brand new!

parisElle Posts: 13
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
I'm a new member here and im about 170lbs, and im 5'6
I'm hoping to lose 40 lbs by around february (at the lastest), BUT I'm also working on trying to love my body no matter what.

Hopefully there are others here like me!

p.s. no one who refers to themselves as ugly/ whales/ or heifers need respond. lol. I don't need the negative energy, and honestly, neither do you. We're all beautiful, but good health is really important as well, and we've got to build each other up.

thanks! and good luck!


  • parisElle
    parisElle Posts: 13
    I'm a new member here and im about 170lbs, and im 5'6
    I'm hoping to lose 40 lbs by around february (at the lastest), BUT I'm also working on trying to love my body no matter what.

    Hopefully there are others here like me!

    p.s. no one who refers to themselves as ugly/ whales/ or heifers need respond. lol. I don't need the negative energy, and honestly, neither do you. We're all beautiful, but good health is really important as well, and we've got to build each other up.

    thanks! and good luck!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Hi! Don't let the name throw you....

    I have similar goals as you....I need to lose a bit more then you but sometimes it's nice to have someone who has a goal in common.

    Either way, welcome!
  • parisElle
    parisElle Posts: 13
    And yeah it really helps to have some kind of support system.

    I've tried to lose weight before and I always kinda gave up or...forgot? i was on a diet. lol
    this time im determined to make it stick.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I've never REALLY put forth an effort but I was just kinda blahed out by my low opinion of myself too. Now I know I am at least putting forth an effort and can see the changes and feel the difference and I've only been on here going on 2 weeks!
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    I relate, ChubbyBunny. I, too, was a regular exerciser but just wasn't seeing results. It wasn't until I joined here and became accountable for my eating habits that I have started seeing results. My husband was gone for 2 weeks (right when I started on MFP) and when he came home and saw me changing he was like "Oh my God! Can you see the changes the way I can?" That felt good...especially since I hadn't lost any weight at all!
    I have never been good at calorie counting, so if I have any advice PARISELLE it is to watch exactly what you are eating. I used to believe 100 cake calories was no different than 100 brocolli calories-it wasn't until I cut out the crap and ate only good food that I have been seeing the true difference in my body.

    Welcome and good luck to you, too!!
  • parisElle
    parisElle Posts: 13
    Thanks, Erin in Maine!

    Yeah that's what I've always kinda struggled with, cutting the junk out of my diet. That's really gonna be tough.

    Living on a college campus is pretty rough but since I'm home for the summer I'm hoping to curb that habit now, so when i go back to school and all those temptations I'll have a fighting chance.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Exactly! I worked out all the time but what I put into my body wasn't supporting that lifestyle! So it was totally counter productive. Now I am not saying I don't have my moments and eat things that aren't the best, BUT I hold myself accountable for EVERYTHING...even if it launches me over my calories, cause for me that is how I have to work.
  • Maribel
    Maribel Posts: 20
    Hi there and welcome. I am also going on my second week here and have found so much support. Be sure to read Bank's article on the Weight Loss phases as soon as you hit a weight loss slump. Whatever you do, do not give up. And keep loving your body--the way it is. Listen to ChubbyBunny food accountability is essential. Remember that this is a journey, focus on the process. I have been learning so much about nutrition along the way. I always viewed calorie counting as something negative (i.e. meant that I was on a severe diet or something) but this site and support group is slowly teaching me what is good and filling. Whenever you get off track (and you will, because you are human) just get back on track. Good Luck. Maribel
  • Hey there! I like your attitude..I am the same way with the negativity. It's hard for me to be around people who are really negative all the time. Best of luck with your journey!
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