Netting under 1000 calories (ketosis)

HI, newbie here:

I was wondering if anyone else was doing a low carb/ high protein diet. I'm having such a hard time fitting in my calories because I'm so full all the time - then, right before bed, I am SO hungry and mindy-lahiri-style zero out my fridge with whatever will fit in my mouth.

I've been trying to drink protein shakes (low or no carbs) as fillers throughout the day, but I'm still netting under 1000 calories. That is NOT okay, and, as a biochemist, I know its wreaking havoc on my metabolic system.

I know adding olive oil is a good start, but I already feel so heavy eating so much protein.

Any suggestions?

*edit* found a keto page, sorry if this is in the wrong area


  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Add fat to your meals -- that's where the majority of your calories should be coming from. It won't bulk up your meals or make them difficult to eat in the slightest.
  • jfrice12
    jfrice12 Posts: 16
    Do you think its better to cut down on the protein a little and eat more fats?
    I know there are certainly more calories in fat, but when I add fat I usually can't finish the meal.

    i guess i can start adding olive oil to everything... or sour cream. which is the best ever.

    thanks for your suggestion
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    If your goal is ketosis, absolutely decrease the protein (still keeping it at adequate levels of course) and up your fat. And I know you found the keto boards so hopefully you'll find some threads that give you an idea of what you should be eating.

    But I think finding a way of eating that you love is the most important part of a successful diet and it sounds like you're struggling with that a bit. If you don't enjoy the food maybe a low carb diet isn't the right fit for you? Just a thought -- I'm a big fan of low carb myself and can't imagine eating any other way but don't be afraid to switch it up if this way of eating is causing problems for you.
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    Ketosis is NOT low carb / high protein. It is low carb / high fat. Too much protein can actually prevent you from entering ketosis. Please read:

    Most ketoers have macros around 70/25/5, meaning 70% of your calories from fat, 25% from protein and 5% from carbs. Butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, mayo, sour cream, cream cheese, regular cheese, heavy cream, natural no sugar added peanut butter, etc. is how you reach your fat macro daily.
  • jfrice12
    jfrice12 Posts: 16
    huh... i guess i had it confused. i thought that keto was low carb high protein/high fat - i think the reason i consume a lot of protein is because of muscle building. i still want to build muscle and lift heavy weights, and i read somewhere (i seriously dont remember where) that to keep yourself from burning protein along with your fat reserves during keto, you need to have a surplus of protein.

    also, the keto food is okay, but i get results (thanks biology!); with low calorie, i just feel hungry ALLL the time. thats not okay :\ downside to keto is that i cant have cheat days like i can with low calorie bc it will knock me out of ketosis...

    sorry, i dont get notifications on my threads (idk if theres a setting i can change for that???) but i just saw your messages. thanks for your suggestions!
  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    If you are trying to build muscle you need to eat at a surplus. Might be better for you to bulk first and build muscle and then do the keto diet.
  • merisaOct3
    merisaOct3 Posts: 197 Member
    I get really confused by posts like this. Ditch the fake food and eat real food.
    I finally figured out how to hit 100 g of protein/day - make sure you are eating protein at every meal of real food poultry, eggs, natural no-sugar added PB, and fish/shellfish. I am trying to hit 15-20 g at breakfast, 20-30 g at lunch, a few more grams in snacks, and 40-50 g at dinner (this is what works for me). Portion out the protein first (i.e. double your serving of protein), then work the rest of your calories in around it. Fiber and veggies next, then sweets last. I'm not sure why it's hard to get (at least) 350 calories at breakfast, 450-500 at lunch, and 600-700 at dinner (again, meal sizes that work for me, adjust as needed). Throw in some almonds for a snack or two if you work out a lot.
    It takes some time to figure this out, especially if it's your first rodeo at weight loss/healthy/focused eating. There's a learning curve, but make sure to read a lot of the good (frequently referenced) posts. There's one called like "guide to skinny pants" or something like that floating around.
  • jfrice12
    jfrice12 Posts: 16
    I get really confused by posts like this. Ditch the fake food and eat real food.
    I finally figured out how to hit 100 g of protein/day - make sure you are eating protein at every meal of real food poultry, eggs, natural no-sugar added PB, and fish/shellfish. I am trying to hit 15-20 g at breakfast, 20-30 g at lunch, a few more grams in snacks, and 40-50 g at dinner (this is what works for me). Portion out the protein first (i.e. double your serving of protein), then work the rest of your calories in around it. Fiber and veggies next, then sweets last. I'm not sure why it's hard to get (at least) 350 calories at breakfast, 450-500 at lunch, and 600-700 at dinner (again, meal sizes that work for me, adjust as needed). Throw in some almonds for a snack or two if you work out a lot.
    It takes some time to figure this out, especially if it's your first rodeo at weight loss/healthy/focused eating. There's a learning curve, but make sure to read a lot of the good (frequently referenced) posts. There's one called like "guide to skinny pants" or something like that floating around.

    wow, thats a lot of protein. i think i ingest almost 100g of protein now-a-days. with keto, you dont get to eat much 'fake food'. most of the food i eat is homecooked chicken, beef, eggs, raw veggies, and flax seed. your diet is really awesome though, ill definitely give your advice a try.

    as for bulking first, thats definitely an option. the only problem i have is that i went thru a bulking phase last summer, and then just never cut... i just got fat. i found that going thru a season of eating as much as whatever i wanted prevented me from doing the restrictive dieting thing. i guess i can just suffer a little more fat in my diet and continue working out regularly. i assume if my numbers continue to go up (weight lifting), then im ok....yes? lol
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    as for bulking first, thats definitely an option. the only problem i have is that i went thru a bulking phase last summer, and then just never cut... i just got fat. i found that going thru a season of eating as much as whatever i wanted prevented me from doing the restrictive dieting thing. i guess i can just suffer a little more fat in my diet and continue working out regularly. i assume if my numbers continue to go up (weight lifting), then im ok....yes? lol
    I personally find it works well for me to bulk twice a year, but I only increase weight by about 7 lbs during my 'bulking' phase (on a large frame), for two reasons: 1. I don't want to have to buy new clothes, and; 2. I don't want my insulin-resistance to return.

    I eat keto to manage diabetes (I'm a Type I who also is very insulin-resistant if I get overweight). I add roughly 2 lbs of lean mass per year this way. It's not a lot, but it works well for me, and is giving me the physique I prefer.

    FYI I decided to lose weight to reach my goal/healthy weight BEFORE I ever started my bulking phase(s) ... both to ensure I knew how to reach my goal weight (understanding caloric intake and exercise needs, food portions, etc.) and also to simply accomplish the goal itself. Accomplishing the first goal was key to being able to accomplish subsequent goals . . .
  • Kchloee
    Kchloee Posts: 16 Member
    I wish I was in Ketosis! I guess I need to take another members advice and cut down on protein. I'm losing weight but still always hungry, lol.
  • jfrice12
    jfrice12 Posts: 16
    FYI I decided to lose weight to reach my goal/healthy weight BEFORE I ever started my bulking phase(s) ... both to ensure I knew how to reach my goal weight (understanding caloric intake and exercise needs, food portions, etc.) and also to simply accomplish the goal itself. Accomplishing the first goal was key to being able to accomplish subsequent goals . . .

    wow i never thought of it like that - that's an amazing point. i do struggle greatly with maintaining weight - and even more with losing weight! i think i will follow your path and accomplish a good, healthy weight first to train myself mentally. thanks so much for opening my eyes.