defined abs but bloated looking



  • sStephSs26
    sStephSs26 Posts: 40 Member
    k did that
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I had the same question a while back (although I'm nowhere near a flat stomach :P)... the best advice I got was to cut right back on the carbs from flour products (sticking to wholewheat if at all), eliminated a lot of the fats and sugars, and eat more veg.
    It's slowly started to go down for me.
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    I'd suggest it would either be water retention, bloating from slight food intolerance (gluten, dairy, that sort of thing) or eating too many gas producing foods like beans, lentils, broccoli, cauliflower, peas etc. Raw veg can sometimes make you a bit gassy.

    For beating the bloat, herbal teas are good particularly fennel, peppermint or nettle, or warm water with lemon juice, and avoid the main gas producing culprits - some fruits can be bad for producing gas as well as the vegetables above, mainly the ones that are higher in fructose, like apples, pears and stone fruits.

    You could try adding a good quality probiotic to your diet as well and see if that helps.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    k did that

    whats the matter, you couldn't find a smaller picture to put up?
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    When I had this problem, I began eating only chicken and fish, fruits and vegetables, brown rice, nuts and rye bread. I cut out processed foods, dairy (except for one serving of greek yogurt per day), red meat, starch... bah blah blah. Within a week the bloating was gone. I could eat until I was so full I felt about to throw up and my stomach was still flat as a board. This is pretty unbelievable, since even when I was little people would say I looked pregnant. Of course, when I went back to eating normally, the bloating came back. But it was nice for a few weeks!
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    When I had this problem, I began eating only chicken and fish, fruits and vegetables, brown rice, nuts and rye bread. I cut out processed foods, dairy (except for one serving of greek yogurt per day), red meat, starch... bah blah blah. Within a week the bloating was gone. I could eat until I was so full I felt about to throw up and my stomach was still flat as a board. This is pretty unbelievable, since even when I was little people would say I looked pregnant. Of course, when I went back to eating normally, the bloating came back. But it was nice for a few weeks!

    This is how I eat on a regular basis, with the exception of rice, bread, and yogurt, and I too have well-defined abs but a bloated lower abdomen. I started loading up on probiotics a couple days ago, but have yet to notice a difference. Oh, and I drink mass quantities of water... nothing seems to help.
  • go4itjoanna
    go4itjoanna Posts: 69 Member
    do you eat a lot of dairy (or even just a little)? you might be intolerant. give it up for a week and your tummy might be flat as can be.
  • go4itjoanna
    go4itjoanna Posts: 69 Member
    i don't eat dairy, i switched to almond milk in the morning. As for carbs I only have kashi cereal once a day, which I was hoping would up my fiber. I def could cut down on the sugars though, thanks for the help! I would upload a pic to give a better idea but I'm not sure how?

    sorry, just read your reply.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    Try an over the counter probiotic (not yogurt - pills) - any kind. That helped me with the bloat!
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    I hate to tell you this, but it may just be how you're built. Just like some women have large breasts and some have small, some women have a curved tummy and some don't. You can change the size of your tummy but, if you have a natural curve there, you may never get rid of it entirely. The bottom line is, not all women CAN have a flat stomach.

    I'm going to agree with you here. My lower abdomen has always had a curved shape to it as you look side on. My mums is the same and she is very skinny

    Eating cleaner amd plenty of core exercise has really improved my abs but I think it will always have that rounded shape to it, despite it feeling quite solid
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    k did that

    whats the matter, you couldn't find a smaller picture to put up?


    Ya I look at this as a non issue, seriously I see nothing.
  • dwiebe85
    dwiebe85 Posts: 123
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    i don't eat dairy, i switched to almond milk in the morning. As for carbs I only have kashi cereal once a day, which I was hoping would up my fiber. I def could cut down on the sugars though, thanks for the help! I would upload a pic to give a better idea but I'm not sure how?
    Irregular bowel movements can cause bloating.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    i don't eat dairy, i switched to almond milk in the morning. As for carbs I only have kashi cereal once a day, which I was hoping would up my fiber. I def could cut down on the sugars though, thanks for the help! I would upload a pic to give a better idea but I'm not sure how?

    I just read your comment about Kashi cereal. I love this cereal, the only one that I like, but I had to stop eating it because the high fiber was really affecting my bowels and I had stomach distention.

    My doctor even run tests to determine if a had Celiac (negative), and after several trials and errors tests we determined that the high fiber in Kashi (Kashi Go Lean), was my problem.
  • sStephSs26
    sStephSs26 Posts: 40 Member
    i don't quite get it, i posted a pic of my stomach as it was last weekend, it's relative to my topic, as I've worked hard for a six pack but it remains bloated. fail to see the humor
  • sStephSs26
    sStephSs26 Posts: 40 Member
    that's a good point about the kashi! I read the book "the skinny rules" and it spoke of what grains to eat and I stuck with kashi because it fit the bill for ingredients, but the fiber is high. thank u!
  • Drewso
    Drewso Posts: 16
    Combine grains with proteins and you will bloat. Its all about food combining if you're bloated. Drink 2tbsp raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar as well. It will help. Dilute it in water.
  • sStephSs26
    sStephSs26 Posts: 40 Member
    @drewso, thanks for the tip! apple cider vinegar has helped me in the past! I havent taken it in a while, but I think i'll give it another go
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    i don't quite get it, i posted a pic of my stomach as it was last weekend, it's relative to my topic, as I've worked hard for a six pack but it remains bloated. fail to see the humor

    You're far away and back lit in the photo. It's impossible to see anything other than the fact that you look fantastic.
  • I had to join this site because of this post. I have the exact same problem. Defined upper abs and a distended lower belly. Did you ever try anything that worked?