Nathmich2 Member


  • I have suffered with nasty hot flashes, especially at night. I started taking Black Cohosh (found in the natural supplement aisle) a few weeks ago, and I've barely had any hot flashes. It hasn't helped with the forgetfulness, weight gain, etc. but at least I don't feel like I'm going to explode from the heat anymore.
  • Yes! I bought into it about three-weeks ago and love it. Like you said, it's "normal" food that doesn't take 15 ingredients and hours to prepare. I've also found that my grocery bill is a bit lower. There are some meals that I know my family won't touch, but for the most part they've been good recipes.
    in eMeals Comment by Nathmich2 July 2012
  • I've taken Zoloft for about 6-years. I'm on 100 mg. Yes, I did notice a weight gain when I went on it. But then again, I'm a woman in my 40's so the gain I'm sure is also related to mid-life hormones wreaking havoc on me. I tried going off of it about a year ago and felt like crap. So, I'd rather have a few extra pounds on…
  • IOWA - Go Cyclones!!
  • I just finished my first week as well! My problem wasn't the breathing, it was the sore legs and hips. But, I know that it takes time for bones, muscles, etc. to adapt and get stronger so I will continue.
  • On heavy-duty cleaning days I wear a heart rate monitor so I know exactly how many calories I'm burning.