Why am I Always over on sugar!!!??

Caz89 Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Apart from the obvious of eating to many sugary foods apparently! Any suggestions to ensure I stay under? I ldont drink anything with sugar or eat sweets etc and I mainly eat veg? I have a clementine after lunch which I know is sugary but any ideas what to graze on with low sugar levels?


  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Don't worry as much about the sugar from your fruits and veggies. The link below has more explanation.

  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    I feel the same way. I always eat an apple and its always high, but my feeling was its a good sugar.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Ditto. I was tracking sugar only to see which foods have hidden sugars - I am not eating a lot of those and I was always "over" from eating fresh fruit. Now I've stopped tracking sugar and am tracking fiber instead :drinker:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    No worries. If your sugar is coming from natural sources (fruits & veggies), your body metabolizes them differently than the naughty sugars found in junk food.
  • hthurman
    hthurman Posts: 10 Member
    I am always over on sugar as well. I use to be worried about sugar until several people told me not to worry. I don't eat candy or drink pop so it isn't a huge concern to me at this point. AND sodium! Any suggestions on trying to cut out some sodium? That seems to be my weakness, I stay right on my goal with the rest except when it comes to sodium.
  • bostonmia
    bostonmia Posts: 15 Member
    I've tried all kinds of ways to approach eating, vegatarian, no-dairy, no wheat, non-acidic, sugar free... lol You name it, I tried it. And I did this all to see how my body performed best. And honestly, the less processed or unnatural sugar in my body the happier and healthier I am. This is a repost of a response I gave to someone on sugar, it's effects and how to curb them. The grams of sugar is not the only thing you need to be concerned about, but also the effect they have on your body. Staying away from sweetners is best as well, stick with Stevia at all costs! Almond milk instead of real milk, agave instead of honey, berries instead of citrus, etc

    REPOST: Added sugar and high fructose corn syrup are ingredients you should work on avoiding in your diet at all costs. Ingesting sugar into your body causes Insulin spikes and high levels can help lead your body to store fat. So if you think not paying attention to the amount of sugar grams you are eating (especially those not coming from fruits and dairy) you may be fighting a greater battle to drop that fat. There are some simple ways to keep your blood sugar levels from spiking from ingesting carbs, for example adding cinnamon into your diet, such as on oatmeal, cereal, apples, in your coffee. Another tip is to drink two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (unfiltered) prior to eating a higher carb meal, such as whole wheat pasta, bagel, bread, etc. When eating cereals, you should aim for those with less than 10grams as well as any other food that is not a whole food. Hope this little insight helps open your eyes to all of the ways you can look at nutrition. Oh, added sugar also is a major factor in inflammation throughout your body that is a catalyst to many diseases!

    Cheers ~
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