

  • Will this slow the rate at which I lose weight? I'm not starving and I don't feel horrible but I'm just always about 100 calories below.
  • I had a killer internship for the past 8 weeks, and I fell off the wagon. I actually had less time to eat but when I did it would be junk. I still lost some weight but I haven't been very concious of what I've been eating so I'm hoping to get back on track again. School starts next week, which will be a whole other…
  • Not going doesn't seem like the right choice just because, I mean..there are gonna be a lot of times when you're surrounded by food that you'd love to eat. So I say definitely go. Drink water, decline the fatty food, and "stick to your guns". Even risk being "that girl" for the night, because you know the next day you…
  • I started walking this morning as well! I was like..this is kinda awesome. The air was really crisp and I saw the sun coming up it was great! ...(i had to watch out for neighborhood dogs though. boo) I'm planning to go tomorrow again! Keep at it! Good Luck:)
    in I DID IT Comment by parisElle May 2008
  • Congrats! on your new start Keep up the good work and you'll definitely reach your goal Welcome and good luck!:)
  • Thanks, Erin in Maine! Yeah that's what I've always kinda struggled with, cutting the junk out of my diet. That's really gonna be tough. Living on a college campus is pretty rough but since I'm home for the summer I'm hoping to curb that habit now, so when i go back to school and all those temptations I'll have a fighting…
    in brand new! Comment by parisElle May 2008
  • Thanks! And yeah it really helps to have some kind of support system. I've tried to lose weight before and I always kinda gave up or...forgot? i was on a diet. lol this time im determined to make it stick.
    in brand new! Comment by parisElle May 2008
  • I'm a new member here and im about 170lbs, and im 5'6 I'm hoping to lose 40 lbs by around february (at the lastest), BUT I'm also working on trying to love my body no matter what. Hopefully there are others here like me! p.s. no one who refers to themselves as ugly/ whales/ or heifers need respond. lol. I don't need the…
    in brand new! Comment by parisElle May 2008