can add me if you'd like!
I'm Vegan!! I've havent eaten meat in 12 years and have been vegan for the past 5 years.
28 5'2'' SW: 140 GW: 110 Vegan and working on portion control and trying to have a regular eating schedule Waiting for the 21 day fix and jogging to get ready for a 5K. I play roller derby so usually i skate two nights a week sometimes 3.
I'm in...hopefully i can get the ticker thing to work
I love vegetables but am guilty of not eating them as often as i should. I fall into the category though where i live alone and sometimes fruits and veggies end up getting thrown out in my house.
Thats my thought process too. I have a treadmill at home that i use and have been considerng a gym membership but in the long run buying the 21 day fix would be cheaper, i just tend to get bored with work out DVDs. I have some friends that have the P90X 3 and think its amazing and said they would let me barrow it after…
My main thing is that i am vegan.... would i be able to adjust the diet part of the program to meet my dietary choices?
I keep looking into the 21 day fix because some people really praise it. I keep going back and forth on if i actually want to try it or not. The main thing for me is money, and I'll admitt that in the past i am very guilty of spending money on gimmicky things or items that i though for sure u would use and then never…
I'm 5'2'' and i would like to be around 110lbs. Thats a 30lb loss for me, that may seem like too much and if i got down to a lower weight and was happy and comfotable i would maintain at that weight but i figure it doesnt hurt to aim high.
I've been wanting to get a rope to add so i can add jumping rope to my exercise routine. But i have a question how do you know what length of jump rope to get? I'm short (5'2'') and every rope i've bought in the past that was supposed to be a standard size has been too long for me.
I was pretty sure its safe and that it is more of a matter of what people put in their coffee. I'm just always interested in what people have to say about it so thank you for all the input!
I have an adult weight hula hoop and one called an accupressue hoop that has little bumps on it and is supposed to stimulate your digestive track (not sure this is true) the accupressure hoop does leave small bruises one me but i dont mind. I love Hula Hooping there aren't any places in my area to take a class but i have a…
I have a juicer and i really enjoy being able to have fresh fruit and veggie juice (especially carrot and orange) Sometimes i drink a glass of fresh juice for breakfast or with a light lunch or when i'm not feeling well and want the extra nutrients to fight off a cold but i've never been able to stick to any sort of juice…
I'll be 29 in August and am looking to become fitter and healtheir. i'm on a Roller derby team and joined the day after my 28th birthday and really want to be more athletic and a better derby player too.