

  • i actually actively tried this week to eat more fat and decrease my protein intake... and i'm still getting about 50/50 on those. i might start eating everything with lard. ugh. i've started to plateau, maybe the high protein has something to do with it.
  • oh gosh i love miso soup so much. that's probably what i'll go with instead of chicken bouillon... YAY MSG! (i am allowed to stereotype because im asian?) also, the increased water hasnt been helping much. i have doubled my sodium intake through different means, but if eel like a heavy bloated cranky pants... and i mean…
  • ugh, thank goodness.. idk if i can stand this anymore! nice to know that there is (maybe) a light at the end of the tunnel...
  • i think i'm at that threshold, but i guess i can try to slip in more water more evenly throughout the day. i did look up the half body weight ounces thing - it seems like most people think its too much water, but i already drink MORE than half my body weight in ounces on cardio/lifting days. i guess i'm just blessed with a…
  • im on keto, and i cant eat many carbs - even too many veggies will topple me over my daily limit. the absolute best thing i've found for this problem is flax seed meal. it tastes ok, i personally like the taste, and it is completely carbless - also it's full of amazing nutrients. i like to buy Bobs Red Mill Flax Seed and…
  • wow i never thought of it like that - that's an amazing point. i do struggle greatly with maintaining weight - and even more with losing weight! i think i will follow your path and accomplish a good, healthy weight first to train myself mentally. thanks so much for opening my eyes.
  • wow, thats a lot of protein. i think i ingest almost 100g of protein now-a-days. with keto, you dont get to eat much 'fake food'. most of the food i eat is homecooked chicken, beef, eggs, raw veggies, and flax seed. your diet is really awesome though, ill definitely give your advice a try. as for bulking first, thats…
  • i clearly dont mean repetitive low weights forever - but for someone who is completely new to lifting, why would she start heavy? if she has bad form, she is completely screwed. if you bothered to even look at the site i referenced, a 'low weight' is considered a weight that you are comfortable doing 8 reps x 3 sets at a…
  • huh... i guess i had it confused. i thought that keto was low carb high protein/high fat - i think the reason i consume a lot of protein is because of muscle building. i still want to build muscle and lift heavy weights, and i read somewhere (i seriously dont remember where) that to keep yourself from burning protein along…
  • hey, sorry i dont get notifications for my threads for some reason. i just saw yalls comments, and thank you! I have been eating sour cream with everything to increase my fat/calorie intake. it doesnt hurt that i love sour cream.... i've lost 7 pounds so far doing keto, so im really grateful for your suggestions - will…
  • Do you think its better to cut down on the protein a little and eat more fats? I know there are certainly more calories in fat, but when I add fat I usually can't finish the meal. i guess i can start adding olive oil to everything... or sour cream. which is the best ever. thanks for your suggestion
  • Hi! Saw this post, and I just HAD to comment! I'm a female lifter too. I used to do power lifting and crossfit for fun, and I loved it. I hurt my back a year ago trying to maxing out at a 225# squat - bad idea. Like many others have said, heavy lifting is not what will get you results. I did it because it was fun, and I…