

  • Congrats! What a great accomplishment! On your way to a half-marathon?
  • You may need to strengthen your hip muscle. Google some exercises and see if that helps. Make sure you are stretching the muscle before running too. Ice it for about 15 minutes 3-4 times a day and take some ibuprofen if needed. If it doesn't get better after a few days or it gets worse you may want to go see your doctor to…
  • The RICE method is helpful in recovering from injuries. may need to take a day or two off. your shins for 15 to 20 minutes several (4-6) times a day for a couple days. Compression...a neoprene sleeve or a wrap may feel better on your shins. Elevate...keep your shins above your heart, especially at…
  • I've been a vegetarian for 2 years. It started out rough for me. Not because I missed meat, but because I was a terrible cook. I've been getting better though and have learned to make a lot of new dishes. And I found out I love tofu and quinoa. Who knew? Add me if you'd like.
  • Google running clubs in your area and join one. Runners love to recruit other runners and share tips and knowledge. Many running clubs offer the Couch to 5K program throughout the year so you can meet other new runners and get motivation and training from seasoned runners. Plus then you'll have new friends to run with…