

  • Combine grains with proteins and you will bloat. Its all about food combining if you're bloated. Drink 2tbsp raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar as well. It will help. Dilute it in water.
  • Lunges.....lunges.......lunges.....nice *kitten*!
  • Only go low carb if youre not doing anything. Youre body needs carbs to fuel and burn fats. Michael- Be a carnivore. All meat is High pro/low carb
  • Yogurt, cottage cheese, turkey franks, veggies, nuts, flax, etc...... Carbs dont make people fat. Extra calories (energy) make people fat. They can come from fats and protein as well. You most likely burn off those calories in the morning for breakfast. I wouldnt go low carb in the mornings. I go low carb before bed since…
  • Thanks. Thinking about getting into biking and this will help.
  • Ive had 2 sensors for about 2 years. It is cool how it tracks your runs, but they do make free GS apps to log your runs. I don't see a point in buying the sensor if you take your phone on your runs. You can use a free GPS app instead. The battery is replaceable in the sensor, but it's a pain to do so (requires solder).…
  • I just received this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000P8VWQS Works great for under $40. Tells me calories and all the reviews said it was pretty accurate.
  • Glad Im not the only one! I will be switching up cardio routines here and not doing any weighted leg workouts for a while then. Its so hard not to go out when its sunny and warm outside now. All winter I pounded the treadmill thinking of spring and summer and now Im taking a week or 2 off (hopefully thats all) so my body…
  • Thanks everyone. Just let me know what you want to know in this thread.
  • Watch that your knees don't go past your toes when doing squats or lunges. Glucosamine is a great supplement you can use as well.
    in Sore Knees Comment by Drewso April 2011