

  • I tel people because I'm on low carbs, and they keep offering me food. There's a lot of food I can (and do) eat, but most of what you get offered is bread/cake or fruit. My mother in law always asks me if I want a bread with honey. I feel like talking against a wall, so I keep reminding her that I don't eat bread and honey.
  • Well, depends. As a rule of thumb, those growing beneath the earth are high on carbs (potatoes, carrots). There's a great website listing all vegetables and how high on carbs, protein etc they are. Unfortunately for most (if not all) of you, it's in German, so I won't post the link here. You can eat tomatoes, radishes,…
  • I'm on low carbs (under 30g/day), and it suits me fine. I can eat cheese and eggs and fat, and I'm never hungry and don't have the chocolate craving. Having NO choc at home helps, obviously, but I used to eat Nutella when there was no choc, and now I never feel like eating that. I have lots of energy, even more AFTER…
  • I never had a weight problem until I entered menopause. Plus, I lost my job, sat at the PC all day and ate chocolate. I'm still not what you'd call overweight, but my body fat percentage is too high, and my clothes don't fit any more. So now I set about to get my normal weight back.
  • I've never heard that babies have to be fed with cereals, especially not at that young age! What if your son was allergic to gluten? Anyway, I think I'd best start with introducing myslef. :) Name: Hellsbells Age: 49 Kids: 2 (adults) Pets: none Married/SO: Married Eating Lifestyle: LCHF Starting weight: 66kg (I think it…
  • I hardly ever reach my calorie goal. I make sure to get enough protein, so I think there shouldn't be a problem. At least that's what I hope. :)
  • I'm doing the low carbs high fat diet, and it works a treat. I try not to get over 30 carbs a day, but I do allow myself to get over that occasionally (like today, when my son had cooked a delicious lasagne). Make sure you get enough proteins. All vegetables and fruit that are high on fructose should be avoided. Same goes…
  • Potatoes, rice, pasta and everything high on carbs had to go. Shame, because I got chocolate for Easter. Anybody wants it? ;-)