RockinMBC Member


  • Hi everyone!! I just joined this thread - nothing like joining at the last days of August! I’ve been on and off MFP for probably 10 years - but now I’m back with a post-COVID vengeance. Been getting in 4-5 50 minute treadmill sessions every week and I’m working my food diary like there’s no tomorrow. I’d love to grow my…
  • Just finished up a 50 minute treadmill session and rewarded myself with some Vegan Firecracker Lettuce Wraps for lunch. Yummy.
  • I consider myself a baby Buddhist - and have been meditating for about 5 years. I find I do much better when listening to a guided meditation - my thoughts are way too intrusive and insistent if I try to go it alone. I’m currently using Insight Timer. I also do guided group sits via Zoom twice a week with different…
  • Hey all! I’m back on MFP after a 6 month break. I topped out at my highest weight ever in December and decided to put an end to that trend! We started out the year doing some hikes and trail walking - but sometimes the weather doesn’t fully cooperate. Been hitting the treadmill 5 days a week - and I’ve been really enjoying…
  • We did a 7-mile hike through the old equipment tunnels they used to build Hoover Dam. Great views of Lake Mead!
  • I’m 57 - and just hit my highest weight ever in December. I dusted off our treadmill and have been briskly walking 5k a day. Maybe I’ll be able to jog / run someday soon! Been steadily losing a pound a week - so I’m happy with the results!
  • Hi all! Happy Monday! Just weighed in - gained another pound and a half over the past week. DH says it’s our scale - but I’m not so sure. Weighed in at the docs office last week and was 2 pounds more than my scale (granted that was fully clothed) - but it seemed about right. I’m currently at 1300 calories a day (with one…
  • Hi everyone! And welcome to all the new people! Well...despite my best efforts I managed to gain .1 of a pound last week (and 1.1 pounds the week previous). Decided to cut back my daily calories to 1300 a day to see if that moves things along. DH reminded me to keep drinking calcium fortified OJ so I’m hitting my daily…
  • auntiebk: I’m on Raloxifine for my osteoporosis - I have a lot of dental work facing me, so I couldn’t do Fosamax or Boniva at this point in time. Hopefully that and the treadmill will help me maintain (or even build) some bone. I’d love to add some weight training into the mix eventually. For now I have some resistance…
  • Thank you, everyone, for the kind welcome! (I’ll have to learn how to tag individual people on my replies eventually). I’ve been playing bass and guitar for ages now - so picking up the banjolele has been fun and easy. I love old timey music and vaudevillian jazz (as well as some primitive rock and roll) - so I’m throwing…
  • Hi Ann! I’m returning with a vengeance! I’m 56 and have about 25 pounds I’d like to lose. Would it be ok if I friended you? I’m trying to build a wider circle of support! Melanie
  • I was just awarded the MFP 6-year badge - and I’ve been losing and gaining the same 10 pounds the entire time - lol. I’m back with a vengeance now that we bought a treadmill for the house. I’m doing 30-minutes of cardio every day - and I’m looking to add in some resistance band workouts too. It’s sooooo frustrating!
  • Fabulous Laaaaas Vegas!
  • Happy June all! I’m a returning MFPer - and wanted to say hello! I was diagnosed with early onset osteoporosis last year - and had to trade out swimming at the gym for brisk walking everyday for my bones. Just bought a treadmill for the house because it’s just too darn hot to be outside where I live! I spend most days…
  • My Mom was post by 48 - I became post when I was 50. She had a much easier time of it than I. 5 years in I still have such intense hot flashes they give me tachycardia! Geez...
  • Oh sleep - I miss you so!
  • Hello (again) all! I’m returning to MFP for about the fifth time! I’ve been post-meno for 5 years and was just diagnosed with osteoporosis the week before my 55th Birthday (ironically it was Osteoperosis Awareness Month). Bummed - but I’ll soldier on. Would love to friend some folks with the same issue! I’m incorporating…
  • Hi! I was just diagnosed with Osteoporosis two weeks ago. I’m returning to MFP to track my calcium and weight bearing exercises. I could use more support from others with osteoporosis - so feel free to friend me folks! I’m fairly young for this (just hit my mid-50s) - so my Dr. and I felt raloxifene was the way to go for…
  • So here we are Day 7 and still AF for the month so far. Been fighting small urges by taking time out to make and drink a cup of hot tea. Easy to do because it’s so friggin’ cold out. Have an outdoor nighttime concert to shoot photos at on Wednesday - it’ll be 42 degrees! Ugh - that’ll be rough without some alcohol in my…
  • I have a lot of things coming up this month that have been associated with alcohol consumption in the past - shooting photos at live concerts and business team meetings over a four-day period. It’s going to be interesting to see how being AF changes my photography and sociability. Decided to make an accountability thread,…
  • I’m planning on doing Dry January at least - and seeing where it takes me. I have so much I want to accomplish this year! Alcohol hinders my motivation - so out it goes. Not mentioning these plans to anyone else in my life. This is just for me.
  • I’m back again after a year or so off! I’m looking to build a mutually supportive network this time around - because I’m terrible at being accountable only to myself! Feel free to friend me! Let’s do this!
  • New meditator and returning yoga enthusiast at 55. I love learning about Buddhist philosophy, playing music with my band mates, my miracle IVDD survivor pup and my hubby. May y’all be happy, may y’all be well.
  • Hi everyone! I'm a little late to the party - but my end-of-January resolutions are: 1: Meditate at least once a day. (Just started my practice last week - but I've got 7 days in a row under my belt!) 2. Restrict wine to weekends only :( 3. Do at least 10 minutes of Spanish lessons every day on DuoLingo. 4. Drink water!…
  • Hi all! I've been on again, off again with MFP over the years as well. I'm back and totally motivated to stick to it and lose at least 30 pounds. I'm trying to build a community of friendly, reciprocal support because I know I'm bad at being accountable to myself. Feel free to friend me if you like!
  • I'm hot all the time too - and not in the good way! I hear you on the gain. I was eating less per day than my Mom - who weighs 105 pounds - and was still packing on the weight. I've cut out wine during the week and started eating what MFP says my calorie count should be - and I dropped 3 pounds in the first week (likely…
  • Hi! I'm looking to drop 30-40 pounds - and my food diary is open to friends. I'm looking to build a support network because I'm terrible at being accountable to only myself! You're welcome to friend me if you feel we're looking to accomplish similar things.
  • Hi all! Looking forward to getting to know everyone! I'm 52 and returning to MFP after (quite) some time off. I would love to lose 30 pounds - but my metabolism doesn't seem to want to cooperate at the moment. I've been with my awesome rockin' husband for 20+ years - no kids - but we do have a dog (a corgle named Ms.…
  • Hi all! I'm 52 and returning to MFP after (quite) some time off. Like many of you, I'm at my highest weight ever - with my metabolism slowing down to a crawl. I'd love to build a support community (I'm terrible at being accountable to myself) - so friend me if you like. Let's take this journey together! I'd like to lose at…
  • I'm 5'6 and now weighing in at 180 pounds. I've become a post-menopausal wine worshipping eating machine - but the buck stops here. Today. I did WW some years ago and was successful - but I can't remember what my calorie goal was at the time. MFP has me set to 1340 as a default - but I'm toying with the idea of going down…