Lifting...strong lifts? Heavy?? Help!



  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    but if you're wanting to get a toned body, it's repetitive low weight sets (but of course eventually you will be able to increase weight over time


    @Mehdi newsletter, the guy is a condescending twit is what I personally believe. I will always remember this one day when I read one of his letter, he was completely bashing the poor dude who was simply asking him how to effectively incorporate running in his SL schedule...

    Anyways, SL might be free but as far as good form ressources go, I would really invest the 10$ into the SS book, it's well worth it.
  • sjacks9
    sjacks9 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been following the StrongLifts programme for about 5 months now and can't complain. You will definitely gain a lot of strength and muscle (I estimate I've gained around 10 lbs so far, I'm a guy). I changed it up a little bit after week 16 or so since I wanted more cardio and added some supplementary excerices. But its really good for teaching you proper form by forcing you to begin with a light weight. And no, I did not pay a thing to download the information.
  • jfrice12
    jfrice12 Posts: 16
    i clearly dont mean repetitive low weights forever - but for someone who is completely new to lifting, why would she start heavy? if she has bad form, she is completely screwed.

    if you bothered to even look at the site i referenced, a 'low weight' is considered a weight that you are comfortable doing 8 reps x 3 sets at a comfortable maximum when first starting out. afterwards, you increase to a medium weight- which is actually a weight where you can do 5 reps x 3sets at a less-that-comfortable maximum.

    sorry if my lingo isnt up to par.

    also, other than saying she should start light with low weights, what exactly is the 'bad advice' that i had given? if its my opinion that she should start low, and you disagree - then its just a different suggestion. bad advice would be telling her to eat 500 calories a day and lift 200% her body weight on day 1.


    The gif was for the "heavy lifting is not what will get you results." I don't know how to bold anything :blushing:

    im sorry, it must be my blind eyes, but youre trying to quote me... but i dont actually see where i said that ...ever.

    im clearly a heavy lifter, i've already mentioned that. i advocate it greatly. i just think that if she is simply interested in getting a little toned, low weights is a good place to start. otherwise, it's dangerous without a trainer.