

  • Thanks guys :) But the workouts in the site work ALL your muscles in the same workout !! Which is not effective as muscles being divided into muscle groups , such as : chest with shoulders , and biceps with triceps ... And so on ! It's true there's a lot of workouts on youtube , BUT the muscle groups aren't all the same ,…
  • The link didn't work :/ i couldn't find anything!
  • But for example , if one tomato on the data base says it has 20% calcium , on which RDA ? How much mg !? Cuz if it refers to 1300mg it will be 260mg , and if it refers to 1000mg it'll be 200mg ? See what i mean !? I can't know and i don't think anyone can
  • And how can i know how much is the RDA in myfitnesspal app !? How much is it !!? So i can calculate the foods !:)?
  • Actually i did my research and i figured that the RDA for calcium 1000mg , and the site you gave me says 1300mg , see what i mean !? I think MFP should make calcium be measured with mg directly :3 ! Cause i don't know what's the RDA in MFP app on iphone ! And i'm trying to gain weight so i don't know what the RDA should be…
  • Yeah but i think it differ for each person , age , hight , goal , ... Etc And some of the foods say 10% when it says 10% , depending on what !? 10% of the food , or my whole calories !? And the percentage on the foods i guess it refers to 2000 calories daily !!
  • How can i find the recommended dietary allowance ?
  • That's the point i just wanted to know Thanks though :D
  • Actually i'm trying ti gain weight and my protein goal is 137g daily Regardless , my macros are already devided in the MFP app , on saturday i ate 65% carbs , when i should've eaten only 50% , That's what i mean :3!
  • Guys please don't anyone know !!
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