Completed week 1 of C25K

jkwcmw27 Posts: 15
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
So week one is down. The first day did not seem so bad but the other 2 days were rough. But I did not quit. :) Think we might need to repeat week one. I can not seem to get my breathing under control. My husband thinks it is all in my head, which is a very good possibility. I could be psyching my self out. Guess we will see what next week brings. My goal is to continue to not give up. Even if it is rough to still complete my jogging intervals and to believe in my self.


  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    I don't known anything about you health-wise so you have to do what is best for you. If that means repeating weeks then that is what you should do and there is no shame in that. I am currently on week 2, day 2 but I completed the entire C25K program last year. Some advice I got was to at least try it each new week and see if you can do it. If not, you can always go back to the previous week. Believe it or not, most of the time I could do it. Our bodies are usually capable of more than we think. Whatever you decide, be proud because every time you get out there, you are accomplishing something. :)
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member

    I'm going to be starting C25K next week, definitely want to see how it's going for others!!
  • dddttt
    dddttt Posts: 39 Member
    Way to go! :)
    If you have trouble breating, make sure you go... slow enough! What I found helped me, was inhaling with my nose, exhaling with mouth. Makes breathing more steady. :) Also, a mantra! I keep repeating to myself that I should go steady and smoothly, like water :)
    C25K is wonderful, very much worth sticking to! Good luck with it!
  • Very nice work!! I am on week 6 day 3 myself, but I also had trouble breathing the first couple of weeks since I have never run before in my life. A friend helped me with having a breathing rhythm on each step, instead of my normal gasping (I have asthma), and it has worked wonders. I now on struggle when it is really warm or humid outside.
  • jkwcmw27
    jkwcmw27 Posts: 15
    Thanks everyone for all the great advice. I am going to try week 2 day 1 on sunday and see how it goes. Then I will decide what to do. As long as I do give up i am sure I will make it there eventually. :)
  • Nathmich2
    Nathmich2 Posts: 9 Member
    I just finished my first week as well! My problem wasn't the breathing, it was the sore legs and hips. But, I know that it takes time for bones, muscles, etc. to adapt and get stronger so I will continue.
  • jkwcmw27
    jkwcmw27 Posts: 15
    I had a problem with being sore also. After day 1 my thighs hurt really bad. So on day 2 after we did our run we went to the beach and went swimming. That helped stretch my legs out so they did not hurt so bad but today I have to work so we could not do that and my calves hurt pretty bad today.
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