
Yesterday I went to a birthday party for a friend's daughter. They had every known bad food. It was a circus theme and they had hot dogs, nachos and cheese, french fries, mac and cheese, meatballs, quiche, baked ziti, macaroni salad, peanuts, baked beans, cotton candy, a popcorn machine, and pizza. The drinks were Sangria (yum), beer, and soda.

Why do people make it so hard to eat healthy?? I literally struggled to eat anything because I just saw the calories calculating in my head! I ended up eating very small amounts of a few things and drinking half my calories in the Sangria.

At the end of the day I was very close to my calorie range but wow, it was so hard!

I have committed to myself that at every party, I will offer a variety of low fat, low cal foods (crudite, salsa with baked chips, tossed salad)even when I am not dieting. I never want anyone to feel like they have no choices!

Thanks for letting me vent!


  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Yeah, that's rough :( I went out of town (only a couple hours away) yesterday and we ate out... I ended up eating just a small portion of my order because I knew it was so so bad.

    I think it's a great idea to offer healthy stuff. I would probably do the same if I had a party... definitely like a veggie tray with a low-fat or fat-free dip of some sort, fruit platters, etc.

    I'm sure you did great =)
  • roxiedo
    roxiedo Posts: 154
    I agree with you! I had a 50th birthday party this past Friday (Good Friday). They did not serve meat, no fish, ALL PASTA 3 different pasta dishes and 1 small salad lettuce and cheese only. Ya think they could have made a jumbo salad with tons of veggies in it. Salad was gone before half of the people got through the line. Just got to do the best you can in those situations.
  • Endralo
    Endralo Posts: 8
    I hear ya. It makes it even more awkward when you're the one at the party..NOT eating. In the past, when I was dieting I wouldn't eat ANY of the bad food (when at parties) then people would make comments, "Don't you want the cake??" or "Try this! Why aren't you eating??" Then later I realized, it's probably best to just eat a tiny amount, slowly.. and nurse a drink. Then people don't hassle you all night about why you're not eating, pretty much the whole.."what's wrong with you??" vibe. Besides, you never know if you're actually hurting someones feelings by not eating their caloric concoctions. You did the right thing--here's how I weigh it: "IF by eating a TINY amount of this I avoid the awkwardness and potential hurt feelings of the hostess/host, then bring on the calories." AND--I've heard it's actually a good thing to go over your calorie limit every once in a while, I guess it keeps your body on it's toes and "fires up metabolism"??