Agreed, Celebrate it because you are awesome :D It takes effort and time and will power and one hell of a mindset to do what you're doing and you have that!! Be proud! Congrats, that's a great loss. Dance around the house when no one is in;)
Yeah missus, 1000 calories is far too little :( Bet you didn't think we'd be saying that to you! haha
I don't know if this is any help to you, but this is what I do. I have a horrible horrible time keeping habit so I'm late getting up every morning, so it's usually a rush up, dress and out the door and usually forgot about breakfast until lunch time etc. My instructor at my gym told me to have breakfast and do what it…
Oh I am sort of the same. Decided to do skipping (jump rope), got 3 done and had to stop because my boobs really, really, hurt!! And I love skipping!!!! :(
Looking amazing, very fit and healthy! Well done :D
I noticed that too, non diet drinks do that to me. Soon as I start drinking non diet drinks/water and open even a bottle of Coke or ORange etc, the weight just balloons! It's nuts!
Congrats :D
My watch. It's like, overnight it went from fitting fine - not even tight - to slipping all over my arm with massive amounts of space between the strap and my wrist and skin. haha
Oh god I am the *exact* same - diet Pepsi too! I just make sure to not overdo it and to keep my water intake for the day in my mind so I reach for water instead of Pepsi. It makes a nice change from drinking just water all the time!
Well done!!!! You look fabulous and so fresh :)
Thanks Lotus, that's really great to hear :)
Sent request :D Have a friend in IReland :D
It took me a long time to learn that, it is very much so a lifestyle change :) I never thought of my body being used to what I do at the time. Yeah 3 times a week, the same routine over and over. I'll talk to my trainer next time I'm there and get it changed up - good idea, thank you :) As for food, I'm kinda eating what I…
Holy sword :O Well done, very well done! You look fabulous!
From my own experiences I've noticed that it seems to be 20 lbs per size, give or take a lb.
Congrats! Very well done :)
I snack on Cracottes or Rice Cakes (you can get rice cakes with caramel and other flavours) Special K Mini breaks are just delicious too!
Stunning :)