

  • I like getting my workouts done in the morning- I pop out of bed and start moving and it makes me feel better for the rest of the day. I actually find I have MORE energy when I start the day out with a 30 minute workout. Usually it consists of a cardio dvd and a yoga "cool down". If you're having trouble finding the…
  • In the past I was suffered from anorexia/bulimia-then things got better but my foods were still very limited. I did the whole "I'm vegan"--thing for years. I've never heard of: Orthorexia--it's very interesting. I still find myself eating methodically..I have to be careful not to eat the same things over and over again. In…
  • I hear ya. It makes it even more awkward when you're the one at the party..NOT eating. In the past, when I was dieting I wouldn't eat ANY of the bad food (when at parties) then people would make comments, "Don't you want the cake??" or "Try this! Why aren't you eating??" Then later I realized, it's probably best to just…
    in Parties Comment by Endralo April 2011
  • I think you're doing great--celebrate those 3 pounds! You're currently doing 1-2 workouts a week? Try 3 workouts a week--or more long walks--or dancing around, making cleaning the house a workout by making your movements more exagerated, or standing on your tip toes and squeezing legs together (like a dancer at the balley…
  • Lemon bars are relatively low cal.
  • I have experienced the same frustrations. Maybe you need to changed your workouts, mix it up a bit--perhaps add some relaxation exercises coupled with something to bring the heart rate up--something you've never done before to perk up your body and mind! Also, maybe it's the food choices?--try something new. I know for me,…
  • Grilled Asparagus and Onions. Also, cut a cabbage into 4ths, wrap them in tin foil and grill--wowza, it's also a treat with BBQ sauce, or just sea salt and vinegar.
  • Hi! Great to hear you're loving it! I just joined as well--and lost 2 pounds, also! I have a feeling that this is going to be a great experience. Keep up the good work, I'm rooting for you!!
    in Howdy! Comment by Endralo April 2011