bostonmia Member


  • My ultimate recommendation is getting the book Nutrient Timing, researched approach at losing/gaining/sustaining weight based on PERSONAL goals, lifestyle, body comp, etc. This really truly may open your eyes. Thought I would share this with you, I know most of us think immediately Thyroid and agree that when you test on…
  • Absolutely!! Depending on the type of exercise plan you are own, diet plan, intake for women can be between .8-1gram /kilogram body weight. You'll find this info is pretty standard: Men and women protein intake range based on ideal body weight: •Minimum Daily Protein Requirement: W.H.O. recommends 0.45 grams of protein per…
  • I am a trainer who works out between 6-7/week and the same happens to me. But please keep in mind when you are losing 2 lbs a week a good portion of that weight comes from water and muscle. Rule of thumb for the best way to lose mostly fat and keep it off is to lose 1/2 to maybe 1 lb week from diet and exercise combined.…
  • Dairy is tough, because sugar count comes from Lactose (which is sugar) as well as any added sugars. I would take a look at the plain version of the yogurt (no fruit, no flavor) and see if that helps you to guage what is being added in. For example the Total Fage site discloses that they do not use any added sugars, so it…
  • Also, just a side bar, most women don't have the amount of Testosterone flowing naturally in our bodies to be jacked up so quickly from lifting weights. Also, taking Birth Control with higher estrogen and lower androgens makes it harder for us to just pack on the muscles lbs. I would say most women who train don't even…
  • First off don't get discouraged, plateauing is the hardest part, but once you overcome it you'll feel great. So I'm not really sure that this calculator takes into account an updated BMR. As you lose weight you will actually need less calories per day then when you started. So I would suggest recalculating your BMR at your…
  • Do you have a gym membership? If you do, you can ask the fitness office if they can do your body composition assessments. Best to go in the afternoon when your body is fully hydrated before working on to get a more accurate read. Either they will have a scale of some sort or will go the old school (or rather my favorite…
  • If you don't mind sharing, do you know what your current body fat % is? I understand seeing a number on the scale is important, but if you are strength training and have a decent cardio program going you may be dropping fat lbs and replacing with muscle. And of course who doesn't want more muscle, because muscle burns more…
  • This sounds great! Just a suggestion to make it even healther, supplement Agave Nectar for the honey, it is a much lower GI food and natural so it does not cause your insulin levels to spike :) Honey is about 60-85 on GI scale and Agave is only 11-30 typically Lower GI means less of an Insulin spike and less inflammatory…
  • I've tried all kinds of ways to approach eating, vegatarian, no-dairy, no wheat, non-acidic, sugar free... lol You name it, I tried it. And I did this all to see how my body performed best. And honestly, the less processed or unnatural sugar in my body the happier and healthier I am. This is a repost of a response I gave…
  • As a trainer I recommend whey protein isolate as the first ingredient to any good clean protein powder. Two of the proteins I've used consistently for years is either vanilla or natural flavored. Precision Engineered or Designer Whey. The second one you can find super cheap at along with any other…
  • I think we've all been there at one point or another in our lives, where we just sit there and ask "how much more can we really handle!". It seems to be once you have one thing under control the rest goes haywire. But the reality is, we're really not in control of much except how we react and how we feel. The few things…
  • Just a suggestion about using Tilapia, even though it tastes great, it's health benefits are not . Most Tilapia and other fish such as cat fish from the store are farm raised fish and dote low levels of the good fat Omega 3 and high levels of Omega 6. Omega 6 is something we get in our diet from almost every packaged…
  • Added sugar and high fructose corn syrup are ingredients you should work on avoiding in your diet at all costs. Ingesting sugar into your body causes Insulin spikes and high levels can help lead your body to store fat. So if you think not paying attention to the amount of sugar grams you are eating (especially those not…
    in sugar Comment by bostonmia February 2010